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Vigil to be held for man who fell to his death after Metropolitan Police used Taser
A world powerlifting champion police sergeant has been dismissed from Hampshire Constabulary after shocking CCTV footage showed him using excessive force to detain a vulnerable woman who suffered post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of an abusive former partner.

The footage showed Sergeant Simon Lythgoe restrain the vulnerable female detainee causing her to cry out in pain and accuse the officer of having anger issues.

A disciplinary panel heard Sergeant Simon Lythgoe had access to records informing police the woman had previously been in an abusive relationship and suffered from depression due to the death of her daughter exactly one year before the arrest.

Additional footage showed Sergeant Simon Lythgoe emerge from his desk and grab a male detainee by the neck before pushing him to the ground because he 'aggressively' looked at another officer:

Hampshire police officer, Sergeant Simon Lythgoe, sacked for using ‘extreme’ force against detainees







Sergeant Simon Lythgoe served as an officer with Hampshire Constabulary for around 25 years and in 2018, broke a bench pressing world record by pushing 231kg.


The Deputy Chief Constable of Hampshire Police, Sam de Reya, said the force used by Sergeant Simon Lythgoe was 'incredibly disappointing and completely unjustified'.

She added: 'The panel has concluded the physical actions of Sgt Lythgoe were simply inexcusable.

'On behalf of the force, I would like to apologise to the victims in this case and thank the colleague who stepped forward to challenge and report behaviour.'
If you choose to apply to do a job where you may shoot and kill someone, accept a job where you may shoot and kill someone, train to do a job where you may shoot and kill someone, and are paid to do a job where you may shoot and kill someone, don't get all huffy teenager if after shooting and killing someone you have to justify it 🤷

I think there point is that sending people out with guns to prepare to shoot people who may very well trying to kill or others and if they fuck it up. They get dragged through endless investigations and charged with murder maybe a tad harsh.

Personally I think the protest by the officers is bollocks and trial probably going to be bit of show trial and satisfy no one
The "intelligence" was that Chris Kaba was possibly armed he was a gang member and his associates are on trial for conspriacy.
So when a hard stop was initiated it all goes pair shaped. Mr Kaba has to make moves that look like he's surrendering and not reaching for a weapon. Firearms officer needs to be a mind reader for it to be a non chance of a fuck up . So Mr Kaba is set up to be killed If I'm confronted by armed police on my way to the bus stop if they have been told I'm armed or a sucide bomber my chances of survival are pretty fucking slim I've got to immeditaly raise my hands and comply rather than go what the fuck and panic even worse if your driving putting the handbrake on could be seen as reaching for a weapon.

you might possibly get a manslaughter conviction but murder would be a massive stretch.
I'd argue the gold Commander or whoever was in charge who intiated the "hard stop" if they sincerely belived Chris Kaba was off to commit another attack or escape the tail was one thing doing it for other reasons to get it over with cut the o/t time bill or whatever much harder to justify
Unfortunately, this is complete nonsense:

I think there point is that sending people out with guns to prepare to shoot people who may very well trying to kill or others and if they f*ck it up. They get dragged through endless investigations and charged with murder maybe a tad harsh.

The fact that armed police are armed cannot mean that they must be made exempt from being capable of being charged with murder if they murder someone while they are armed. That is not "maybe a tad harsh", it is the operation of the law.

The "intelligence" was that Chris Kaba was possibly armed he was a gang member and his associates are on trial for conspriacy.

What is becoming disturbing are the increasingly desperate attempts to try and ensure that the trial of the currently anonymous Metropolitan Police officer charged with the murder of the Late Chris Kaba cannot proceed fairly, to the extent that the Recorder of London has seen fit to issue a public warning regarding Contempt of Court.

Suffice to say that as long ago as 4 October 2022, the statement from the Independent Office for Police Conduct read out at the opening of the inquest into the death of Chris Kaba, which was stated as being "based upon the evidence collated to date in this investigation" stated that "Mr Kaba’s name was not included" in the briefing that led to the police's actions. The standard procedure of demonising the victim of lethal police action has been undermined by the fact that it seems likely that the identity of occupant of the vehicle concerned was unknown to the police officers involved in the incident.
Taking action in the heat of the moment on the basis of potentially biased information always runs the risk of an innocent person getting killed. Look at some of the shootings in the US, like Breonna Taylor - shot in her own apartment on the assumption there was drug dealing even though the apartment wasn't searched. The police burst in, likely without announcing themselves, her boyfriend rightly assumes intruders (they were), he fires 1 shot, they fire back 32 bullets, six of which hit Breonna.
A serving police officer based at Bournemouth police station “became an animal” as he raped a friend, a court has heard.

