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Drag Queen Story Times picketed by protestors who claim that it grooms children and promotes paedophilia

It's a massively successful tactic of the right to come for all our rights by drumming up culture war hysteria around what we've sadly allowed to become wedge issues, such as transphobia and drag.

The trans thing has been a car crash for a while, but I don’t recall drag being any kind of a wedge issue in itself until the DQSH media blitz.
I remember going to holiday parks across the UK and the entertainment for children ended at 8, but then the adult entertainment started. It was definitely sexualised and full of innuendo for the adults. We were still there with loads of kids and it wasn't a problem. Seems they still do similar stuff now too.

Plus children absolutely are exposed to all sorts of sexualised media through their TV and tablet screens.

I know someone doing drag story time and he's great, and I don't believe he is a groomer. I'm much more concerned by Men who push alpha male mindsets to be honest.

Personally I feel this show is a bit much, but I generally don't care for Cabernet, drag, etc anyway. I probably wouldn't take my nieces and nephews to it, but is it worth the HUGE backlash and is it grooming? I don't think so.

Edie weren't you on another thread arguing that people should be free to bring up their children how they want, and fully in support of full on home schooling with no oversight? I'd consider that to be just as risky, if not more risky to be honest.
Yeah. The line for me when it comes to raising kids is not exposing them to sexually explicit stuff. I wouldn’t have thought that would be controversial but the fringes of this movement have got so weird it turns out it is.

I was also exposed to sexually inappropriate stuff as a kid btw.

Anyway, drag shows for babies are not especially concerning and whilst certainly weird aren’t like the end of the world. We’ll all get to see how history judges the medical ‘treatment’ of autistic and mentally unwell vulnerable children in the next decade. For those who have taken hormones either prescribed or obtained from the internet and are subsequently infertile and unable to reverse physical changes it’s going to be horrendous, and an absolute medical scandal. And that’s of considerable more concern to everyone I’m sure.
Pretty sure hardly anyone is seriously arguing for their inalienable right to entertain children by doing "sexy dancing" dressed in nothing but a thong and some nipple tassels. It's a distraction from the wider issue of what is and isn't considered sexualised or inappropriate, and who gets to make those decisions and why, and it's hard to discuss in good faith when you're talking about one thing and then someone produces a picture that may or may not have been taken at a completely unrelated event in a different country and tries to imply that well obviously you must approve of this filth too.

When I was dental nursing we had a TV on the ceiling for patients and one dentist would always turn it on to a music video channel that played stuff like this

I expect lots of people (in general but probably especially on urban) would have some issues with their young kids watching stuff like that but it's far from a universally held view - I was the only person working at the practice who was at all uncomfortable with it. We had more than one argument about it and the best I ever managed was a compromise that I could turn it over before kids' appointments or if someone complained, and even if they had it was never going to be headline news. It's not hard to imagine the outrage though if those exact same music videos showed all male artists & backing dancers, or performers in drag or visibly queer/gnc in some way and you played them in public where kids might see.

In that case it is actual sexualised content but the same arguments get made against any representation of queer/gnc people. Anything beyond complete invisibility and erasure can be labelled as indoctrination and grooming - writing a book where one kid has two mums; allowing a queer character or couple a fraction of the screen time, and far less explicit depictions of sexuality/affection/whatever than their cishet counterparts; reading an age-appropriate story to kids while (fully) dressed in drag...

Not saying anyone here is doing that but if you do find yourself using some of the same arguments it's probably a good idea to at least stop and consider your own views and what's behind them (not implying coz you're obviously a massive bigot and just haven't realised or are lying but none of us are immune from prejudice) and in conversations to distance yourself from those views both as a gesture of solidarity against the actual proper bigots and for the sake of clarity so we can actually talk about stuff properly.

And yeah I do think that applies to both "sides", to varying degrees, fwiw. Assuming based on past interactions that no one is ever arguing in good faith isn't helping but neither is refusing to acknowledge why people make those assumptions. That might sound like mealy-mouthed fence-sitting "all as bad as each other"ism but keeping score is never gonna get us to an agreed place to start talking from. Idfk.
Seriously get some shut-eye Fabric, it's coming up to midnight.
I wouldn’t have thought that would be controversial but the fringes of this movement have got so weird it turns out it is.
Other way round, you're claiming controversy and people are pointing out it's actually pretty common, just not with the word "drag" out front.
Yeah. The line for me when it comes to raising kids is not exposing them to sexually explicit stuff. I wouldn’t have thought that would be controversial but the fringes of this movement have got so weird it turns out it is.

I was also exposed to sexually inappropriate stuff as a kid btw.

Anyway, drag shows for babies are not especially concerning and whilst certainly weird aren’t like the end of the world. We’ll all get to see how history judges the medical ‘treatment’ of autistic and mentally unwell vulnerable children in the next decade. For those who have taken hormones either prescribed or obtained from the internet and are subsequently infertile and unable to reverse physical changes it’s going to be horrendous, and an absolute medical scandal. And that’s of considerable more concern to everyone I’m sure.

