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Filth by name. . .

Leigh Brightman


Hertfordshire PC who pleaded guilty to three counts of misconduct in public office and two of possessing indecent images of a child before his trial was due to start in November 2015, and was jailed for four years.

Brightman had been assigned to find a 15 year old, regarded as very vulnerable, who had run away from home. He contacted her on her mobile phone a number of times over the course of 11 days in July and August 2014. Without informing her that he was a police officer he arranged for her to come to his house in order to have sex. Brightman claimed he then had a change of heart and sent her away. The girl claimed he had forced her to perform an act of oral sex but a rape charge relating to this was dropped.

When arrested 117 indecent images of children and one indecent film were found on his laptop. During the course of the subsequent investigation it was discovered that he had had inappropriate consensual sexual relationships with an alleged victim of harassment whose case he was investigating in 2012, and then with another woman he had first arrested in 2009 as a 17 year old with a Class A drug habit. He had remained in contact with her and when, some years later, she reverted to drug use and turned to prostitution it was claimed that he first offered to act as a "minder", which she rejected, and subsequently paid to have sex with her.

Two further counts of misconduct in public office, in respect of repeatedly visiting a third woman's home and pestering a fourth for sex, and a further count of possessing indecent images of children were left on file.

Hertfordshire Mercury story 1.
Hertfordshire Mercury story 2.

Sam Floyd


Hertfordshire DC who pleaded guilty to one count of misconduct in public office in September and was given 6 month suspended jail sentence, a fine of £3000 and ordered to perform 200 hours of unpaid work. He faces a misconduct hearing.

Floyd was assigned to investigate two burglaries at the home of a woman considered at high risk of domestic violence. She had already been moved twice for her own protection and it was suspected the burglaries may have been carried out by the man responsible for that violence. While the investigation was still underway he exchanged inappropriate text messages with the woman and formed a relationship with her. After the investigation had concluded this developed into a sexual relationship. A statement issued by Hertfordshire Police after his trial stated that he "took advantage of her vulnerability".

Mix96 story.
Hertfordshire Police statement.

Following the convictions of Floyd, Leigh Brightman (see above) and Simon Salway (see post 2) Hertfordshire Police announced that it was setting up Operation Downfield in order to "investigate within its own ranks to track down any other officers who were taking advantage of vulnerable women". Deputy Chief Constable Bill Jephson said that he expected there to be more cases.

Hertfordshire Mercury story.
After Orgreave and Hillsbrough now this looks like south yorkshire plod are overdue a serious no holds barred top to buttom investigation as to their fitness for purpose
After Orgreave and Hillsbrough now this looks like south yorkshire plod are overdue a serious no holds barred top to buttom investigation as to their fitness for purpose

Using my crystal ball I can sum up this investigation for you right now:

Duration: 17 years.
Cost: 842 billion pounds.
Conclusion: Few bad apples, but basically everything's fine. No need for anyone to get sacked or charged with corruption or criminal negligence or anything else for that matter.
Story in The Times today :

Rapist officer’s victims sue over police failures

Paul Peachey

December 19 2016, 12:01am, The Times

A police force is being sued over its alleged failure to stop an officer whose predatory sexual behaviour escalated into rape over the course of ten years.

Cleveland Constabulary faces legal claims from at least four people for missing opportunities to cut short the career of Wayne Scott, 40, a serial rapist who served for nearly a decade after his first sexual attack as an officer.

Scott, a former constable, was jailed for 19 years in 2013 for crimes including a series of rapes against two women and offering money to a teenage girl for sex.

He had used the protection of his uniform to carry out assaults. During his time as an officer he was accused of sexual and physical assault and of using police computers to hunt for pictures of women, including prostitutes, but he was not suspended or sacked.

In 2003 when Scott groped a colleague’s breast a few months after joining the force, police chiefs arranged a mediation meeting with his victim instead of sacking him.

That victim, who is among those suing, said that she was put under pressure to drop her complaint or risk blighting her own career. An email from her husband to Iain Spittal, who became chief constable this year, said that if the case had been handled correctly, Scott would “not have gone on to offend to the extent he did”.

In 2012 Scott was sacked for groping the breast of a suspected shoplifter and asking her for oral sex. After his sacking other women came forward to accuse him of crimes against them.

Another former colleague who was raped by Scott and is suing, said that she would never have been attacked if the force had acted in 2003.

The woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, said: “Because they didn’t stop him sooner my suffering went on for a lot longer. They knew, but they didn’t do anything. He was like a textbook narcissist. He was charming, funny, caring . . . and he played on the fact that he was a police officer. In reality he’s a full-on psychopath.”

Two other former officers accuse the force of failing to deal with Scott.

One woman said that in 2007 Scott assaulted her and broke her wrist. She said that she had been put under pressure by Cleveland officers to drop her complaint. Later the force ruled that her claims were “unsubstantiated” but it emerged that all documents, records of interviews and decisions relating to the episode had been lost.

Scott was also accused of trying to take a teenage girl with mental health problems on a date. She said that he had sex with her in a police van instead of taking her to a police station.

