I recall a study with similar estimates elsewhere (can't find it right now; may have been pre-omicron and/or pre-vaccines anyway). Would take the absolute times with a pinch of salt; the relative times (factors) are likely pretty good though (as they hint).
Maybe (speculation) a FRSM might now be somewhat more effective if a significant proportion of infectious viral titre is now typically in saliva (and falls close to the source as ballistic spittle); though that would obviously necessitate everyone wearing them. I tend to use a KF94 (or similar) and, when in close proximity to others, tightly overfit a cycling mask minus the original filter (alternatively you could make a badger seal as
described upthread).
Thought I'd throw this in here too (don't recall spotting it before) - DIY home mask cleaning (caution - insert standard disclaimer):
Zulauf et al.
Microwave-generated steam decontamination of N95 respirators utilizing universally accessible materials. mBio. 2020; 11:e00997-20. DOI: