That’s a weird version of what the working class is. It’s like the Daily Mail definition.
One of those anarchist organisations you dislike had this to say:
The media keep using the phrase "white working class". Do you think the working class is white?
Well, the working class is most of us. So that means it's black people, white people, Asians, trans people, cis people, gay, straight, men, women, people with disabilities. People you see all around you. People who need to work to live. And we all have that in common. The same relationship to ownership.
But isn't the working class reactionary?
That's the story we're told to hold us back. But if you're afraid of the working class, you're afraid of yourself, to mangle a Fred Hampton quote. A friend of mine said something the other day, we were talking about this, and it made me laugh: "they can come and call me homophobic if they want. I'm queer as fuck. They can fuck right off". That's what people forget. Who is the working class? It's us.
It's Uber delivery riders, shop workers, care workers, bar tenders, cleaners, flight attendants, call centre workers. That's what makes us working class. But we're also gay, straight, trans, cis, black, white and all those other things too.
In this new occasional series, we’ll be speaking to comrades about what being in the ACN means to them. In this first interview, we speak to Steve in Glasgow. Steve, we describe ourselves as …