PC Ravi Canhye, who serves with Dorset Police, is alleged to have slapped and bitten the woman before pinning her down and raping her.

PC Ravi Canhye allegedly then threatened to abuse her with his truncheon and a vodka bottle, Winchester Crown Court heard earlier today:

Dorset police officer accused of raping friend 'became an animal' court told


(Source: as stated in image)

PC Ravi Canhye is on trial facing two charges of rape, one count of attempted rape, three charges of assault of penetration and one of sexual assault against one woman.

These offences are alleged to have taken place between 8 and 11 April 2022.

PC Ravi Canhye also faces an offence of the sexual assault of a second woman on 10 April 2022.

PC Ravi Canhye reportedly won a National Policing Award in 2009 as a special constable in Ealing, West London, for his work identifying people with mental health issues.

The trial of PC Ravi Canhye continues:

"A police officer accused of raping a friend has told a court that the alleged victim accused him of rape after he told her the “consensual sex” had been a “mistake” ..."

Police officer says friend accused him of rape after he said sex was ‘mistake’
I looked but there doesn't seem to be a more appropriate thread to put this. Not in the same league as all the other awful offences previously listed. Anyway, police in complete lapdogs shocker:


E2a there's a vid. A ridiculous amount of OB for one coachload of people. Total waste of money and resources:

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One of the more senior police officers to have appeared here:

"A police officer is said to have committed gross misconduct by obtaining CCTV footage of an incident involving his wife and her business partner.

Detective Superintendent Richard Myszczyszyn claimed he was investigating an allegation of harassment and needed to see the material, despite being off-duty and no formal complaint having been submitted ...

Lincolnshire Police Officer Richard Myszczyszyn misled shop worker to get CCTV, panel told

"A Detective Superintendent claims he had "lost control of protecting his family" which led to him breaching police standards to obtain CCTV footage. The third day of a misconduct hearing for Detective Superintendent Richard Myszczyszyn, 43, was held on Wednesday, September 27, at Lincolnshire Police Headquarters in Nettleham, where he is stationed ..."

Superintendent claims he misled staff to obtain CCTV as he had 'lost control of protecting family'

"A senior police officer admits he "pushed the boundaries" to obtain CCTV footage for evidence relating to his wife's harassment claims ..."

Senior Lincolnshire Police officer admits he 'pushed boundaries' to get CCTV footage


(Source: LDR)

On his LinkedIn page, Detective Superintendent Richard Myszczyszyn, Head of CID and Investigative Standards, Lincolnshire Police, states:

"Throughout my career, I have developed a reputation as a trusted and results-oriented leader, with expertise in safeguarding, risk management, project management, partnership working, and investigations."


In the words of his own employers, Lincolnshire Police (29 September 2023):

A misconduct hearing was held between 25 and 29 September 2023 at Lincolnshire Police headquarters for Detective Superintendent Myszczyszyn.

Following the hearing Detective Superintendent Myszczyszyn was found to have breached the following standards of professional behaviour:

Authority, Respect and Courtesy

Orders and Instructions

Discreditable conduct

In September 2022 he entered a supermarket whilst off duty and identified himself as a police officer, he misled the supermarket worker by telling them that he was investigating an allegation of harassment when he was not acting in a professional capacity. He did not disclose that he was personally connected to the individuals involved in the alleged incident and had led the shopworker to believe that he was acting in his official capacity as a police officer when making a request for CCTV. He also used a personal mobile phone to record that footage.

He was cleared of breaching the standards of professional behaviour by accessing police systems in unrelated cases when he did not have a policing purpose.

The chair of the independent panel, Mr David Tyme, found the breaches proven amounted to misconduct.