After his suspension in 2011 for the attack on the shoplifter he was arrested for an assault on a woman but never charged. He later raped her.

Cleveland police said that it could not comment on the litigation.

This refers to

Wayne Scott


Scott was a Police Constable with Cleveland Police from 2002 to 2012 when he was sacked for misconduct after sexually assaulting a woman accused of shoplifting who he was transporting.

Two women then came forward separately to accuse him of rape. One, who had been raped by him more than once, including in a Police Station interview room, had reported it but had decided not to proceed with the complaint :

Once she got to the station she was taken into an interview room by officers she described as wearing plain clothes, “both looked like Phil and Grant Mitchell both by size and shaven heads.”

Subject Seven states that the officers told her that if she continued with the investigation and even if he wasn’t charged “Wayne would lose his job; he would lose his house and so have no money,”

The second allegation involved a vulnerable 15 year old arrested for breach of the peace. She was driven home by Scott. The next day her step-father informed a family liaison officer from the Children's Society that Scott had arranged a date with her. This was reported to the Police Professional Standards Department but no action followed. The Police would subsequently claim they had been advised not to proceed because both the girl and her stepfather "had mental health problems". In 2012 the girl claimed she had been raped by him.

Ultimately neither of these allegations led to a prosecution but yet other women came forward.

In 2013 he pleaded guilty to two attempted rapes, six rapes and two common assaults against one woman, and two charges of inciting another child to engage in sexual activity. He denied charges of rape and attempted rape against a second woman but was found guilty. He was sentenced to fifteen years imprisonment with an additional four years extended supervision on licence.

It transpired that before he had been sacked he had been investigated more than once for assault and sexual assault against both colleagues and women accused of crimes. He had been disciplined for using the police computer to access details of women. Inappropriate behaviour was known to fellow officers, who either didn't report it, “it was just Wayne being Wayne”, or were intimidated by him. On one occasion when attached to a Community Policing Team charged with "forming positive relationships" with local residents he had shown colleagues letters he had received from three ten year old girls he had taken to the seaside where had had given them ice cream and "cuddles".

When SCOTT received ‘love letters’ from three of the local girls, Subject Four, Subject Six and Subject Five, he began openly bragging about them to other members of staff and reading the content out to others. A number of the staff felt that the content and his relationship with the girls were inappropriate and the issue was brought to the attention of Sergeant Officer (B). In his response to the questionnaire [note: part of the investigation into the incident after Scott's conviction] he describes how he believed the letters to be improper and informed all members of staff to “take a step back”. He believed that given the relationship all the staff had with the girls anyone of them could have received such letters from the group and did not suspect any impropriety on the part of SCOTT.

The quotes are from the official report into Scott's activities that Cleveland Police conducted under IPCC supervision. A version that has been redacted to prevent identification of his victims can be found here.

INVESTIGATION REPORT - Cleveland Police- (PDF file)

It includes details of the investigations into how the various allegations against him before he was finally sacked had been (mis)handled. It's both an astonishing catalogue of failures, and an insight into the police culture which allowed him to carry out multiple sexual assaults before he was finally prosecuted.
"could" get the sack

Police officer caught drink-driving

She was spared jail, but now faces a disciplinary hearing - which could end her otherwise unblemished 23-year police career.

Prosecuting solicitor Sian Vaughan told the court Morris was seen arriving in her car at Swansea Central Police Station shortly before 07:00 on 21 April.

She said: "Officers on duty saw the defendant parking and when a sergeant spoke to her she wasn't herself - quiet, detached and struggling to hold a conversation."

The defendant was breathalysed and found to have 83 micrograms in 100 millilitres of breath. The legal limit is 35 micrograms.
PC 'raped girl, 16, while on a date'

A Met Police officer raped a 16-year-old girl twice while on a "hellish" date, a court has heard.

PC Adam Provan, 38, forced himself on the student before taking her to a fast-food outlet in east London to buy a milkshake, a jury heard.

The girl's father had allowed the date to go ahead because he was "reassured" that Mr Provan was a serving police officer, Wood Green Crown Court heard.

Mr Provan from Kirtling, near Newmarket in Suffolk, denies two counts of rape.

'Groomed for days'
The pair met after being introduced by a mutual friend in summer 2010 and kept in touch before deciding to go on a date, the jury heard.

Mr Provan, who has been suspended from his job in Barking and Dagenham, allegedly told the girl he was 22 years old.
Philip Davies recieved a lot of free days out at the races at the expense of bookmakers, he was one of the MP's to shout down gambling reforms in Parliament. You can look up his expenses online.

Not surprising, but verging on the criminal really.

These are only a few of the reported cases

Just adds to my mantra of 'never trust a copper.' And I've met a few.
Rupert Watkins


Bromley PC pleaded guilty last December to downloading 100 child abuse images including 45 Category A images depicting penetrative sexual activity. Sentenced to two-year community order with an activity rehabilitation requirement, placed on the sex offenders’ register and ordered to pay £560 costs.

Sacked following a misconduct hearing in March.
Evening Standard story.

