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Drag Queen Story Times picketed by protestors who claim that it grooms children and promotes paedophilia

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Lol... Like life only goes on in the SAD SAD private messages of Urban75 genXerz.

You wish you were still relevant.

And yes. I'm in the pub with "the gays".

And they are: 💅💄🖕 at this totally anglophone, British ”LOOOOOOOL” view of global gayness.

Buy they are also rather pissed with you all. Cuz none of you are helping dispell the myth.

They still keep talking abou the fucking "hunger Games of the west."
So again I would question what the fuck the parents are thinking.

They are ultimately the custodians.

Sadly others will take advantage when the guard is down, be it a peadophile, priest, sexual predator, whatever. Why give them the means?

If anyone thinks it is always innocent, then they need their heads examined, as all too often a preditor will find a way in.

Those who are allowing that need to explain why they are ok with it.
Great attempt to smear us all as paedo apologists by association, but its not happening. We can all see how ludicrous you are being here. Utterly ludicrous.

Yeah, I got that as well. On the same thread he links to a GBNews dicussion of it.
nice to see an unattributed image from someone who is

The issue is whether it came from a google search, not what you can get from a google search. I thought I was clear there.
Fwiw, I definitely believe it came from a google search finding that Chris guy's twitter. It still doesn't change the main point, which is that this is a moral panic being whipped up by right-wing weirdos, and then other people repeating the things that the right-wing weirdos want them to say and getting annoyed if they get called right-wing as a result.
You are the only person trying to link "the gays" to this nonsense.

Please stop insulting my gay friends (I am actually in the pub with them reading them your fucking crap).
I don't want to be that guy, but some of my best friends are gay.

You're being an apologist here and also directing your BS at me to try and deflect the bigger issue.

Good work on the schoolboy Freud though.
Brilliant, glad to know you're both being flooded with support from The Gays.
I don't think the handprint leotard is ok either tbh, it's really weird and objectifying.
But I also don't think it's less appropriate than this outfit

That image was from google and it came from Twitter ok!
Which twitter poster was it this time?
Lol... Like life only goes on in the SAD SAD private messages of Urban75 genXerz.

You wish you were still relevant.

And yes. I'm in the pub with "the gays".

And they are: 💅💄🖕 at this totally anglophone, British ”LOOOOOOOL” view of global gayness.

Buy they are also rather pissed with you all. Cuz none of you are helping dispell the myth.

They still keep talking abou the fucking "hunger Games of the west."
we don't care what your gay "friends" think (if they exist) unless they are willing to sign in and argue here - you need to stop assuming the role of queen of the gays arguing on behalf the gays. I consider myself LGB and this is what i think. Don't give a crap what your possibly fictional friends think.
Just did an image search for that second screenshot, and got:
Sure that the images that Turning Point UK have been posting on twitter are nothing to do with homophobia or any kind of right-wing agenda, though. Grand bunch of lads, I reckon we should use whatever Turning Point UK are posting on twitter as our starting point for all our threads from now on.
I'm not sure this casa baba thing is a fight the organisers can really win. Those pics may well be taken out of context, after all the camera is going to have been pointed right at the performers crotch in one instance which seems odd. But may be discretion is the better part of valour :(
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Just did an image search for that second screenshot, and got:
View attachment 365505
Sure that the images that Turning Point UK have been posting on twitter are nothing to do with homophobia or any kind of right-wing agenda, though. Grand bunch of lads, I reckon we should use whatever Turning Point UK are posting on twitter as our starting point for all our threads from now on.
TBF, I'm assuming all the images were lifted from the Casababa website.
I don't think the handprint leotard is ok either tbh, it's really weird and objectifying.
But I also don't think it's less appropriate than this outfit
I think the outfit of the young woman has potentially worse connotations and meanings, as it is at least in part like that in order to titillate men, no? Meanwhile the drag queen's outfit is aimed at making women titter.
Ah, "in the pub." That explains a lot. Hello to all your gay friends who I'm sure you've given a very evenhanded running commentary to.
I asked them if they'd be willing to take a photo for this forum, but they said no. Because they've seen how vicious "western" libs can be.


No gay marriage in Poland. No abortion rights. Gay guys are sitting with me drinking the VDK, and you all are fighting for baby - kink performances.

They are all saying "Thank You", Godly Lefty Brits : "ALERTA ALERTA ANTIFASCITA" - izzit?

And by "thank you" they mean "fuck you for making our life so much harder".

Btw, I bet all you "black block" mask wearing wannabe "ANTIFASCITA" fuckers right now are like "show your face"... gay dudes.

Fucking imbecile fucking old English gammon cunts here on this forum. No wonder it's dying..

Angol superstructure - poisoned the lot of you.

"YEeH DrAG aCts 4 kids”

Give your head a wobble. The lot of you.
I asked them if they'd be willing to take a photo for this forum, but they said no. Because they've seen how vicious "western" libs can be.


No gay marriage in Poland. No abortion rights. Gay guys are sitting with me drinking the VDK, and you all are fighting for baby - kink performances.

They are all saying "Thank You", Godly Lefty Brits : "ALERTA ALERTA ANTIFASCITA" - izzit?

And by "thank you" they mean "fuck you for making our life so much harder".

Btw, I bet all you "black block" mask wearing wannabe "ANTIFASCITA" fuckers right now are like "show your face"... gay dudes.

Fucking imbecile fucking old English gammon cunts here on this forum. No wonder it's dying..

Angol superstructure - poisoned the lot of you.

"YEeH DrAG aCts 4 kids”

Give your head a wobble. The lot of you.
Having a normal one I see.
It's a massively successful tactic of the right to come for all our rights by drumming up culture war hysteria around what we've sadly allowed to become wedge issues, such as transphobia and drag. Look who is removing rights from trans people globally - it's the same people gunning for gay rights, for abortion rights. It's fucking foolish at this point in time not to notice this fucking obvious fact.
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Sadly a lot of people don't, they think they'll be alright if they can just throw enough other people under the bus. Eventually it's their own mates, and then ...
I remember going to holiday parks across the UK and the entertainment for children ended at 8, but then the adult entertainment started. It was definitely sexualised and full of innuendo for the adults. We were still there with loads of kids and it wasn't a problem. Seems they still do similar stuff now too.

Plus children absolutely are exposed to all sorts of sexualised media through their TV and tablet screens.

I know someone doing drag story time and he's great, and I don't believe he is a groomer. I'm much more concerned by Men who push alpha male mindsets to be honest.

Personally I feel this show is a bit much, but I generally don't care for Cabernet, drag, etc anyway. I probably wouldn't take my nieces and nephews to it, but is it worth the HUGE backlash and is it grooming? I don't think so.

Edie weren't you on another thread arguing that people should be free to bring up their children how they want, and fully in support of full on home schooling with no oversight? I'd consider that to be just as risky, if not more risky to be honest.
It's a massively successful tactic of the right to come for all our rights by drumming up culture war hysteria around what we've sadly allowed to become wedge issues, such as transphobia and drag. Look who is removing rights from trans people globally - it's the same people gunning for abortion rights. It's fucking foolish at this point in time not to notice this fucking obvious fact.

On that note, some lightish relief I saw today

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