Nice swerve, what happened to the 1000 families who were suing the Tavistock btw, I thought papers were supposed to have been filed by now?
Anyway, whatever. Crack on defending it. This stuff won’t last long, and thankfully on the more substantive issue of concern re puberty blockers and children the Tavistock got shut down by a paediatrician.

Won’t prevent the absolutely enormous medical scandal that’s in the post unfortunately, when that cohort of kids get to be adults and the long term medical effects of puberty blockers and cross sex hormones becomes fully realised, and the regret and blame starts in earnest.

The Tavistock clinic was closed because the paediatrician recommended.... that more clinics should be opened so young people could be referred to a regional one! Lol
The only people claiming slightly creepily not to be able to see that it’s sexualised are smokedout and belboid. They maintain it’s just the normal splits
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Don’t believe your own eyes folks!
My eyes tell me that both are the splits. It’s just that one of them is a woman in front of a candle, and the other isn’t.

I don’t see the comparison with lap dancing, made earlier. I think that’s disingenuous. Lap dancing is supposed to be titillating - like stripping, it’s meant to be sexually exciting. Nobody goes to see a drag performance to be sexually turned on, do they? Drag and lap dancing aren’t the same category of thing - other than both being performance. Just as ballroom dancing and stripping aren’t the same category of thing, besides both having some dance element.
It's a wedge issue it would seem to me, in a political context. A context of a stagnating economy and a cost of living crisis. There's not much to it. Personally the idea of 'grooming' here is I believe complete nonsense (think it was only one person going on about that who has since been hooked). Nevertheless, some deliberately stoked moral panics can contain a grain (however small) of truth, or at least people's concerns are genuinely held. That's the intention and the familiar trick after all.

We would be better looking at what those intentions are and who is constanly feeding the beast that amplifies them. In my opinion it is the collapsing of the hard-won rights of individuals and community freedoms in the face of a very determined and permanent authoritarian oppressor.
Lol... Like life only goes on in the SAD SAD private messages of Urban75 genXerz.

You wish you were still relevant.

And yes. I'm in the pub with "the gays".

And they are: 💅💄🖕 at this totally anglophone, British ”LOOOOOOOL” view of global gayness.

Buy they are also rather pissed with you all. Cuz none of you are helping dispell the myth.

They still keep talking abou the fucking "hunger Games of the west."

Yeah, sure. you're in the pub but most likely having an intense convo with the person in the mirror.

And am not British.
Yeah, sure. you're in the pub but most likely having an intense convo with the person in the mirror.

And am not British.

Yeah mate.

After nearly 20 years on this forum, after joining as a 19 year old girl... Blatantly I am having convos in the mirror...

This forum taught me shit. And what goes around comes around. And what has come around is people like me, (the young un's) ... having convos with the youngsters.

Here's some unfortunate information:

The more that "sex-ed" is pushed on the young through the education system, the less the young are interested, cuz who wants to listen to the teachers and government?!?!

The morse cool mum's do any shit, the less "cool" they are.

The more "SUBVERSIVE" the state and state organisations say something is , the less actually SUBVERSIVE it is..

And finally...FINALLY.... the less you can speak a foreign language 🚩🚩🚩, the more you actually take on the imperialism of English Speakin Cuntries but "y'all" identify as left wing so LOL.

Seriously, I'd love to know how many posters can speak another language on this forum.
Yeah mate.

After nearly 20 years on this forum, after joining as a 19 year old girl... Blatantly I am having convos in the mirror...

This forum taught me shit. And what goes around comes around. And what has come around is people like me, (the young un's) ... having convos with the youngsters.

Here's some unfortunate information:

The more that "sex-ed" is pushed on the young through the education system, the less the young are interested, cuz who wants to listen to the teachers and government?!?!

The morse cool mum's do any shit, the less "cool" they are.

The more "SUBVERSIVE" the state and state organisations say something is , the less actually SUBVERSIVE it is..

And finally...FINALLY.... the less you can speak a foreign language 🚩🚩🚩, the more you actually take on the imperialism of English Speakin Cuntries but "y'all" identify as left wing so LOL.

Seriously, I'd love to know how many posters can speak another language on this forum.

Not sure what any of the above has to do with the topic???
Yeah mate.

After nearly 20 years on this forum, after joining as a 19 year old girl... Blatantly I am having convos in the mirror...

This forum taught me shit. And what goes around comes around. And what has come around is people like me, (the young un's) ... having convos with the youngsters.

Here's some unfortunate information:

The more that "sex-ed" is pushed on the young through the education system, the less the young are interested, cuz who wants to listen to the teachers and government?!?!

The morse cool mum's do any shit, the less "cool" they are.

The more "SUBVERSIVE" the state and state organisations say something is , the less actually SUBVERSIVE it is..

