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Er, they burned the Danish embassy: did anyone notice?

Johnny Canuck3

Well-Known Member
Nordic countries last night feared that attacks on their foreign missions could spread across the Middle East after demonstrators burned down the Danish consulate in Beirut in protest at the controversial cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed.

The incident followed attacks in Damascus, Syria’s capital, on Saturday by mobs on the embassies of Denmark, Norway and Sweden. All the Nordic countries sharply condemned the attacks at the weekend and demanded security guarantees for their diplomatic staff in the Middle East.



So: a mob burns an embassy after police riot troops appear to pull back.

Was this clash between western and islamic values inevitable?
No. It is plainly engineered, but by whom and for what reason I'd not say because I don't know.

You could construct a reasonable hypothesis that any of the following benefit in some way from all this- the US, factions within the US or it's military, muslim fundamentalists, any of a number of ME governments, any of a number of factions in any of a number of ME countries, Russia, etc.

Pick your own. We may see some light in a few weeks or months. This is the stuff of legend in the making.

Edited to add: finished the Canadian Club. Yum yum. Can you send more?
Johnny Canuck2 said:
Nordic countries last night feared that attacks on their foreign missions could spread across the Middle East after demonstrators burned down the Danish consulate in Beirut in protest at the controversial cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed.

The incident followed attacks in Damascus, Syria’s capital, on Saturday by mobs on the embassies of Denmark, Norway and Sweden. All the Nordic countries sharply condemned the attacks at the weekend and demanded security guarantees for their diplomatic staff in the Middle East.



So: a mob burns an embassy after police riot troops appear to pull back.

Was this clash between western and islamic values inevitable?

Burning down embassys is not an 'islamic' thing. :rolleyes:

It's the all too typical human idiocy that you see all through history. People are manipulated by sick individuals and driven to hate their fellow men, once that ball gets rolling it takes a lot of spilt blood to stop. I don't think it's a conspiracy but there are obviously people profiting from this. The right-wing establishment in Europe and the tyrannical governments and religious cult leaders in the Middle East who are probably planning these attacks.
Ok, Lets See here,

All sorts of horrible things said and written by muslims about Christianity, Europe, and America = nothing

The prophet Mohammed drawn with a Bomb in his Turbin = Total War by the Muslims...

MMmyyyeeaaaaaaa I get it...

Total domination of the world by muslims...

Yeaa I got it I got It...

I now know how we can get there attention......

we can use this against them.
MMUHAHAHAhahahahaaaaaa (Evil laugh)

Does anyone still think the muslims are not a single entity of people and they are not bent on world domination?

I know they are not Supposed to be that way
and It alters the order of the universe for many to think that way.
Hell, I dont want to believe it.
Yet situations like this are hard to ignor.

Iran, Syria, and many more Islamic Nations are mad at Denmark and Germany because some cartoonist drew a cartoon that they dont like.
So they are willing to kill ya because you are from a country they are mad at for haveing someone in it that drew a cartoon that they didnt like.

They are such a Tolerant bunch.
Dont ya just love em :)
oh and JC2 No one wants to notice round here because it undermines their political Beliefs, (that the muslims are a bunch of peacful Camel herders totally innocent of any wrong doing) and that they are being totally put upon by the Uk and the US since we are such big meanies. :rolleyes:
Don't forget, after Bloody Sunday, a crowd of angry demonstrators attacked and burned the British embassy in Dublin.
GarfieldLeChat said:
i wouldn't call the crusades nothing
So, According to your thinking We are responsible to the current crop of muslim people because several centuries ago the muslims there where crusaded against by european ancestors?
So, Nothing is ever over?

So We need to Nuke Germany in 2006 because of Adolph Hitler
and We need to still fight the English because they taxed our Tea?
and the Uk just HAS to continue fighting China to keep the Opium flowing

and so on?
Idris2002 said:
Don't forget, after Bloody Sunday, a crowd of angry demonstrators attacked and burned the British embassy in Dublin.
My history is not very good but wasen't Bloody Sunday about something
a bit more violent than some cartoons ?Have to remeber not every muslim is like those morons on the demo but doing a lot of shouting at the tv.
Johnny Canuck2 said:
Er, they burned the Danish embassy: did anyone notice?

