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Filth by name. . .

one thing about the tv drama 'line of duty' which demonstrates its fictional nature is that the anti-corruption unit of any police force would have to be considerably larger than superintendent hastings' is to even scratch the surface of police misconduct as this thread demonstrates. perhaps the show's role in the panoply of police propaganda on tv is intended to reassure that some police will go to any ends to get the bad cops.
I think being a copper requires certain qualities & applicants that have those certain qualities are often the last people who should actually be coppers. If you are somebody with empathy & sympathy towards those in difficult circumstances you are probably not going to want to arrest people & if you don’t relish confrontational situations then again you will want to avoid that sort of situation.

Most people would not want to be coppers. When I was young in the 70s nobody in the circles I moved in would have dreamed of becoming a copper. We regarded coppers as the enemy & apart from getting drunk & smoking dope we wern’t really criminals. In those days cops got away with far more than they do now. Many of them were nasty violent thugs. Cops have always closed ranks around themselves to protect their own & always will.

So how can anything change ever? The nature of the job attracts the wrong type of people. If those sort of people did not apply to be coppers there would be no suitable applicants. I don’t believe many people apply to become coppers out of a genuine desire to do good & protect the public & if any of those sort of people did become coppers they would probably soon become disillusioned & leave fairly quickly.

I’ve known a few people who became coppers. Apart from one who was a decent enough fella, the rest were casually racist musclebound thugs. The decent fella cut off all contact with former workmates (like me) about 6 months into the job but, from other people I’ve talked to, this doesn’t appear to be uncommon - something about conflict of interests 🤔
I think being a copper requires certain qualities & applicants that have those certain qualities are often the last people who should actually be coppers. If you are somebody with empathy & sympathy towards those in difficult circumstances you are probably not going to want to arrest people & if you don’t relish confrontational situations then again you will want to avoid that sort of situation.

Most people would not want to be coppers. When I was young in the 70s nobody in the circles I moved in would have dreamed of becoming a copper. We regarded coppers as the enemy & apart from getting drunk & smoking dope we wern’t really criminals. In those days cops got away with far more than they do now. Many of them were nasty violent thugs. Cops have always closed ranks around themselves to protect their own & always will.

So how can anything change ever? The nature of the job attracts the wrong type of people. If those sort of people did not apply to be coppers there would be no suitable applicants. I don’t believe many people apply to become coppers out of a genuine desire to do good & protect the public & if any of those sort of people did become coppers they would probably soon become disillusioned & leave fairly quickly.

Although I am very aware of how many members of the police can behave very badly and abuse their power (aware not just because of what I read, watch and listen to, but also because of personal experience), I'm disinclined to believe, literally, that ACAB. That's not to say that I don't agree that as a working hypothesis it, regarding all coppers as bastards, is a sensible option. After all, so many of them are, and as it's not always possible to quickly ascertain whether or not they are, it's probably safer to err on the side of caution and assume that they are.

Nevertheless, I have had positive experiences with individual police officers. One of them in particular was really sound and helped us out quite a bit. For the last twenty odd years I've lived in squats and in vehicles/caravans on unauthorised encampments. Several years ago there was a small group of us moving about in one particular part of the country. One day this copper turned up on site and tried talking to us. He didn't get the most welcoming of receptions! But he didn't give up. Every week he turned up and tried to tell us he was our liaison officer and that he wanted to help. Over time we began being civil to him; we'd offer him a cup of tea and then chat with him about the weather or the football. We still didn't trust him and were hip to the fact that he might just be gathering intelligence, so we only ever discussed really innocuous stuff with him. And to his credit he never (obviously) tried to fish for information.

Anyway, during the next two or three years he did us some good turns. Whenever we moved onto a new site he would turn up and personally visit the local residents (who were usually freaking out about our sudden arrival) and attempt to reassure them that they had nothing to worry about as we weren't going to eat their babies and that as we'd be soon be gone, any dramatic decrease in the value of their properties would only be temporary! He also wrote us a glowing reference on Police headed notepaper, and this proved to be very useful to us when attempting to convince landowners that they should trust us and make a deal with us, rather than heading straight to court to seek an eviction notice.

On another occasion we were being subjected to a violent and illegal eviction. A couple of dozen police turned up and though they stopped the violent part they seemed quite happy to assist in the illegal eviction part. One of us called up our liaison officer and he rushed to the scene with his lights flashing to tell his colleagues that they were in the wrong and there was no legal basis to evict us that instant. It was only a moral victory though, in practice we had to leave because of the threat of violence to us and our homes the moment the police departed.

