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    Lazy Llama

fascist infiltration of the left

Karac said:
Going to reply to this one because he was in my branch.
Not exactly a facist infiltrater but do you know task we gave him?
Paper organiser.
I think he fucked off soon but at least we didnt give him London responibilities. :eek:

Actually - he was given a lot of responsibility - far too much in retrospect - but this example does not really compare to the open 'other side'.

Do i know you Karac? (from the branch you mentioned - pm me)
Nigel Irritable said:
If not do you not think that the statement about not worrying because "our activities are public" is complacent to say the least?
I must admit I'm hoping this is just the first take and that there will be a more detailed account given in the days to come. Certainly as a first public reply to the scum it's exactly what I'd want them to say.
wibble said:
Remembering the SWSS at university I would think that the socially unacceptable would be best off with them.

It was always the angry 4 eyed fat girls or the terminally plain who joined the SWP and hung out with spotty blokes sporting tassels (it was the eighties!) they would sit in the corner and laugh at each others weak jokes (rather like the other misfits the 'Christian forum') and make pathetic attempts to get the rugger boys (always the best looking ) banned from the union bar.

You were a member then?

(sorry, couldn't resist)
bolshiebhoy said:
I must admit I'm hoping this is just the first take and that there will be a more detailed account given in the days to come

I agree. It is also possible that the Morning Star article doesn't report everything the various groups had to say or maybe I'm just feeling generous this morning.

bolshiebhoy said:
Certainly as a first public reply to the scum it's exactly what I'd want them to say.

I'm not sure if I'd want to come across in quite such a blustering fashion. Some of it is just delusional.
The nazis are laughing, by the way, and claiming the reaction of the (non-SWP) members on here is exactly the reaction they wanted. I'd link, but it's not hard to find and would be careless to do so...

You are such an SWP twat! :rolleyes:
flimsier said:
No, but as said, the SWP will know what they had access to.

I believe it to be a lot less than suggested here.

The ridiculous nature of criticisms of the SWP was that the minute I suggested I'd been told something I was told 'not to trust' anything the Manc SWP said - because they'd been infiltrated.

Well for fuck's sake.

The nazis are laughing, by the way, and claiming the reaction of the (non-SWP) members on here is exactly the reaction they wanted. I'd link, but it's not hard to find and would be careless to do so...
flim - you're forgetting summink important, mate; becuase the SWP 'will work with anyone' (as they'd put it)-the whole of the Left in the NW is, potentially fucked. How many people have signed their petitions? how many STWC members are now on BNP lists? how many GR? how many old SA Names are on BNP files? how many RESPECT names? how many muslim groupings are now wide open?
sorry, this is serious. If the SWP wanna fuck up (and this looks terrifyingly naive, at best) then that's their problem. However, this looks like it's EVERYONE'S problem now.
Nigel Irritable said:
Not a word about an inquiry, which I hope is an oversight. The following bit, however does not fill me with confidence that legitimate worries which anti-racist activists may have about these events are being taken seriously:

The activities of the SWP etc may be public knowledge, but I would be appalled if personal details of members, supporters and contacts are. The possibility of things like addresses falling into the hands of the BNP should be the main concern here. If RESPECT/UAF/SWP are sure that these details have not been passed along they should say so. If they are not sure then the complacency of this quote is foolish in the extreme.
exactly! couldn't agree more.
Right SWP. Thank you very much for dropping us ALL right in it. Now - what do we plan to do, to limit the mess. a statement is well overdue.
flimsier said:
The nazis are laughing, by the way, and claiming the reaction of the (non-SWP) members on here is exactly the reaction they wanted. I'd link, but it's not hard to find and would be careless to do so...
I'd chill out- they loves quoting me and want my babies....
OldhamGeezer only came here to get in my pants :eek: ;)

Jezza said:
because the SWP 'will work with anyone' (as they'd put it)-the whole of the Left in the NW is, potentially fucked. How many people have signed their petitions? how many STWC members are now on BNP lists? how many GR? how many old SA Names are on BNP files? how many RESPECT names? how many muslim groupings are now wide open?
sorry, this is serious. If the SWP wanna fuck up (and this looks terrifyingly naive, at best) then that's their problem. However, this looks like it's EVERYONE'S problem now.
If the BNP have nothing better to do than attend a few meetings at M2004 to wind up Swappies then they're sadder than even I imagined. Whether they have numbers and addresses is almost irrelevant as by using them they might cause more damage to their 'cause' than any BBC documentary.
Been Following this thread and read the BNP site, as a complete outsider it looks like the BNP building a future for british children by exploiting their naivety and the swp orgs are just desperate for acceptance by anyone.