Yes, I did notice - on Saturday!


And as I said in that thread, it should also be pointed out that only the hot heads are being shown on TV. The calm masses which stayed at home are never shown.

Never-the-less, this whole episode is not doing the image of islam any favours at all.
Rentonite said:
So, According to your thinking We are responsible to the current crop of muslim people because several centuries ago the muslims there where crusaded against by european ancestors?
So, Nothing is ever over?

So We need to Nuke Germany in 2006 because of Adolph Hitler
and We need to still fight the English because they taxed our Tea?
and the Uk just HAS to continue fighting China to keep the Opium flowing

and so on?

Very very good point. If "America is addicted to Oil" Many Muslims seem addicted to hatred. It is as if any slight real or imagined, at any time in history is carefully nurtured and kept alive.

It is getting to the stage where the only issue is how can we protect ourselves and fellow citizens for harm by Muslims.

It seems that many Muslims don't like the West and to be honest it is pretty hard to like the Muslim attitude of rage and hatred.
That's right. All 1.5billion of them are weird.
i thought islam portrayed itself as a peaceful religion which makes it just a bit weird that it's followers seem to use quite a bit of violence when others don't do as they'd like. so much for peace and tolerance.
Idris2002 said:
Don't forget, after Bloody Sunday, a crowd of angry demonstrators attacked and burned the British embassy in Dublin.

there's a bit of a differance between 13 innocent protesters shot dead and cartoons published in a newpaper :rolleyes:
foggypane said:
No. It is plainly engineered, but by whom and for what reason I'd not say because I don't know.

You could construct a reasonable hypothesis that any of the following benefit in some way from all this- the US, factions within the US or it's military, muslim fundamentalists, any of a number of ME governments, any of a number of factions in any of a number of ME countries, Russia, etc.

Pick your own. We may see some light in a few weeks or months. This is the stuff of legend in the making.

My guess would be that its manufactured by the USA, as part of the ongoing propaganda campaign to portray Muslims as fanatics. I think you're right that the truth will out, but it will take long enough that everyone will have forgotten what happened.
Greebozz said:
Very very good point. If "America is addicted to Oil" Many Muslims seem addicted to hatred. It is as if any slight real or imagined, at any time in history is carefully nurtured and kept alive.

It is getting to the stage where the only issue is how can we protect ourselves and fellow citizens for harm by Muslims.

It seems that many Muslims don't like the West and to be honest it is pretty hard to like the Muslim attitude of rage and hatred.

That's a little one-sided and somewhat xenophobic, if you don't mind me saying. You've obviously overlooked the culture of hatred that has accompanied Xtianity's course throughout the centuries. You appear to be treating Muslims as a single ethnic entity. By the same token, are Xtians a homogenous group of people?
Greebozz said:
Very very good point. If "America is addicted to Oil" Many Muslims seem addicted to hatred. It is as if any slight real or imagined, at any time in history is carefully nurtured and kept alive.

It is getting to the stage where the only issue is how can we protect ourselves and fellow citizens for harm by Muslims.

It seems that many Muslims don't like the West and to be honest it is pretty hard to like the Muslim attitude of rage and hatred.

Oh no, not another one :rolleyes: !!!
phildwyer said:
My guess would be that its manufactured by the USA, as part of the ongoing propaganda campaign to portray Muslims as fanatics. I think you're right that the truth will out, but it will take long enough that everyone will have forgotten what happened.

I doubt that. Not because they wouldn't do such a thing if they had the chance. They wouldn't do it because they are incapable of having that much control of the populace in 15 + countries. They can't manage Iraq and Afghanistan properly. You can't add another 13 countries and have it be plausible.
Greebozz said:
Very very good point. If "America is addicted to Oil" Many Muslims seem addicted to hatred.
Oh fuck off you bigot. How many muslims do you know personally? Are you addicted to stupidity?