One day he came to visit us and he was very down. He told us that his superiors weren't happy with the way he'd been helping us and that he was being transferred. Not only that but that out days in the area were numbered. He told us in no uncertain terms that his superiors had decided they wanted us out of their patch. We never saw him again but a couple of months later the police turned up and used the CJA against us. Section 62, which meant they offered some of us a pitch on an official site (one that was completely inappropriate for us as it was populated by different travellers with a different culture to ours). The choice was simple, either take the offered pitch or leave the county for 3 months. We opted for the latter.

My conclusion is that there are some decent coppers out there but that, as you suggest in your post, those individuals that make for decent coppers aren't the type of people that fit in well with the way policing works, and they probably don't last too long before becoming disillusioned with their job.
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A few thoughts:

A guy from school wrote in his yearbook entry for the “where will you be in 10 years time” question “nicking you, I’ll be joining the police to get some respect and won’t be taking any shit”

He ended up working for a music label I think so probably didn’t become a police officer, but that attitude probably exists for quite a few cops.

I’m due to go to France 2023 rugby World Cup with 6 mates, and one of them wanted his best man to come (a DI in a police force). None of us like the guy, he’s very odd and unsettling, and also as a copper you have to watch what you say / do around him as he’s never really off duty. I recognise that part must be difficult for him but it’s his choice to join up. Fortunately he’s going with his family so bar meeting him for a pint we should be spared his company.
and weren't some cops members of the NF in the 70s? i've read that some screws would wear NF badges on duty in the 70s
the (griffin era) bnp numbered among its ranks one lance stewart, late of the metropolitan police and veteran of the (original) bnp of the 1960s. stewart emigrated to south africa in the 60s and rose to the rank of lieutenant-colonel in their police force before returning and becoming griffin's director of intelligence.

if you go back to the 50s i wouldn't be surprised if a cop or two had been a member of the league of empire loyalists or mosley's union movement and very confident the buf would have counted a few cuntstables among its membership
Logically, you would hope that the filth should have a generally lower incidence of noncery and unacceptable deviance. Numbers seem to indicate that pig noncery & sexual violence is about the same as the general population. And they seem proud of that statistic
Logically, you would hope that the filth should have a generally lower incidence of noncery and unacceptable deviance. Numbers seem to indicate that pig noncery & sexual violence is about the same as the general population. And they seem proud of that statistic
no, logically you would expect there to be a higher incidence of noncery etc among the police, as we all know instinctively (not to mention from the litany of reported cases) that nonces seek out positions which offer them easy access to victims, with some occupations (scout masters, priests) becoming notorious. so if their numbers seem only similar to the general populace it's my view that's because a) cops are better at hiding their offending; b) cases are often dealt with informally, eg by officers where caught resigning rather than facing charges; c) formal proceedings may end at internal discipline rather than being displayed to the wider public.
You reckon ? I’m kinda asbergy in the way I view things sometimes and don’t always assume that there is an ulterior motive going on
You reckon ? I’m kinda asbergy in the way I view things sometimes and don’t always assume that there is an ulterior motive going on
there's always an ulterior motive. but where cops themselves aren't actively noncing, we know that all too often they're assisting people who are - for instance the police refusal to take action against nonces in rotherham and elsewhere, the police refusal to act against the likes of cyril smith, the police refusal to act against sir jimmy savile obe kcsg (see eg Police detective failed to report Jimmy Savile intelligence)
Although I am very aware of how many members of the police can behave very badly and abuse their power (aware not just because of what I read, watch and listen to, but also because of personal experience), I'm disinclined to believe, literally, that ACAB. That's not to say that I don't agree that as a working hypothesis it, regarding all coppers as bastards, is a sensible option. After all, so many of them are, and as it's not always possible to quickly ascertain whether or not they are, it's probably safer to err on the side of caution and assume that they are.
Even the nicest cops will close ranks with their comrades when one of them goes full bastard. That's the All bit.
Person to person, I'm sure there's a reasonably high percentage of decent cops. I've met a few. But I believe they'd all be willing to protect one of their own regardless of (almost) any crime.
Ninety Five Percent of Coppers Are Bastards doesn't really roll off the tongue anyway, and good luck tattooing NFPOCAB on the knuckles of one hand.
It’s the Met’s apparent head-scratching as to how someone like this could have been allowed to join and how nobody noticed 🤔
fucks sake back in the day the TA did a better job at vetting, admittedly it was trying to find the exact regulation that means Nazis cant join. but the two would be race warriors who gave up on the three-mile run. That was when the Eastbourne platoon ran a color bar and nobody noticed as the ethnic makeup of Eastbourne was white and when they actually got an ethnic recruit he was the son of the local curry house they let him in. White supremacy or discount on curries,curries won:D:facepalm:
Jurors at Worcester Crown Court have failed to reach a verdict in the trial of West Mercia Police officer, PC Michael Darbyshire who was accused of rape and five counts of sexual assault.