Do the BNP or the lefties have any real significance to anyone but each other?

Two people little more than children and they're online posing for pics with such a diverse bunch as Nick Griffin to George Galloway, comedy, both extreme left and right will embrace anyone who comes their way. Sad hobbyists masquerading as being serious about politics only good thing about it is that neither one will enjoy any real power outside marginal councils where both sides can demonstrate their inability to organise a bin collection but can put a load of people on the street handing out leaflets or selling dull papers.
silentNate said:
If the BNP have nothing better to do than attend a few meetings at M2004 to wind up Swappies then they're sadder than even I imagined. Whether they have numbers and addresses is almost irrelevant as by using them they might cause more damage to their 'cause' than any BBC documentary.
unfortunately, Nate, it's morre serious than that.
violence and intimidation are at the heart of the fash MO. always have been, always will be. for all the slick, glib PR skills of Mr Griffin, they are at heart a bunch of bootboys, one of whose core missions has been to fuck up left/anti-racism groups, and to reduce to fear the ethnic minority groupings those groups would defend. for all we know, BNP NW now have the home addresses of; all SWSS members in the NW, all GR, all RESPECT, all UAF....would YOU be happy with your address being in their hands? I wouldn't.
and that's without even thinking of what they know of planned events/meetings.
Jezza- I've never had any problem finding out when an SWP event is happening, fact is that while the SWP is an open party that welcomes newcomers things like this might happen :(
No- I don't want the boring nonce party knowing my address but then neither do I want the SWP being closed to new members. A few more membership checks might help but in the long run there might be nothing to this story. I agree with flimsier in that they shouldn't automatically panic as it just plays into the hands of 'violence and intimidation' :(
that's fairy muff. and no, I don't want the swappies to stop organising (but yes, I DO want them to be a whole lot more fucking careful). But - think of all the anti-racist groups whose members' details might now be loggec on a PC in fash HQ central. think of all those who the SWP have worked with, in one guise or another. The 'octopus' way the SWP organises means, potentially, that everyone who is active on the left, in the NW is vulnerable.
solutions? The SWP have got to temporarily close the region down - only temporarily.
then they have to go through their member lists for all branches in the area - and investigate each and every member that's joined in the past (say) 3 years.
there's no choice.
Red Jezza said:
solutions? The SWP have got to temporarily close the region down - only temporarily.
then they have to go through their member lists for all branches in the area - and investigate each and every member that's joined in the past (say) 3 years.
there's no choice.
But you don't want the swp to stop organising!
I partly agree with SilentNate that it's not in the BNP's immediate interests to act on addresses info i.e. launch attacks.
My details have been on Redwatch several times and apart from some hate mail (along lines of'you're gonna die bitch') nothing happened. It's intimidation and we certainly shouldn't panic.
However, that doesn't mean we should be complacent. Whilst a major tactic of intimidation is to cause panic and confusion in the ranks of the opposition closing our eyes to real danger would be just as bad a response.

At the very least, this should be a wake up call. We should demand a meeting and Inquiry by UAF in the North West. Complacency is not an option. We must take fascists seriously, especially if they grow into a serious force and relaunch a violent street war. We're not in that situation now but must step up security.

Ultimately the best way to confront the fascist threat is to rejuvenate the left, for a united Black and White workers and youth to take to the streets against not only the fascists but the cuts, wars and summits of capitalism.
flimsier said:
Me too.

The only organisation that I know of who claim to be on the left who did this were the RCP.

Strange that CR agrees as well. Do WP have candidate membership?

Oh yeah - the RCP . A group that just sat up and screamed "we are SO fucking dodgy". A classic case of middle class wankers who "knew" the answers to "everything".