Greebozz said:
It seems that many Muslims don't like the West and to be honest it is pretty hard to like the Muslim attitude of rage and hatred.
It's pretty hard to like you, but do I go starting wars over it and constructing an oppressive surveillance state because of it?
Yuwipi Woman said:
I doubt that. Not because they wouldn't do such a thing if they had the chance. They wouldn't do it because they are incapable of having that much control of the populace in 15 + countries. They can't manage Iraq and Afghanistan properly. You can't add another 13 countries and have it be plausible.

All they need is a few rent-a-mobs.
Rentonite said:
Does anyone still think the muslims are not a single entity of people and they are not bent on world domination?
How can 1,000,000,000 odd people be a "single enitity"?

Do you actually know any Muslims?

Of all the Muslims I know not a single one supports this kind of violence. Most of them would get pissed off by the type of comments you are making here tho' - but then again so would I, and I am not a Muslim.

Trying to stir up a war between Muslims and Europeans is about as stupid as trying to stir up a war between Americans and Mexicans/Hispanics/Central/South Americans, or between Catholics and Protestants.

For example some estimates put the numbers of Muslims in Europe at 13m out of a 450m total population.

Compare this with 20m 'Mexican-Americans' out of 290m total population.

It is very easy for you to go in for whipping up a "war" when you neither actually know many Muslims nor have to deal directly and day-to-day with the consquences of this "war" in your own home town and communities.

The fact is that the vast majority of Muslims are not hate filled extremists - just as thre vast majoprity of Mexian Americans don't meet the nasty stereotypes that various hate-mongers want to paint them with to drum up support for their own extremist brand of politics.
Rentonite said:
So, According to your thinking We are responsible to the current crop of muslim people because several centuries ago the muslims there where crusaded against by european ancestors?
So, Nothing is ever over?

So We need to Nuke Germany in 2006 because of Adolph Hitler
and We need to still fight the English because they taxed our Tea?
and the Uk just HAS to continue fighting China to keep the Opium flowing

and so on?
you read to much into a comment which only in the end shows your own political bias...

the comment made was that xtains had never (that is an absolute statement not a time limited one) done anything after their god was offended which simply isn't true the most obvious example beign the crusades...

if you cannot cope with posting factually inaccurate comments and being pulled up on them we can ask you go to the politics and protest creche along with many other people here...

now pick up your rattle, speak nicely and behave like the good little boy your mummy (or in your case mommy cos you are illiterate) told to you too...

in p&p next week we teach mears and rectoelite the alphbet week 4 the letter c... after we have finished that we'll teach you how to shit in a big toliet ... although considering the amount of shit which comes from you we might have to promote that over the basic forming sentences and learnign to communicate properly lessons...

you fucking dickless wonder...
Greebozz said:
Very very good point. If "America is addicted to Oil" Many Muslims seem addicted to hatred. It is as if any slight real or imagined, at any time in history is carefully nurtured and kept alive.

It is getting to the stage where the only issue is how can we protect ourselves and fellow citizens for harm by Muslims.

It seems that many Muslims don't like the West and to be honest it is pretty hard to like the Muslim attitude of rage and hatred.
Are you and renty from the same sister Cletus ?:rolleyes:
GarfieldLeChat said:
you read to much into a comment which only in the end shows your own political bias...

the comment made was that xtains had never (that is an absolute statement not a time limited one) done anything after their god was offended which simply isn't true the most obvious example beign the crusades...

if you cannot cope with posting factually inaccurate comments and being pulled up on them we can ask you go to the politics and protest creche along with many other people here...

now pick up your rattle, speak nicely and behave like the good little boy your mummy (or in your case mommy cos you are illiterate) told to you too...

in p&p next week we teach mears and rectoelite the alphbet week 4 the letter c... after we have finished that we'll teach you how to shit in a big toliet ... although considering the amount of shit which comes from you we might have to promote that over the basic forming sentences and learnign to communicate properly lessons...

you fucking dickless wonder...

Yeah but if we help them grow up they won't be able to take part in their spoonfeeding from fux news. :D

I think this dick is inciting racial & religious hatred far to often now :rolleyes:
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