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Doctor Who Series 10

I have him conflated in my head with the awful "it's a puppet" comedian who has just been announced for Strictly. I've only just realised that they are different people.

Brian Conley? I thought he'd be festering away at the end of a pier somewere by now. And not a good pier either. Not even Cromer.
second best thing on tele after Doctor Who

I bet it isn't him though. He's busy doing that quiz watched by millions, has run for half a decade and won at this years NTA's Then of course there is his busy Soccer Aid duties for charity. No he'll be too busy
How can you be too busy if you have access to a tardis?
Bradley: Wmph dmph Doctor, yopgh jupt saghr the lipg of the 17 billiophg...
Doctor: what the fuck are you saying? Not even the TARDIS universal translator can make sense your mumbling bumbling regional accent!!
I always thought he had a Londonish type of accent, sounds fine to me. As for him being the new companion if it's true then I'll just have to wait and see if he's any good but I don't hate the idea of it.
I do have sympathy with the argument that Steven Moffat should've bowed out with Matt Smith after the 50th, but it could be argued that the 2014/15 series represented something of a second wind after an uneven 6 & 7, with some solid episodes amongst their number & Capaldi's stonking performance being the one constant throughout. However series 10 has been a real mixed bag in terms of quality, with even Capaldi not able to carry some of the material to greatness.

I mean it hasn't been terrible, but it's just been incredibly uneven & mediocre, & because of the producers inability to get a full series out in 2016, momentum for the show stalled & there was much more riding on this one being universally good, & it just wasn't. If these episodes had aired last Autumn, I'd probably be much more forgiving, but given how late they started production, that wasn't ever going to happen.

Not only that but you had Peter announcing his departure a full three months before any episode had even aired, managing to kill any remaining enthusiasm I had going into this series. Of course It's nice that he actually got a 3rd series to wrap his era up (as opposed to Colin Baker) but it would've been even nicer if his last run of episodes didn't feel like one long, glorified hold over, only really there to keep the show ticking over before Chris Chibnall takes the reins next year.

I feel like Moffat mentally checked out of Doctor Who a couple years back, & this one was him doing it purely for the paycheck, & that's not what the show or Peter for his swansong, needed right now.
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If it is to be Walsh, he might actually be very good. Not exactly a future Oscar winner but he could do a bit of hangdog pathos, bit of comedy etc. Key thing though will be how much the writers want to make of it being a woman doctor. If they do want to focus on that, they might have Walsh coming out with the middle aged blokey stuff, which would be excruciating.
I'd love to see the format shaken up. (not that you'd notice, there's been no real logic or pattern to the airdates since two thousand & fucking eight)

I know one of the rumours floating around was of 10x45 minute episodes, but why not collapse those down into five, 90 minute episodes spread over the year? So you'd get the show premiering over Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter & Christmas & It would turn DW into proper 'event tv' like the Moff always wanted.
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I'd love to see the format shaken up. (not that you'd notice, there's been no real logic or pattern to the airdates since two thousand & fucking eight)

I know one of the rumours floating around was of 10x45 minute episodes, but why not collapse those down into five, 90 minute episodes spread over the year? So you'd get the show premiering over Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter & