I’ve never thought of this before, and maybe it’s a false argument. It almost certainly won’t be popular on here, especially with some posters.
Is it possible that the CP was the last time there was a revolutionary party in the UK that was composed mostly of people who weren’t dysfunctional and /or excluded from their communities in some way?
After being raised by parents who where both paid full timers ( morning star and YCL) I dabbled with revolutionary end of politics for a while and am probably somewhat dysfunctional in many ways; I still know people who were, and some who are, involved in revolutionary politics of different left stripes. Now there are a few people who are grounded, sorted and well balanced. But they are the stand out exceptions.
Perhaps with the CP it was just the size of the movement. Perhaps it was because many members between 1900 and, say 1970 genuinely thought they would be part of a system that was actually running the country within a decade. ( rather than just protesting and offering an alternative vision) or perhaps it was the Russian influence keeping it sane by weeding out those they saw as liabilities to their mission?
(Perhaps it’s analogous to how the most effective and dangerous organised crime groups are composed of people who come from societies that are so poor that crime is a rational choice and so people committing crime are drawn from a much wider spectrum of people most of whom are stable and capable. Not irrational and flakey who fail at most things they have tried, including crime? )
Anyway, old commies mostly not mad, modern revolutionaries not so much. Discuss