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Douglas Murray is a skid mark

may i introduce you to the multi-quote function will? click on this image in each post you're replying to:
and you can put all your replies in one post! :cool:

Cheers for that.

Funnily enough it's been on my mind to ask how you do the multi-quote thing :oops:, but now I know. :cool:
Because if I was alone with Douglas Murray for two weeks in the same house I would want to cause injury to myself or others :(

Which is why I suggested Charlie Booker and not you :)
Brooker would run rings around Murray, and Murray's bigotry would see the challenge it deserves.

In fact, if Murray's most recent appearance on Question Time is not brought up by Brooker in his next Newswipe, I'll be disappointed.
They are booth paid to spout bollocks that neither of them believe in order to be "interesting" or "relevant"

Bout as relevant as a spot on a cows arse ring, the pair o em......
Yeah I didn't know either, it'll take me a while to get used to it. Or even to use it ... :oops:
Please don't be bullied into using it if you don't want to. Whilst it is useful to reply to several linked points, or several posts by the same poster as soon as you use it to respond to different points on different subjects by different posters it all gets very messy and individual replies are far more user-friendly.
I don't normally do threads about people I dislike but this cunt is something else. Did anyone see him on question time last night? it was the first time and hopefully the last time i've ever seen him, he is quite possibly the most smug, rude and arrogant little shit i've ever come accross. He has the view that the Iraq war is a good idea and the NHS is a bad idea that will never work.

Here's a fucking idea mate, how about stop spending billions of pounds invading countries we know fuck all about, and spend the money on building new hospitals, getting them up to scratch and giving all those doctors who have recently finished training a job.

KILL HIM IN THE FACE :mad: :mad: :mad:

Can you please put him in the slap gallery Editor? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.


Ain't got a clue who he is (must be a contestant on 'celebrity' big brother?) but he has that Jeremy Kyle punchability . And with views like that he should be shot with shit
You know how some people get more right wing as they get older?


Yes the guy is a plain pillock, I could see imediately he was not a politician as they at least make lame efforts to persuade people of their policies, he however appeared rude and arrogant from the very first word I saw uttered from his mouth and I agreed with almost nothing that came out.

I would guess you did not see the question time program itself, he was odious, malevolent and spouting hate filled jibes with every utterance. It was however entertaining, if only in a kind of disturbing way.


I like Douglas Murray, I just saw him on Question Time, and I like anyone who does not hold back on their views, even if I disagree with them. It's why I also like George Galloway, Murray and him could have a great argument and it would make good tv.
Well spotted! :D

I'd be delighted if weltweit returns and sees fit to respond to my post 202 above, even if she can't quite face my somewhat abusive post 197 ... ;)
You know how some people get more right wing as they get older?



Indeed. I do recall the first time I saw him, he was malevolent.. almost spitting!

But based on the last time I do like his forthrightness, I like that in a debate, someone who actually says something, something that others could get their teeth into perhaps but at least something.

Politicians are so dull politically correct and sterile .. and those that were on QT last night were particularly dull and insipid ..

And the point was made on the last page that Dr David Starkey is another, and he is, forthright in opinion, outspoken, I always know I will enjoy QT if Starkey is on it.
So do you still like Douglas Murray weltweit,, even after reading invisibleplanet's post 185 and post 198 on the previous page? :hmm:

Or maybe his brave bold 'speaking his mind' defiance of the oppressive forces of 'political correctness' redeems him ... ? :rolleyes:

Yes, he is good value in a debate...

I don't really see in the posts you mention any reason to dislike the man, perhaps there is reason to question the status of his employment but that is not the same.

Anyhow, back to the personal. You can't have a debate if everyone agrees with each other and the main political parties pretty much do, they debate on dull nuances for fear of actually saying anything specific which might lose them a single vote.

People like Douglas Murray, Dr David Starkey, George Galloway, Boris Johnson do not, they jump right in and say what they really think, it is both the reason why they could never be run of the mill politicians because they would put their feet in their mouths too often, and also the reason why they are good value in a debate, as Question Time purports to be.
So you think that it's more important to 'be outspoken' and that this excuses he fact that he's a far-out right wing Christian fundamentalist?** What do you think of that -- isn't it somewhat extremist of him?

**(I'm not exaggerating on this btw -- see invisibleplanet's several earlier posts outlinig his 'credentials' in detail).

I happen to be at the moment pretty much "middle wing" thus I view right and left wing people with equal interest.

That he has unusual views is obvious from watching his utterances.
Those 'unusual views' are those of a ranting extremist.

I am not saying I agree with everything Murray stands for. Far from it, I probably agree with very little that he stands for. He expressed some views on Israel during an earlier QT which I found frankly misguided but that does not get away from the fact that you can't have much of a debate with people who agree with you.

The three main political parties are so similar that you can hardly fit a fag paper between them, debate between them on QT is sterile, dull and insipid, it takes people like those I have mentioned to liven up the program. I suspect it is why they are included. Long may it continue!
Arse-turned off the DVD player and saw the last mins of QT. If I'd known Murray was on my evening would have been re-jigged. Hey ho an I-playering I go. :)
ranting in an extremist fashion is not itself a crime. It is what you are ranting about that puts you in the frame for a very, very brief tribunal CTR
Ok, so you want to watch it when he is on, so do I, but why in your case?

Pretty much the reasons you mentioned really. Rarely watch QT but I'll watch if Murray or Griffin or Galloway show up. Gave up on this episode though-Murray isn't as interesting on the two or three issues he's not obsessed with.
Oh fuck, just watched the QT repeat with that utter, utter cunt on it - still seems he prefers killing and maiming children to providing them with healthcare. I don't think it would be libelous to suggest that it's almost certain that he regularly masturbates over that photo of Iraqi kid with both his arms blown off. The sick fucking freak.
I'd like to thank the BBC for giving this 'gentleman' the airtime, just as they did for Nick Griffin. I like such people to be out in the open, rather than festering away hidden. In this country we have the right of free speech (more or less) but while we must respect the right of people to say what they want - after all, we expect them to extend the same courtesy to us - it doesn't mean we must respect them for what they say.
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