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Filth by name. . .

Aside from the utter incredulity of this, for this cunt to plead guilty to it all, he’ll get life with a serious minimum rec, would have thought that someone who knows the law and also gets a kick out of exerting power would have gone not guilty all the way.
A few years back I was dating a social worker and she said the amount of young girls that were asked to do "favours" in order to avoid being arrested was horrific. It goes without saying that these cunts can't resist abusing their powers. Never trust a copper, ever
He told his ex girlfriend that he could kill her and not leave a trace. What an absolute cunt this guy is

That’s horrendous, everyone who ever knew him seems to think he was an utter cunt, including his mum. He didn’t operate in a vacuum, the other piggies would see what he’s like, but accept it, cos..?
That’s horrendous, everyone who ever knew him seems to think he was an utter cunt, including his mum. He didn’t operate in a vacuum, the other piggies would see what he’s like, but accept it, cos..?
Culturally, there's questions around the personality types policing attracts in the first place, and how the unhealthy culture - where being able to rely on your colleagues in sometimes life-and-death situations - can lead to this sort of thing. They're important issues, but will be a very tough nut to crack. What I don't understand is how they've consistently failed to take some pretty simple technical/administrative measures to address this stuff. If the will was there, it wouldn't be that hard to have systems and procedures which: i) have a thorough and zero-tolerance approach at recruitment stage; and, ii) flag when a copper is repeatedly accused of serious crimes, and for that to be independently investigated by a specialist unit from another force. Even if complainants don't want to pursue a prosecution, there comes a time when the intelligence is sufficient to justify a policy of robust intervention - rescreening, psych assessment, restriction of duties, and ultimately dismissal. That they've not even bothered to do that probably goes to systemic misogyny.
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Would I be right in thinking that Carrick and Couzens both worked in the same unit? Parliamentary and diplomatic protection command was Couzens' unit as well, right? (eta: yep, looks like it)
And the post-SDS harbour for sexual groomer spycop Carlo Sorrachi (AKA 'Carlo Neri', the one keen on convincing people to petrol bomb Roberto Fiore's charity shop)
Iain Moor. Senior investigating officer.
Senior Investigating Officer, Detective Chief Inspector Iain Moor says “The Police service is committed to tackling violence against women and girls in all its forms and I hope our response in this case serves to reassure victims of our commitment to them”.

He added “At no stage did David Carrick give any consideration to the impact his brutal actions might have on his victims and he is now facing a significant jail term and he will be placed on the sex offenders register. The details of his crimes are truly shocking but I hope his victims, and the public more widely, are reassured that no-one is above the law and the police service will relentlessly pursue offenders who target women in this way”.
I think you are thinking of the police as some organisation that's there to fight to crime. It's not, it is to maintain the status quo and avoid disorder. The police could fix crime tomorrow if they were allowed to but you need to look at where their direction comes from. This is a self sustaining functionalist society. Nothing should be fixed, everything should be conserved. Because it works for them. Don't question it.
I think you are thinking of the police as some organisation that's there to fight to crime. It's not, it is to maintain the status quo and avoid disorder. The police could fix crime tomorrow if they were allowed to but you need to look at where their direction comes from. This is a self sustaining functionalist society. Nothing should be fixed, everything should be conserved. Because it works for them. Don't question it.
i don't think the police could fix crime tomorrow "if they were allowed to". they have neither the skills nor the inclination.

this is not a self-sustaining functionalist society, that's very much the day before yesterday's thinking. things are rather more complicated than that. society is not 'a body', the organs within it are not like the heart, the kidney, the liver. society is more like one of the mud structures in timbuktu where beams of wood hold it up - the beams of wood representing in my analogy the various intra-class and cross-class associations which bind society together. but the government has been removing these beams for a very long time and to my way of thinking things have become much less stable than they were. nothing is being conserved. we move forwards to a brave new world.
I sincerely hope that the police are investigating him in relation to missing women in the area, people like him only escalate, and I don't believe for one second he pled guilty to save his victims from going to trial. He's known to be a manipulator and admitting to rape manipulates the police into ending the case.
I sincerely hope that the police are investigating him in relation to missing women in the area, people like him only escalate, and I don't believe for one second he pled guilty to save his victims from going to trial. He's known to be a manipulator and admitting to rape manipulates the police into ending the case.
That's a very good point.
I sincerely hope that the police are investigating him in relation to missing women in the area, people like him only escalate, and I don't believe for one second he pled guilty to save his victims from going to trial. He's known to be a manipulator and admitting to rape manipulates the police into ending the case.
There's also the big gap in the chronology of his acknowledged offending behaviour, and nothing so far that I've seen about his youth/army days.
There's also the big gap in the chronology of his acknowledged offending behaviour, and nothing so far that I've seen about his youth/army days.
Yes, bearing in mind the his mother's account that the first serious allegation was when he was young.

I'm sure the acknowledged victims are the tip of the iceberg. Hopefully, the publicity will empower any others who want to come forward to do so.
There's also the big gap in the chronology of his acknowledged offending behaviour, and nothing so far that I've seen about his youth/army days.
The shithouse Met will be poised somewhere between not wanting to know about those years and trying to get ahead of the curve on the inevitable horrors that will emerge from that time.

Phew, that's a relief, I was worried that other officers might be implicated through either their actions or inaction, but this sets my mind at rest entirely, that everything can be laid at the feet of a single, uniquely aberrant perpetrator who through his superhuman devilry was able to commit his crimes entirely in the shadows and beyond the knowledge of the police, apart from those nine separate incidents in which police were involved when he was accused of sexual or coercive violence, because hey, 1-8 just don't suggest a pattern
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