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Filth by name. . .

Metropolitan Police officer Detective Sergeant Stephen Redgewell abused power and used racist language, report finds


Former Metropolitan Police officer Detective Sergeant Stephen Redgewell “abused his position” as deputy general secretary and treasurer of the Metropolitan Police Federation by “behaving in a predatory manner” towards the woman he was representing in employment tribunal matters. In one message to the married Asian officer, who was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder after being involved in an undercover operation, it is claimed he said: “Sleep well my dirty Catwoman.” In another, after she told him she had a temperature, he is alleged to have replied: “Stick a thermometer up your bum lol xx”.

Detective Sergeant Stephen Redgewell had been representing the woman through his role as deputy general secretary of the Metropolitan Police Federation.

He resigned from the force in 2018 after it was revealed that he had had sexual intercourse with 52-year old "Vampire loving dominatrix" Denise Pearce "about seven times" in his office at the Police Federation in Bromley.

It appears that ultimately, the taxpayer will end up paying for the legal consequences of the depraved behaviour of former Metropolitan Police officer and deputy general secretary and treasurer of the Metropolitan Police Federation Detective Sergeant Stephen Redgewell:

"An Asian police officer is suing the Met Police for sexual harassment and discrimination after receiving "hundreds" of racist and sexist messages from a senior colleague ..."

Metropolitan Police officer sues over 'sexual and racist' texts


(Former Metropolitan Police officer and deputy general secretary and treasurer of the Metropolitan Police Federation Detective Sergeant Stephen Redgewell) had used his high status in the police to "groom me, manipulate me, use me and emotionally abuse me".

"I always felt like I couldn't challenge him," she wrote. "I felt trapped by him [and] imprisoned in this situation. He held a lot of power and…made sure I knew it."
Is there a similar thread following such matters when displayed by clergy (of any religion) ?
If not, there should be.

Disgusting as these offences are, especially when committed by so-called officers of the law, they are not the only profession that has such filth in the ranks.
But they should be be better because they are supposed to stop this kind of thing by taking other people's liberty away*. No mercy, lock the fuckers up.

(*Prison officer sex offenders too, if they abuse their position throw away the key.

Ok Lawyers and judges have their roles in locking other people up, and those professions contain their fair share of sex pests, bullies and racist scum as well. But no one really expects lawyers to hold to standards of integrity so it's nowhere near as shocking, on the few occasions they get put in the dock ...)
Judges can get fucked but a lawyer's job is usually to specifically advocate for someone/something specific which doesn't feel the same as police, judges, prison officers etc
Judges can get fucked but a lawyer's job is usually to specifically advocate for someone/something specific which doesn't feel the same as police, judges, prison officers etc
CPS lawyers’ job is to lock people up. Likewise barristers when prosecuting for the CPS.
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Meet Humberside Police officer 36-year old Gareth Richards ...


(Source: as stated in image)

... last month, having previously pleaded guilty to 11 charges of inciting females aged under 16 to engage in sexual activity online, two charges of possessing indecent images and one charge of making indecent images, he was jailed at Hull Crown Court for five years and four months. Between September 2016 and March 2017, he had pretended to be a teenager online in order to ask young girls for sex, share sexually explicit messages with the girls, aged 14 and 15, even getting them to send him nude photos of themselves.


(Source: as stated in image)

PC Gareth Richards will have to serve half of his sentence behind bars before being released on licence, and he will have to register as a sex offender.
Iv'e learnt through experience and crossing paths with many who either are or have the desire to become a police officer to consider it a major character flaw, they are needed to maintain the type of society most people want but like politics its a job that attracts exactly the type of person who should not be let anywhere near a position of power
West Yorkshire Police have today issued the following statement:

"A West Yorkshire Police Officer has been charged with one count of rape and one count of sexual assault.

Police Sergeant Ben Lister based at Bradford District is due in court at Bradford Magistrates on 24 March 2021.

He is currently suspended from the force."