It was alleged that PC Michael Darbyshire had attacked his first victim following a date when he drunk drove to her home and stripped completely naked, having earlier groped her in the beer garden of the White Hart pub in Fernhill Heath in in November 2019. It was also alleged that he sexually assaulted another woman on 29 August 2019, after meeting her on dating site Match.com; the victim claimed he forcibly put her hands down her underwear 'while making grunting noises' after being invited to her home.


(Source: as stated in image)

The prosecution said they would be seeking a retrial of PC Michael Darbyshire (above). This will take place on 28 February 2022, if it proceeds, although the trial judge, Judge James Burbidge QC, said he would do his utmost to bring that date forward if he could.
Meet the Metropolitan Police's PC Charlie Harrison ...


(Source: as stated in image)

.... earlier today, PC Charlie Harrison was jailed two years and three months at Southwark Crown Court, having been previously found guilty of causing grievous bodily harm in what Judge Gregory Perrins called a 'clear case of racial profiling'. PC Charlie Harrison broke an innocent black father's leg in front of his sons as they dropped flowers off at their mother's grave; PC Charlie Harrison kicked Carl Abrahams in the knee, causing a fracture that left him on crutches for three months. Mr Abrahams can no longer play any sport, and requires regular physiotherapy three years after the attack in Forest Gate, east London.

PC Charlie Harrison has been suspended from duty.
Meet West Midlands Police's PC Colin Noble ...


(Source: as stated in image)

.... earlier today, 50-year old married father-of-two PC Colin Noble, a serving officer with West Midlands Police for 20 years, was dismissed for "appalling" gross misconduct following a six-day disciplinary hearing.

PC Colin Noble turned up at a domestic violence victim's house unannounced up to 30 times and told her she was 'too pretty' for her boyfriend, the tribunal heard. He allegedly touched the leg and neck of a woman, known as Miss A, and asked to see her tattoos. In her evidence, Miss A said PC Colin Noble 'asked if I had ever slept with a black man' on one of his visits to her home. Miss A said PC Colin Noble had turned up '20 to 30 times' and they had 'conversations about what I had been up to, if I had met anybody, or if I had been sleeping with anybody'. He also touched her neck, asking to see her tattoos, and whether he could see those on her thighs. Giving evidence, Miss A said PC Colin Noble's remarks made her feel 'weird and sick' - adding: 'It's just not nice... you believe you can trust people but you can't.'

Another complainant, Miss C, said she and PC Colin Noble had developed a 'semi-relationship'. The domestic abuse victim said PC Colin Noble had asked her 'How can you be single wearing those boots?' - referring to the thigh-high boots she had been wearing during a police interview. PC Colin Noble told her he could 'get into trouble' for contacting her but had also asked her out for a drink.

Another of his victims, Miss B, said PC Colin Noble had phoned her three times, to insist he needed to meet her at her home, alone. Giving evidence, she described him as 'being too pushy', adding he 'just wouldn't lay off', and in the end she lied about having moved away from the Midlands to stop his calls. 'It felt a little bit like the way my ex treated me, putting pressure on me, doing things I don't want to,' she said.

PC Colin Noble claimed he only called one woman 'fit' in a 'ham-fisted' attempt at 'boosting her confidence', and had a particular 'style' aimed at building rapport. But PC Colin Noble also looked at her breasts, asking to 'see what you are working with', suggested she 'unbutton' her shirt, and inquired if she 'had any nudes', He was secretly recorded by that complainant, known as Miss X, because of her concerns about his behaviour. Audio of those conversations was played during the disciplinary hearing.