The outcome of the hearing was that Detective Superintendent Myszczyszyn was given a written warning for a duration of 18 months.
Married police inspector denies raping woman in hotel


(Source: itv.com)

Inspector Clive Summerill, who is based in South Gloucestershire, said in a police interview they had a "drunken fumble" but did not have sex.

A criminal investigation was launched by an independent police force but no further action was taken, the panel heard.

Inspector Clive Summerill, who has now been found to have raped a woman in a hotel room while off-duty, has been dismissed without notice following a misconduct hearing.

The hearing, led by a Legally Qualified Chair who is independent of policing, found that Inspector Clive Summerill committed rape against the woman, known throughout the hearing as Person A, in a hotel room outside of the Avon and Somerset area in 2021:

Officer dismissed after misconduct hearing panel concludes he committed rape


(Source: Avon and Somerset Police)

A criminal investigation was carried out by an independent police force, with the outcome being no further action due to insufficient evidence.
Inspector Clive Summerill, who has now been found to have raped a woman in a hotel room while off-duty, has been dismissed without notice following a misconduct hearing.

The hearing, led by a Legally Qualified Chair who is independent of policing, found that Inspector Clive Summerill committed rape against the woman, known throughout the hearing as Person A, in a hotel room outside of the Avon and Somerset area in 2021:

Officer dismissed after misconduct hearing panel concludes he committed rape


(Source: Avon and Somerset Police)

A criminal investigation was carried out by an independent police force, with the outcome being no further action due to insufficient evidence.
Just curious how this picture from Avon & Somerset police but the one in 2461 which is clearly not separated by more than a minute is said to come from a different source
Serving Metropolitan Police officer, PC Rupert Edwards from Ashtead, Surrey, who is charged with raping two women 11 days apart, has now been granted bail. The first rape is alleged to have happened in Epsom on 26 August 2022. The second is said to have taken place somewhere in Lambeth on 5 September 2022:

Met Police: Officer charged with two rapes granted bail


(Source: as stated in image)


Serving Metropolitan Police officer, PC Rupert Edwards, must live and sleep at his aunt’s address in Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex, with an electronically-monitored curfew between 8pm and 8am.

PC Rupert Edwards cannot go into the M25 area, apart from to attend court or pre-arranged meetings with his lawyers, and must not contact any of the complainants or prosecution witnesses in the case.

A serving Metropolitan Police officer raped two women in 11 days after meeting them in bars while off duty, a court has heard.

Suspended PC Rupert Edwards, 30, is alleged to have raped one woman in Epsom, Surrey, on 26 August 2022 and the other in Lambeth, south London, on 5 September 2022, Inner London Crown Court heard earlier today.

PC Rupert Edwards, from Ashtead, Surrey, denies attacking the complainants, who are in their 20s and 30s:

Metropolitan Police officer raped two women in 11 days, court told
A serving Metropolitan Police officer raped two women in 11 days after meeting them in bars while off duty, a court has heard.

Suspended PC Rupert Edwards, 30, is alleged to have raped one woman in Epsom, Surrey, on 26 August 2022 and the other in Lambeth, south London, on 5 September 2022, Inner London Crown Court heard earlier today.

PC Rupert Edwards, from Ashtead, Surrey, denies attacking the complainants, who are in their 20s and 30s:

Metropolitan Police officer raped two women in 11 days, court told
A lot of nuance around consent in that case. A. Lot.
Poorly drafted:

"Of the dozen boroughs that saw officers committing crimes inside police stations, one sexual offence, which could be rape or sexual assault, took place in Brent. Bromley, Havering, Hillingdon, and Westminster all saw violence against the person committed by officers, which could stretch from harassment to grievous bodily harm, whilst there were thefts in two boroughs as well and miscellaneous crimes against society (crimes with no direct victim) committed in others."