Bradford police officer faces rape and sex assault charges


"In the public service"
Christ, I fucking hate the filth - hate them. The whole shitty edifice, from top to bottom. I would be distressed beyond belief if one of my offspring expressed a desire 'to serve' (although this is utterly unlikely since they are perfectly able to see for themselves that police are not, and never will be our friends). Course, we are not middle-class property owners, but living in social housing, where the police have only ever had a malign, censorious, bullying, taser wielding presence - the nastiest gang on the streets.
A probationary Metropolitan Police officer involved in the Sarah Everard search operation in Kent has today been removed from their duties after allegedly sharing an "inappropriate graphic" with colleagues:

Met officer involved in Sarah Everard search removed from duties for sharing ‘inappropriate graphic’ on social media

Reports are now emerging which reveal that the Metropolitan Police probationary officer concerned is said to have sent the image to seven colleagues as he manned a cordon in woods near Ashford, Kent, where the 33-year-old’s body was found.

It shows a policeman going through six stages from abduction to murder in a pastiche of the Highway Code.

In one image it shows the officer directing traffic holding a hand up to say ‘Stop single girl’. He then gives various signals for different sickening actions, culminating in the murder and disposal of a body.


(Source: Reuters)

Even if you don't get the 'joke' ... you'll certainly get the message.
This is PC Oliver Banfield, a probationary officer with West Midlands Police who, while off-duty drunk, used his training to attack a woman walking home alone from a night out. In July 2020, he grabbed mother-of-two Emma Homer, as she was walking alone in Bidford-on-Avon, Warwickshire, last July.

PC Oliver Banfield tried to tackle her to the ground and put her in a headlock before Miss Homer, managed to escape as he yelled she was a 'f****** slag'.


(Source: as stated in image)

PC Oliver Banfield appeared at Leicester Magistrates' Court for sentencing earlier today after he admitted assault by beating,

In court, PC Oliver Banfield's lawyer said he should not have to do community service because of his difficulty working with criminals.

Rather than imprisonment, PC Oliver Banfield received a 14-week curfew, banning him from leaving his house between 7.00 p.m. and 7.00 a.m. He was also ordered to pay £500 compensation to Miss Homer and court costs totalling £180.


West Midlands Police said PC Oliver Banfield has been suspended from his job and is facing a disciplinary investigation into gross misconduct.
From the Metro article on this:

...Mrs Homer has slammed Warwickshire Police’s initial handling of her complaint, saying it took ‘more than 30 hours for an officer to take a telephone statement’, ‘nine days for an officer to come and see her’ and ‘eight weeks for an officer to conduct house-to-house enquiries’....

This is PC Oliver Banfield, a probationary officer with West Midlands Police who, while off-duty drunk, used his training to attack a woman walking home alone from a night out. In July 2020, he grabbed mother-of-two Emma Homer, as she was walking alone in Bidford-on-Avon, Warwickshire, last July.

PC Oliver Banfield tried to tackle her to the ground and put her in a headlock before Miss Homer, managed to escape as he yelled she was a 'f****** slag'.


(Source: as stated in image)

PC Oliver Banfield appeared at Leicester Magistrates' Court for sentencing earlier today after he admitted assault by beating,

In court, PC Oliver Banfield's lawyer said he should not have to do community service because of his difficulty working with criminals.

Rather than imprisonment, PC Oliver Banfield received a 14-week curfew, banning him from leaving his house between 7.00 p.m. and 7.00 a.m. He was also ordered to pay £500 compensation to Miss Homer and court costs totalling £180.


West Midlands Police said PC Oliver Banfield has been suspended from his job and is facing a disciplinary investigation into gross misconduct.
The bird on their coat of arms seems to be chained to a burning helmet. I think you can tell a lot about the sort of person who'd join an organisation with something like that on their logo
From the Guardian:
Revealed: the grim list of sex abuse claims against Metropolitan police

"An extraordinary catalogue of sexual misconduct allegations against Metropolitan police officers, including claims that one had sex with a rape victim and another assaulted a domestic abuse survivor, are revealed in documents obtained by the Observer.

The disclosures will intensify pressure on the Met after its officers manhandled women at last Saturday’s vigil for Sarah Everard where hundreds demanded the right to be safe on London’s streets.

Organisers of the vigil on Clapham Common subsequently accused the force of losing the faith of women and being unable to tackle its “institutional misogyny”.

Campaigners said the latest revelations amplified concern among women that the police cannot be trusted to protect their safety."

. . . . .

"Separate data confirms that sexual misconduct among officers is a continuing problem. Figures from the Royal College of Policing’s current “barred list” – officers who have been dismissed from a force and are banned from joining another – show that nearly a fifth of offences include abuse of position for sexual purposes, domestic violence or harassment against the public and colleagues."
This is PC Oliver Banfield, a probationary officer with West Midlands Police who, while off-duty drunk, used his training to attack a woman walking home alone from a night out. In July 2020, he grabbed mother-of-two Emma Homer, as she was walking alone in Bidford-on-Avon, Warwickshire, last July.