John Wigglesworth


Met PC pleaded guilty in January to one count of engaging in sexual activity with a 14 year old girl. Was found not guilty of three counts of rape and two further counts of engaging in sexual activity with a child. The charges all related to the same girl who he had befriended through Netlog, a social media site aimed at young people.

Received a four year jail sentence, was placed on the Sex Offenders Register for life and given an indefinite Sexual Harm Prevention Order.
Mirror story.

Rytis Gilys


Newham based Met PC was found guilty in April of sexually assaulting a junior colleague while on duty. Cleared of sexually assaulting three other women. Jailed for six months.
Mirror story.

Robert Dawson


Det. Sgt Dawson, attached to the Met's Sapphire (rape and serious sexual violence) Unit in Stratford (East London) was sacked for gross misconduct in January after admitting to initiating a sexual relationship with an alleged rape victim whose case he was investigating.

Guardian story.
Evening Standard story.


The John Wrigglesworth Rolf Harris look should have a been a right nonce giveaway.....
"This new documentary in ITV’s award-winning Exposure current affairs strand uncovers widespread sexual abuse by police officers of female victims of crime.

Across England and Wales, a police or community support officer is convicted or dismissed for sexual misconduct every five days. This programme talks to women who have been victims of predatory police officers, speaking out about their ordeals.

Despite strict rules governing how officers deal with victims of crime, hundreds of officers have ignored those rules and used their positions of power to abuse the very women they have been sent to help - including victims of domestic abuse, sexual assault, and stalking ..."
Exposure: Predator Police Uncovered, ITV, Tuesday 15 October 2019
Earlier today, at the Central Criminal Court, Metropolitan Police Superintendent Robyn Williams was convicted of possessing an indecent image of a child after being accused of having ‘a moving image file of Category A severity’; Category A is the most serious level of child abuse images.

Superintendent Robyn Williams also faced a charge of corrupt or improper exercise of police powers in failing to report the distribution of an image, but was cleared of this.

In February 2018, Superintendent Robyn Williams was one of 17 people who was sent the video via WhatsApp on her phone by her sister, Jennifer Hodge, who, in turn had been sent the material by her (Hodge's) partner, Dido Massivi.

Hodge was convicted of distributing an indecent image while Massivi was convicted of distributing an indecent photograph of a child and possession of extreme pornography (believed to involve an act of bestiality).

All three will be sentenced next week.


Metropolitan Police Superintendent Robyn Williams is a former general secretary and founder member of the National Black Police Association, and poster girl for the Metropolitan Police's policing of the Notting Hill Carnival.
Earlier today, at the Central Criminal Court, Metropolitan Police Superintendent Robyn Williams was convicted of possessing an indecent image of a child after being accused of having ‘a moving image file of Category A severity’; Category A is the most serious level of child abuse images.

Superintendent Robyn Williams also faced a charge of corrupt or improper exercise of police powers in failing to report the distribution of an image, but was cleared of this.

In February 2018, Superintendent Robyn Williams was one of 17 people who was sent the video via WhatsApp on her phone by her sister, Jennifer Hodge, who, in turn had been sent the material by her (Hodge's) partner, Dido Massivi.

Hodge was convicted of distributing an indecent image while Massivi was convicted of distributing an indecent photograph of a child and possession of extreme pornography (believed to involve an act of bestiality).

All three will be sentenced next week.


Metropolitan Police Superintendent Robyn Williams is a former general secretary and founder member of the National Black Police Association, and poster girl for the Metropolitan Police's policing of the Notting Hill Carnival.
Just to give this some context:

Prosecutor Richard Wright QC previously told jurors it was not suggested the defendants had any sexual interest in the video that showed a five-year-old girl engaging in a sex act with a man.

Instead, he said, "each of them made serious errors of judgment about how to handle this video".

Met officer guilty of possessing indecent video
Earlier today, at the Central Criminal Court, Metropolitan Police Superintendent Robyn Williams was convicted of possessing an indecent image of a child after being accused of having ‘a moving image file of Category A severity’; Category A is the most serious level of child abuse images.

Superintendent Robyn Williams also faced a charge of corrupt or improper exercise of police powers in failing to report the distribution of an image, but was cleared of this.

In February 2018, Superintendent Robyn Williams was one of 17 people who was sent the video via WhatsApp on her phone by her sister, Jennifer Hodge, who, in turn had been sent the material by her (Hodge's) partner, Dido Massivi.

Hodge was convicted of distributing an indecent image while Massivi was convicted of distributing an indecent photograph of a child and possession of extreme pornography (believed to involve an act of bestiality).

All three will be sentenced next week.


Metropolitan Police Superintendent Robyn Williams is a former general secretary and founder member of the National Black Police Association, and poster girl for the Metropolitan Police's policing of the Notting Hill Carnival.
.. a sentence of 200 hours' community service ...


... ... immediately sparks a reaction from those behind the 'black' visibility lobby ...


... ... while an appeal against conviction is lodged.
What a depressing thread, these convicted sex pest cops deserve their sentences doubled for abuse of power.
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