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DUP and Tory f*ck up thread

Looks like May caved. 2.5 billion quid of financial support over three years. More frigging roads for Belfast, ultra fast broadband etc etc. If I was an English voter I'd be feeling I just had my pockets dipped.

Honestly I don't mind Northern Ireland getting extra funding, it is certainly in need of it and the whole thing is yet another demonstration of the fact that austerity is a choice.
Honestly I don't mind Northern Ireland getting extra funding, it is certainly in need of it and the whole thing is yet another demonstration of the fact that austerity is a choice.
Under other circumstances I would not mind either, however it's a deal been struck with a bunch of creationists, bigots, who have links to actual real terrorists and are anti-women's rights with particular reference to abortion, just so the vermin can cling onto power.
Under other circumstances I would not mind either, however it's a deal been struck with a bunch of creationists, bigots, who have links to actual real terrorists and are anti-women's rights with particular reference to abortion, just so the vermin can cling onto power.

The DUP do seem to have fantastic negotiating skills, did Arlene Foster threaten to kneecap May's husband or something?
The DUP do seem to have fantastic negotiating skills, did Arlene Foster threaten to kneecap May's husband or something?
Well it was pointed out upthread or somewhere on here by someone that they have had years of negotiating hardball at Stormont that coupled with the fact that the vermin are desperate pretty much clinched it I reckon.
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as much as I have been taking the piss out of the bonfire-fetishists, them, + the shinners (and the SDLP and UUP) have spent the majority of the past 25 years constantly negotiating so should be pretty experienced by now
Looks like May caved. 2.5 billion quid of financial support over three years. More frigging roads for Belfast, ultra fast broadband etc etc. If I was an English voter I'd be feeling I just had my pockets dipped.
Under other circumstances I would not mind either, however it's a deal been struck with a bunch of creationists, bigots, who have links to actual real terrorists and are anti-women's rights with particular reference to abortion, just so the vermin can cling onto power.
basically. Joe/Jane NI person aren't to blame but its pretty fucking insulting when those wankers at the paisely fan club can leverage that to keep the tories in power while routinely denying disabled people PIP and cutting cutting always cutting. Grubby wankers
basically. Joe/Jane NI person aren't to blame but its pretty fucking insulting when those wankers at the paisely fan club can leverage that to keep the tories in power while routinely denying disabled people PIP and cutting cutting always cutting. Grubby wankers

it is remarkably tactless -it is saying there are people who are more useful and other that less useful to us- and we will reward the more useful and fuck everyone else. May really doesn't get anything does she ? a blunt robotic drone, impervious to nuance and subtlety.
I see Osbourne is continuing to stick the boot in

it is remarkably tactless -it is saying there are people who are more useful and other that less useful to us- and we will reward the more useful and fuck everyone else. May really doesn't get anything does she ? a blunt robotic drone, impervious to nuance and subtlety.
The PIP was the first to spring to mind cos of recent hassles but more people access the NHS than claim benefits so I'm sure the fact that there is no money for grans hip but plenty to buy the tories 10 fucking votes from loons is going to go down like a cup of cold sick
"It is always a temptation to an armed and agile nation
To call upon a neighbour and to say: –
"We invaded you last night – we are quite prepared to fight,
Unless you pay us cash to go away."

And that is called asking for Dane-geld,
And the people who ask it explain
That you've only to pay 'em the Dane-geld
And then you'll get rid of the Dane!

It is always a temptation for a rich and lazy nation,
To puff and look important and to say: –
"Though we know we should defeat you,
we have not the time to meet you.
We will therefore pay you cash to go away."

And that is called paying the Dane-geld;
But we've proved it again and again,
That if once you have paid him the Dane-geld
You never get rid of the Dane.

It is wrong to put temptation in the path of any nation,
For fear they should succumb and go astray;
So when you are requested to pay up or be molested,
You will find it better policy to say: --

"We never pay any-one Dane-geld,
No matter how trifling the cost;
For the end of that game is oppression and shame,
And the nation that plays it is lost!"

Kipling innit
One thing that N.I. folk were never daft enough to vote for was austerity. We need a big Public Sector. It's 10%+ larger than in England. The DUP did run promising to leverage the Hell out of a hung parliament. It was even suggested that they might have preliminary talks with the Tories. Oddly enough if May had not been so certain of a landslide she might have listened to the DUP's objections to some pretty daft policy choices, austerity for old folks comes to mind. It's possible she would have won by a decent margin and not have to go begging to the DUP.

After bringing home this huge windfall the DUP are going to be even more people voting for them. Stormont just managed to waste half a billion and now that's all topped up again. And even if it's direct rule the DUP are going to getting right in Tory ministers faces to make sure the goods get delivered. Unfortunately Northern Ireland politics being what it is I suspect a lot of it will flow into the wealthier more Protestant parts of the NE and to pacify culchies worried about a hard border.
So SNP should be back up to 50 seats at the next election.... if the going rate for a minority party to prop up a government is 10 votes for a billion. Its in the Scots interest, to the tune of 5 billion to vote for the non Unionised party.
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