Have the PLANDEMIC! people come up with a detailed explanation of exactly what the plan is? That governments around the world have conspired together to invent a fictional virus, wrecking their economies and making themselves unpopular, to ensure people stay home lots and put small bits of fabric over their face? I assume they think all the dead people are made up, or have 774,000 people been killed because they know too much? Were the governments even in on it or have they been duped by a shadowy cabal, probably including Bill Gates and George Soros, who are going to reveal themselves once it's too late and their evil plan to make people queue to get into shops has worked?
Don't give me links, as I can't face reading their mitherings.
I suppose it's not unusual for strange ideas to flourish at times of plague. During the black death in the 1300s there were outbreaks of such weirdness as flagellents marching around flailing themselves and St Vitus dance. Are the it's all made up people just a 21st century equivalent of them?