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Filth by name. . .

So he wasn't suspended after being arrested for rape. FFS.

'The fact remains it was only 18 months ago, in July 2021, after the murder of Sarah Everard, that Carrick faced an earlier claim of rape. He was arrested, but the Met did not view it as sufficiently serious to suspend him from duty. Gray declined to say that the Met bore some responsibility for leaving Carrick in his police job.'

The press release the Met has issued today:
Met condemns officer guilty of most serious sexual offences - Metropolitan Police

"appalling" ✔️
"apologise" ✔️
"commend their outstanding bravery" ✔️
etc. etc
From that press release:
2009 (Herts)

Hertfordshire Constabulary officers responded to a third party report of a domestic incident involving Carrick. No criminal allegations were made and he was not arrested. Records held by Hertfordshire in relation to this incident suggest Met supervisors were informed at the time however no record of this has been found on Met systems.
How mysterious.
2019 (Herts)

It was alleged that Carrick had assaulted a woman during a domestic incident dealt with by Hertfordshire Constabulary officers, specifically that he grabbed her by the neck.

No further action was taken. The matter was referred to the Met and Carrick was given words of advice in relation to informing his chain of command about off duty incidents.

Following the decision to take no further action in relation to the criminal allegation, it was determined he had no case to answer in relation to misconduct.
Caught the attention of the Hertfordshire Police. It was them not the Met who took the decision to investigate him.

So many in authority within the Met must be guilty of knowingly enabling him Couzens and all the others to continue offending. I want to see them prosecuted and failed too.
I see from the Graun article that this was instrumental in Dick's resignation but can only be reported now due to reporting restrictions being lifted.
Sadly the culture of misogyny, homophobia and racism will never be truly eradicated from institutions like the police force. And though, of course, not all policemen are that way inclined, there is, sadly, a percentage who are - as we've seen time and again. And no amount of fine words or so-called preventative measures to expunge it will alter that fact. You simply cannot change the mindset of someone who thinks or acts that way. You can try too, sure, but that kind of person will just adapt themselves and play the system that little more carefully and cleverly. As any counter measures are implemented, so they will mask and hide their actions and behaviour accordingly. And while, on occasions, some are found out and are either dealt with (or not, as sadly seems the case in many instances), the underlying problems and consequences will I think remain the same; always there, bubbling beneath the surface in ever more damaging, corrosive and disheartening ways.
This is the most shocking part of this for me. Even after nine times they continued looking the other way. About a guy called 'Bastard' Dave?

This is next level ineptitude, or more likely, deliberate.
To be fair, not all organisations have the resources or expertise to investigate potential crimes. Those things should really be left to the... oh, hang on.
So he wasn't suspended after being arrested for rape. FFS.

'The fact remains it was only 18 months ago, in July 2021, after the murder of Sarah Everard, that Carrick faced an earlier claim of rape. He was arrested, but the Met did not view it as sufficiently serious to suspend him from duty. Gray declined to say that the Met bore some responsibility for leaving Carrick in his police job.'

Wonder how many rapes and other crimes he committed after being cleared of various offences and allowed to join the police in 2001? Could be some sizeable payouts for the Met, though that's hardly the issue here.
Just been reading the related articles on the guardian site. What a piece of shit. It’s obvious that coppers investigating other coppers doesn’t work. Yet they continue this matey matey cosplay until it’s too late. Coppery misdemeanour s should be held at a higher standard of behaviour than the general public
So he wasn't suspended after being arrested for rape. FFS.

'The fact remains it was only 18 months ago, in July 2021, after the murder of Sarah Everard, that Carrick faced an earlier claim of rape. He was arrested, but the Met did not view it as sufficiently serious to suspend him from duty. Gray declined to say that the Met bore some responsibility for leaving Carrick in his police job.'

you have to wonder what sort of thing would be serious enough to warrant suspension.
Just been reading the related articles on the guardian site. What a piece of shit. It’s obvious that coppers investigating other coppers doesn’t work. Yet they continue this matey matey cosplay until it’s too late. Coppery misdemeanour s should be held at a higher standard of behaviour than the general public
very much so

All the fuss the racists gleefully created when Kahn ousted Dick…

“ Now the reporting restrictions have been lifted, the Guardian can reveal that part of the reason Cressida Dick was ousted as Met commissioner in February 2022 by the London mayor, Sadiq Khan, was the Carrick scandal, as details emerged of his offending and possible Met errors.”
'The fact remains it was only 18 months ago, in July 2021, after the murder of Sarah Everard, that Carrick faced an earlier claim of rape. He was arrested, but the Met did not view it as sufficiently serious to suspend him from duty.

Specific individuals whose names will be on the relevant paperwork did not view it as sufficiently serious to suspend him from duty.

Those individuals were, in my view, criminally negligent at best and knowing accomplices at worst. Either way they themselves should be out on their arses without notice as an absolute minimum.
800 police officers (out of about 32,000) = 2.5%
200 non-police officers (out of about 11,000) = 1.8%
1000 police employees (out of about 43,000) = 2.3%

Can picture the Met's senior managers in shirt sleeves and with blank faces, sitting in a conference room as flacks and consultants burn through flip charts and note pads trying to figure the angles to spin these numbers as anything other than horrific.
800 police officers (out of about 32,000) = 2.5%
200 non-police officers (out of about 11,000) = 1.8%
1000 police employees (out of about 43,000) = 2.3%

Can picture the Met's senior managers in shirt sleeves and with blank faces, sitting in a conference room as flacks and consultants burn through flip charts and note pads trying to figure the angles to spin these numbers as anything other than horrific.

They've already tried the, 'this was all the way back in 18 months ago, no way of knowing how it happened' angle.


PC David Carrick, an armed police officer with the Metropolitan Police's Parliamentary and Diplomatic Protection Command, has now admitted multiple rapes and sexual assaults against 12 women, having pleaded guilty to 49 offences, including 24 counts of rape. The scale of offending by PC David Carrick, spanning 17 years, makes him one of the worst sexual offenders in modern criminal history.
BBC has his years of offending as up to 2021.
I do not have the words to describe how appalled and angry I am over this.

What have the Met done to improve vetting for officers currently serving, surely it's a dynamic process right? Not a check however cursory pre-employment, right?

Don't tell me the answer...

There are no words...


In summer 2021, Carrick was accused of rape and arrested by Hertfordshire Constabulary, but the Met allowed him to continue working - on restricted duties.
While the Met was publicly proclaiming its commitment to protecting women after the murder of Sarah Everard, it now admits its professional-standards department made no attempt to check the full record of another officer accused of rape.
There are no words...


In summer 2021, Carrick was accused of rape and arrested by Hertfordshire Constabulary, but the Met allowed him to continue working - on restricted duties.
While the Met was publicly proclaiming its commitment to protecting women after the murder of Sarah Everard, it now admits its professional-standards department made no attempt to check the full record of another officer accused of rape.

It's not like there seems to be an end in sight for the apple barrel managers:

an upcoming criminal court case where legal restrictions currently apply
was this being investigate whilst he was serving over the last 17 and any linked to him

if so the met is broken
I wonder how well-resourced the Met vetting team is compared with say 2010, thinking about the cuts applied to all parts of the public sector. This must be a factor in many recent vetting and re-vetting failures?

Perhaps not in the case of Carrick though as this one seems to have crossed more than enough desks, but somehow still been overlooked.
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