(Source: as stated in image)

Miss A, Miss B and Miss C all came forward to report PC Colin Noble following publicity surrounding his criminal trial at Birmingham Crown Court in 2019, at which he was acquitted of a charge of misconduct in a public office in connection with the allegations made by Miss X.
Meet the Metropolitan Police's PC Charlie Harrison ...


(Source: as stated in image)

.... earlier today, PC Charlie Harrison was jailed two years and three months at Southwark Crown Court, having been previously found guilty of causing grievous bodily harm in what Judge Gregory Perrins called a 'clear case of racial profiling'. PC Charlie Harrison broke an innocent black father's leg in front of his sons as they dropped flowers off at their mother's grave; PC Charlie Harrison kicked Carl Abrahams in the knee, causing a fracture that left him on crutches for three months. Mr Abrahams can no longer play any sport, and requires regular physiotherapy three years after the attack in Forest Gate, east London.

PC Charlie Harrison has been suspended from duty.
wait...just suspended?

Throw the cunt off a cliff! (In Minecraft obviously...)
wait...just suspended?

i'm not expert here, but think the process is suspend first, then if there's criminal charges, let them take their course before dealing with it as a disciplinary matter.

guardian report says " the Met said on Tuesday he faces a fast-track discipline process " - i guess there may be legal complications of having the two investigations / processes going on at the same time, and (i may be being naive here) i'd have thought that getting a serious conviction is fairly strong grounds for being slung out of the plodforce
Incompetent allegedly. From earlier in the week.

Rotherham child sexual abuse: misconduct officer given warning Rotherham child sexual abuse: misconduct officer given warning
But it is South Yorkshire Police Service, again.
From that article:
Panel chairman Simon Mallett said "it would be wrong" to make Det Con Hampshire "personally accountable for the systemic failings of the force".

And there's the whitewash. So the officer isn't going to be made accountable for systemic failings...but who WILL be? Because my guess is that they go through this, and when the dust settles, they go back to exactly how they were, no accountability, no changes. Because the institutional mindset prevails.
Meet Sergeant Geraint Jones of Devon and Cornwall Police, a custody sergeant in Torquay with 23 years' service in the police ...


(Source: as stated in image)

... earlier today, Sergeant Geraint Jones was found not guilty by District Judge Joanna Matson at Plymouth Magistrates' Court of sending an offensive, indecent, obscene or menacing image via a public electronic communications network, contrary to the Communications Act 2003.


(Source: Devon Live)

Sergeant Geraint Jones sent an the image of George Floyd to a private, encrypted WhatsApp group called 'Works Social', the members of which included serving police officers, a retired policeman and a civilian member of staff, just five days after the entire world saw footage and images showing Mr Floyd being murdered in the United States after being knelt on by police for ten minutes. The image sent by Sergeant Geraint Jones showed Mr Floyd being knelt on by African American pornographic actor Wardy Joubert III; what had been the knee of the police officer had been replaced by the penis of the male pornographic star. The image had no caption and, the prosecution said, formed no part of the ongoing conversation.

During his trial, Sergeant Geraint Jones said the issue of whether the image had a racial angle 'never even entered my mind'. Although Sergeant Geraint Jones accepted sharing the image with the group, he denied knowing that it "was liable to cause gross offence to those to whom it relates, namely the black and minority ethnic community", District Judge Joanna Matson said.

She acknowledged the majority of people would have found the image "disgusting and grossly offensive" but said the prosecution "have not made me sure it was not intended as a joke by Mr Jones." Representing Sergeant Geraint Jones, Jamas Hodivala QC provided 54 pages of character references for his client, and described the defendant as a 'caring family man' and a 'diligent' and professional police officer.


Devon and Cornwall Police confirmed that Sergeant Geraint Jones remains suspended from the force. Temporary assistant chief constable Steve Parker said "while the court has found Sgt Jones not guilty, this matter remains subject to an internal disciplinary process".
“Although Sergeant Geraint Jones accepted sharing the image with the group, he denied knowing that it "was liable to cause gross offence to those to whom it relates, namely the black and minority ethnic community",

He’s a police sergeant, he’ll have had lots of diversity training, none of which he’s managed to take in, time for a sacking then.
“Although Sergeant Geraint Jones accepted sharing the image with the group, he denied knowing that it "was liable to cause gross offence to those to whom it relates, namely the black and minority ethnic community",

He’s a police sergeant, he’ll have had lots of diversity training, none of which he’s managed to take in, time for a sacking then.
By 'a sacking', I assume you mean 'a few months off work, on full pay, until it blows over?
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