And where are they now - the same tired old faces behind a set of well funded think tanks who are pushing GM crops, genetic manipulation and another load of free market wank.

When it comes down to it I think I prefer your honest fash rather than those scum. At least the fash don't patronise me.

But "Come the glorious day !" - I bagsy the RCP, a bloody big machine gun and a nearby wall <grin>

Scattering salt at slugs
passthesalt said:
But "Come the glorious day !" - I bagsy the RCP, a bloody big machine gun and a nearby wall <grin>
Bagsy the 9ft red headed RCPer who left me with a scar, though truth be told I got on better with him after that.
bolshiebhoy said:
Bagsy the 9ft red headed RCPer who left me with a scar, though truth be told I got on better with him after that.

I hated his mate, W, who had that murderous look in his eyes.
Yeah flimsier I know what you mean. They seemed to recruit people who either had eyes like the Omen's Damian or else had just walked off the pages of Vogue.
bolshiebhoy said:
But you don't want the swp to stop organising!
no - I don't. but they DO have to take NW region back to square one, and look at each member. if they got 2 pimply studes past you, who else?
and you can still organise via other groupings, durijng this process - let's face it the SWP work through so many bloody fronts etc. that they'll hardly notice the change!
it'll be just like old times....
But in all seriousness RJ following that logic why not temporarily shut down the entire swp as what guarantee is there that any other region is immune to the same tactic? Oh god why did I say that :( For god's sakes what makes you think an 'investigation' would have uncoevered these two in the first place if they were as convincing as they seem to have been?
Just in case there's any confusion with new posters, please note that urban75 has got absoutely nothing to do with the SWP, RCP, IWCA, BNP, Marxist whatever, Trots'r'Us or any other political organisation.

The only official accredited associations to urban75 are the Brixton Drinkers Club, urban75 Curry Club, Glastonbury Cider Crew, Urbanites Party Crew, Walk Club, Book Club, football team and the newly formed Drugs Meet'n'Greet Mob.

This is a public service announcement.
It just seems another 'it's the SWPs fault' whereas any group could be infiltrated.

Many groups get infiltrated. Not many just let people walk right in though....
editor said:
The only official accredited associations to urban75 are the Brixton Drinkers Club, urban75 Curry Club, Glastonbury Cider Crew, Urbanites Party Crew, Walk Club, Book Club, football team and the newly formed Drugs Meet'n'Greet Mob.

The true revolutionary vanguards of the people.
Idris2002 said:
The true revolutionary vanguards of the people.
We've certainly had trouble with hardcore activists trying to inflitrate the Curry Club.

The day I start associating urban75 with any political organisation is the day the shit begins. No tedious manifestos and 5 hour long meetings in empty church halls here!
editor said:
Just in case there's any confusion with new posters, please note that urban75 has got absoutely nothing to do with the SWP, RCP, IWCA, BNP, Marxist whatever, Trots'r'Us or any other political organisation.

The only official accredited associations to urban75 are the Brixton Drinkers Club, urban75 Curry Club, Glastonbury Cider Crew, Urbanites Party Crew, Walk Club, Book Club, football team and the newly formed Drugs Meet'n'Greet Mob.

This is a public service announcement.

i like the idea of the Urbanites Party Crew (marxist leninist provisional central committee) :D
editor said:
The only official accredited associations to urban75 are the Brixton Drinkers Club, urban75 Curry Club, Glastonbury Cider Crew, Urbanites Party Crew, Walk Club, Book Club, football team and the newly formed Drugs Meet'n'Greet Mob.
How do the West Norwood Posse get accredited? :confused:
Is there an official U75 application form requiring open meetings and can we expel peeps from Camberwell attempting to infiltrate our great group? :D
danno_at_work said:
i like the idea of the Urbanites Party Crew (marxist leninist provisional central committee) :D
are we allowed factions? is it DC? have we been written about in the Weekly Worker yet?
I can hardly believe that there are getting on for 600 posts in this thread.

It must be very gratifying for the BNP to see leftists get in such a flap over what is really much ado about nothing.

Trainspotters of the far right and far left - you deserve each other.
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