One in 10 crimes committed by Met cops inside police stations are sex assaults


“There is much more work to do and we are not complacent. We are heartened by how the overwhelming majority of officers and staff are stepping forward to build a better Met. We hope that the progress set out today reassures Londoners that we are doing all we can deliver an organisation they deserve and our people are proud of.”
The Ogston sex trafficking story in last week's Sunday Times was mentioned on the Russell Brand thread, but this detail (and probably much else) belongs here:
The Metropolitan Police received reports of his use of women and drug consumption in 2012 and 2013. Despite acknowledging criminality at his property, detectives failed to investigate. In 2016, Scotland Yard contacted a woman who Ogston had paid for sex and subsequently accused of blackmail. Extraordinarily, an officer sent two emails they had received in which the woman alleged exploitation by Ogston back to the man himself. The officer also assured Ogston they were running checks and trying to find an address for her. The millionaire then hired a private detective to track her down.

The Met now says it has launched an investigation into potential wrongdoing by officers. It said the Directorate of Professional Standards (DPS) was assessing its handling of complaints involving Ogston and called on any alleged victims of trafficking or modern slavery to come forward.

Paywall busted :

Millionaire’s ‘sex worker immigration scandal’​

Police failed to investigate philanthropist when alerted to complaints​


PC Ravi Canhye of Dorset Police, and based at Bournemouth police station, has now been found guilty of raping a friend who accused him of abusing her "like an animal".

PC Ravi Canhye carried out a series of sexual attacks on the woman and her friend over the course of the weekend of 8-11 April 2022.

PC Ravi Canhye was convicted by a jury at Winchester Crown Court of two rapes, three assaults by penetration, an attempted rape and two sexual assaults.

Earlier today, PC Ravi Canhye of Dorset Police was imprisoned for 16 and a half years at Winchester Crown Court:

‘Predatory’ policeman who raped friend threatened to abuse victim with truncheon


(Source: as stated in image)

Dorset Police have confirmed that PC Ravi Canhye was suspended after the allegations were made and will now face misconduct proceedings.
That's a pretty hefty sentence, well deserved.

There's been a definite uptick in the severity of sentences given this year, which is welcome and long overdue. Sexual offences have been brushed under the carpet for far too long.
Former PC Thomas Hill from Deal, Kent, who sent sexualised texts to a vulnerable woman who he met while on duty has been imprisoned.

According to the Independent Office for Police Conduct, former PC Thomas Hill abused his power to have the inappropriate sexual relationship with the woman after the pair met while he was supervising her in a hospital. Former PC Thomas Hill met the woman after she was arrested for an offence in December 2020 and was asked to supervise her while she was being treated at the Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital in Margate.

Former PC Thomas Hill, who had previously pleaded guilty to misconduct in public office, was sentenced to six months in prison at Southwark Crown Court on 4 October 2023:

Canterbury police officer jailed over relationship with suspect


Former PC Thomas Hill resigned from Kent Police prior to being sentenced but a fast-track disciplinary hearing chaired by the Chief Constable will still take place now court proceedings have concluded.


After sentencing, Independent Office for Police Conduct regional director Mel Palmer said: 'Abuse of power for a sexual purpose is a breach of the public's trust, which seriously undermines confidence in the police service and discredits the profession.

'PC Hill's behaviour was a form of serious corruption and has absolutely no place in policing.'

'To make matters worse, PC Hill initiated the relationship while she was being treated in hospital and he had been sent to supervise her.
Say what you like about the British cops, and I understand that this video is hardly typical, but in any other country anyone talking to a polis like that would get their skull cracked.
Is it too soon for a 'fuck off Dwyer '? Why did you come back anyway.

Police violence of any kind on anybody is never ok.
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(Source: as stated in image)

PC Clifford Mitchell of Toland Square in Putney, who is attached to the Metropolitan Police's West Area Basic Command Unit, and who has now been suspended, appeared in custody at Westminster Magistrates' Court today but did not enter a plea.

District judge Briony Clarke sent the case to Croydon Crown Court on 5 October 2023.

Yesterday, the Metropolitan Police's suspended PC Clifford Mitchell appeared via video link from HMP Wandsworth at Croydon Crown Court to deny eight counts including five counts of rape, kidnapping two people and a breach of a non-molestation order.

PC Clifford Mitchell is accused of raping the same woman on occasions between April 2020 and September 2023 and of kidnapping her and another person last month:

Metropolitan Police officer denies five rape and two kidnapping charges


PC Clifford Mitchell will stand trial at Croydon Crown Court from 5 February 2024, though Judge Michael Evans KC indicated that the case may be tried by a High Court judge.
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