PC Oliver Banfield tried to tackle her to the ground and put her in a headlock before Miss Homer, managed to escape as he yelled she was a 'f****** slag'.


(Source: as stated in image)

PC Oliver Banfield appeared at Leicester Magistrates' Court for sentencing earlier today after he admitted assault by beating,

In court, PC Oliver Banfield's lawyer said he should not have to do community service because of his difficulty working with criminals.

Rather than imprisonment, PC Oliver Banfield received a 14-week curfew, banning him from leaving his house between 7.00 p.m. and 7.00 a.m. He was also ordered to pay £500 compensation to Miss Homer and court costs totalling £180.


West Midlands Police said PC Oliver Banfield has been suspended from his job and is facing a disciplinary investigation into gross misconduct.


(Source: as stated in image)

PC Oliver Banfield has now resigned from West Midlands Police.

West Midlands Police's Deputy Chief Constable, Vanessa Jardine, said: “Today I have accepted the resignation of PC Oliver Banfield.

“I want to stress that former PC Banfield will still face an accelerated misconduct hearing, chaired by the Chief Constable, in the near future

The victim of now ex-PC Oliver Banfield, Emma Homer, said that despite reporting the assault within hours of it happening, it took 'more than 30 hours for an officer to take a telephone statement', 'nine days for an officer to come and see her' and 'eight weeks for an officer to conduct house-to-house enquiries'.
PC Amarjit Dhallu, who worked with vulnerable children, has been dismissed from Kent Police for gross misconduct after having been found to have been abusive and violent towards a former partner (referred to as "Miss A" in a disciplinary panel hearing).

During the hearing, the panel heard about an unintentional call to 999 during an argument between PC Amarjit Dhallu and Miss A. During the call, a transcript of which was read out at the hearing, a voice believed to be PC Dhallu's is heard to say 'I will smash your f****** face in'.

The other voice, believed to be Miss A, replies: 'What, you will beat the f*** out of me?'

The other voice replies: 'Yes I will all right.'

Miss A had alleged that PC Dhallu had strangled her and hit her with a belt.


Tim Smith, deputy chief constable of Kent Police, said: “For PC Dhallu to have continued in his role following the allegations made would have brought discredit to the wider service and undermined the confidence that people have in Kent police.

“It is entirely right that this officer has been held to account and, in addition to his instant dismissal, he will be placed on the list of people barred from employment in policing.

“I hope this reassures the public that Kent police take a robust stance against perpetrators of violence, regardless of their occupation.”
A serving West Midlands Police constable and a former West Midlands Police officer have now been separately charged with misconduct in a public office.

West Midlands Police's PC Anthony Ritchie, 43, is accused of forming an inappropriate relationship with a woman he met between 4 June 2014 and 29 March 2018.

Former PC Steven Walters, 52, allegedly engaged in sexual activity with a woman during the course of his duties on 1 October 2013.

Both PC Anthony Ritchie and former PC Steven Walters are due to appear at Birmingham Magistrates' Court on 23 April 2021. The charges follow two investigations by the Independent Office for Police Conduct.


In a statement, West Midlands Police said PC Anthony Ritchie had been suspended following the charge, having been removed from frontline duties at the time of his arrest in April 2018.

West Midlands Police added that former PC Steven Walters left the force in 2016.
I think being a copper requires certain qualities & applicants that have those certain qualities are often the last people who should actually be coppers. If you are somebody with empathy & sympathy towards those in difficult circumstances you are probably not going to want to arrest people & if you don’t relish confrontational situations then again you will want to avoid that sort of situation.

Most people would not want to be coppers. When I was young in the 70s nobody in the circles I moved in would have dreamed of becoming a copper. We regarded coppers as the enemy & apart from getting drunk & smoking dope we wern’t really criminals. In those days cops got away with far more than they do now. Many of them were nasty violent thugs. Cops have always closed ranks around themselves to protect their own & always will.

So how can anything change ever? The nature of the job attracts the wrong type of people. If those sort of people did not apply to be coppers there would be no suitable applicants. I don’t believe many people apply to become coppers out of a genuine desire to do good & protect the public & if any of those sort of people did become coppers they would probably soon become disillusioned & leave fairly quickly.
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