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Filth by name. . .

A former Essex Police officer would have been dismissed without notice following an investigation into allegations he abused his position for sexual purpose.

PC Simon Jones, aged 36, based at Braintree Police Station, formed or attempted to form inappropriate sexual relationships with two victims of crime he came into contact with during the course of his work and who he went on to send sexually explicit messages to, an independent misconduct panel concluded.

Essex Police officer banned from the job for life after sending sexual texts to victim


"We expect the highest professional standards from all our officers and staff, and
when behaviour fall below those standards, we take the appropriate action."

(Note: This seems to be s different "PC Simon Jones" from this "PC Simon Jones")
Metropolitan Police Constable William Woolston, of Central Specialist Crime, has been given a final written warning after he was found to have committed gross misconduct, after a disciplinary hearing where he faced allegations that he had breached the standards of professional behaviour in relation to authority, respect and courtesy and discreditable conduct.

It was alleged that during the course of making arrangements to return a laptop to a female, PC Woolston’s comments (contained in texts and emails) were flirtatious, contained sexual innuendo and/or were otherwise inappropriate. He appeared to have attempted to encourage the female to engage in ‘sexting’ with him.

The panel members considered all of the evidence and found PC Woolston to have breached the standards of professional behaviour at the level of gross misconduct.

PC William Woolston is still a Metropolitan Police officer.
Metropolitan Police Constable William Woolston, of Central Specialist Crime, has been given a final written warning after he was found to have committed gross misconduct, after a disciplinary hearing where he faced allegations that he had breached the standards of professional behaviour in relation to authority, respect and courtesy and discreditable conduct.

It was alleged that during the course of making arrangements to return a laptop to a female, PC Woolston’s comments (contained in texts and emails) were flirtatious, contained sexual innuendo and/or were otherwise inappropriate. He appeared to have attempted to encourage the female to engage in ‘sexting’ with him.

The panel members considered all of the evidence and found PC Woolston to have breached the standards of professional behaviour at the level of gross misconduct.

PC William Woolston is still a Metropolitan Police officer.
Gross misconduct is grounds for immediate dismissal in any job... apart from plod, where it's apparently overlooked/encouraged.
Metropolitan Police Constable William Woolston, of Central Specialist Crime, has been given a final written warning after he was found to have committed gross misconduct, after a disciplinary hearing where he faced allegations that he had breached the standards of professional behaviour in relation to authority, respect and courtesy and discreditable conduct.

It was alleged that during the course of making arrangements to return a laptop to a female, PC Woolston’s comments (contained in texts and emails) were flirtatious, contained sexual innuendo and/or were otherwise inappropriate. He appeared to have attempted to encourage the female to engage in ‘sexting’ with him.

The panel members considered all of the evidence and found PC Woolston to have breached the standards of professional behaviour at the level of gross misconduct.

PC William Woolston is still a Metropolitan Police officer.
I am surprised he is still only a cuntstable

I think if that were real at least some of the pens, books, sweets and other assorted shit in his duty belt and pockets would have fallen out. That one thing on the kerb doesn’t look like any kind of uk issued baton. Also the phones look quite new and duty belts like that mostly went out about 10 years ago replaced by load carrying body armour covers. Plus issue police trousers are so shit in terms of material I can’t see them supporting 14 stone of dibble. Additionally the actual shit on his pants looks Guineas session black rather than real shit. Last points, once they were convinced they were stuck and no one was immediately helping a radio call would have been made. And finally seems unlikely No one helps them all of a sudden three people all rock up at the same time and immediately work in a coordinated way rather than stand around making initial ineffectual starting efforts.

I’d say fake, sorry. Also, there is no Santa.
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I think if that were real at least some of the pens, books, sweets and other assorted shit in his duty belt and pockets would have fallen out. That one thing on the kerb doesn’t look like any kind of uk issued baton. Also the phones look quite new and duty belts like that mostly went out about 10 years ago replaced by load carrying body armour covers. Plus issue police trousers are so shit in terms of material I can’t see them supporting 14 stone of dibble. Additionally the actual shit on his pants looks Guineas session black rather than real shit. Last points, once they were convinced they were stuck and no one was immediately helping a radio call would have been made. And finally seems unlikely No one helps them all of a sudden three people all rock up at the same time and immediately work in a coordinated way rather than stand around making initial ineffectual starting efforts.

I’d say fake, sorry. Also, there is no Santa.

and it’s the same voices as that other video
"A Metropolitan Police officer abused his power to pursue a relationship with a colleague and used racist language, an investigation has found ..."

Metropolitan Police officer Detective Sergeant Stephen Redgewell abused power and used racist language, report finds


Former Metropolitan Police officer Detective Sergeant Stephen Redgewell “abused his position” as deputy general secretary and treasurer of the Metropolitan Police Federation by “behaving in a predatory manner” towards the woman he was representing in employment tribunal matters. In one message to the married Asian officer, who was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder after being involved in an undercover operation, it is claimed he said: “Sleep well my dirty Catwoman.” In another, after she told him she had a temperature, he is alleged to have replied: “Stick a thermometer up your bum lol xx”.

Detective Sergeant Stephen Redgewell had been representing the woman through his role as deputy general secretary of the Metropolitan Police Federation.

He resigned from the force in 2018 after it was revealed that he had had sexual intercourse with 52-year old "Vampire loving dominatrix" Denise Pearce "about seven times" in his office at the Police Federation in Bromley.
Is there a similar thread following such matters when displayed by clergy (of any religion) ?
If not, there should be.

Disgusting as these offences are, especially when committed by so-called officers of the law, they are not the only profession that has such filth in the ranks.

Six members of a "toxic" police unit have been found guilty of gross misconduct after their "offensive" conversations were secretly recorded.
Investigators bugged the Northern Serious Organised Crime Unit's office in Basingstoke, Hampshire, and analysed messages over a 24-day period in 2018.
The Northern Serious Organised Crime Unit was "homophobic, racist and sexist", a misconduct panel heard.
The panel is due to consider sanctions at a later date.

He said vulgar language was the "stock-in-trade" of the unit, where the team's only black officer was often a target of abuse.
Is there a similar thread following such matters when displayed by clergy (of any religion) ?
If not, there should be.

Disgusting as these offences are, especially when committed by so-called officers of the law, they are not the only profession that has such filth in the ranks.
Times have changed. I seem to recall a survey of the words used in 70s tabloid newspaper headlines... and "vicar" was the most common.
Lawyers for the men claimed that stress and a heavy workload meant the officers “forgot to apply the filter” when on duty.

Forgot that they shouldn’t be racist, sexist or homophobic whilst at work. That’s their defence.
When I'm tired I don't say racist, sextist and homophobic things because I am not a racist, sexist or homophobic.
Lawyers for the men claimed that stress and a heavy workload meant the officers “forgot to apply the filter” when on duty.
Turning up for work pissed cant have helped too. Surprised that wasn't used as defence. I bet there's a simple course they can attend/do online that will have them all up to scratch in a jiffy. It's always funny that the managers and supervisors of these odd bad apples are so innocent and completely missed what was going on.
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