And finally...FINALLY.... the less you can speak a foreign language 🚩🚩🚩, the more you actually take on the imperialism of English Speakin Cuntries but "y'all" identify as left wing so LOL.

Seriously, I'd love to know how many posters can speak another language on this forum.
But that just isn’t true. The more sex ed has been ‘pushed’ onto the young in the education system, the more that previously high teen pregnancy rates have fallen through the floor, and the less things that were swept under the carpet have been allowed to remain there and the less the young are to say ‘OK’.

I can. And my son goes to a non English language school. I’m not sure what this has to do with the topic.

I hate to burst your bubble, but if you're 39 these ‘young uns’ you think you are part of don't see you as part of the youth at all - they think you’re already old. You’re their parents generation. It’s nice that they take you out for a drink (although it’s less kind they haven’t yet folded you into a homeward bound taxi), but don’t kid yourself - they don’t think you are their generational peer.

Don’t be the oldest person on the dance floor tonight - that’s a sadder sight than any drag act in any context.
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You're going to have a real beast of a hangover tomorrow morning at this rate.
Our hangovers will be a triumph, thankye.
Please do not worry about our ability to suffer collectively!!!

Not sure what any of the above has to do with the topic???

Someone said it was all homophobic nonsense. And what am I am saying, is that, right now, as is, gays want nothing to do with drag, leather baby straps, etc etc... All they want is the same tax exemptions as straight couples (there is no civil partnership).

And basically to leave the kids the fuck alone.

I will now quote my friend: "marriage is bullshit, but if getting married means the same rights then afford it to us , (tax breaks, mortgage breaks etc), all the rest of the BULLSHIT ... SPIERDALAJ PO PROSZĘ.

"We do not need or want the right to strip in front of babies"..
Our hangovers will be a triumph, thankye.
Please do not worry about our ability to suffer collectively!!!

Someone said it was all homophobic nonsense. And what am I am saying, is that, right now, as is, gays want nothing to do with drag, leather baby straps, etc etc... All they want is the same tax exemptions as straight couples (there is no civil partnership).

And basically to leave the kids the fuck alone.

I will now quote my friend: "marriage is bullshit, but if getting married means the same rights then afford it to us , (tax breaks, mortgage breaks etc), all the rest of the BULLSHIT ... SPIERDALAJ PO PROSZĘ.

"We do not need or want the right to strip in front of babies"..

Yeah, you dont speak for all LGBT people, and neither does this self.

Get some shut eye, you're all over the place & not making much sense. Nobody goes to the pub to hang out with their mates & spend that valuable time talking crap on urban.
Don’t be the oldest person on the dance floor tonight - that’s a sadder sight than any drag act in any context.

I give no fucks as to what my "old sad self" thinks. Thankfully neither do the kids we teach.

Mainly they hate being told what to think. Mostly by anglophone or russian sad sacks.
Yeah, you dont speak for all LGBT people, and neither does this self.

Get some shut eye, you're all over the place & not making much sense. Nobody goes to the pub to hang out with their mates & spend that valuable time talking crap on urban.

No one speaks for "all" anyone. Ever. Not you, not me, not anyone.

Sometimes someone gives another the ability to speak by giving no fucks and allowing oneself, against all odds, to piss against the wind.

Anglo liberal and right wing media is a very hard wind to piss against.. we still do it, cuz our brains haven't been contorted to think that stripper heels and PVC leotards are appropriate for children, and a reasonable representative of gay needs globally.

You do you, tho boo..
I give no fucks as to what my "old sad self" thinks. Thankfully neither do the kids we teach.

Mainly they hate being told what to think. Mostly by anglophone or russian sad sacks.
Exactly - they don’t give a fuck what you think, presumably when you’re sober. Why you think anyone gives a fuck what you think, drunk, is the only real mystery.

You’re now throwing jelly at the wall in terms of sex education in general, foreign language ability, and some nonsense about Russia. It makes no real sense.

Go and enjoy the rest of your night out. You’re going to be teaching in not much more than 30 hours, so I only hope you’re ok for Monday morning.
Exactly - they don’t give a fuck what you think, presumably when you’re sober. Why you think anyone gives a fuck what you think, drunk, is the only real mystery.

You’re now throwing jelly at the wall in terms of sex education in general, foreign language ability, and some nonsense about Russia. It makes no real sense.

Go and enjoy the rest of your night out. You’re going to be teaching in not much more than 30 hours, so I only hope you’re ok for Monday morning.

Left wing urban, everyone.. sad life of teachers innit. No one gives a fuck, we're all drunk at the weekend, especially foreign language teachers talk nonsense💅💄 about foreign affairs.

We should basically be very sad be that we only have 30 hours on a drunken weekend before we come in to contact with the next generation of humanity.

How sad are our lives .
I give no fucks as to what my "old sad self" thinks. Thankfully neither do the kids we teach.

Mainly they hate being told what to think. Mostly by anglophone or russian sad sacks.

The russian and polish government have the same ideas on many issues to the extent that its hard to tell from written excerpts the source.
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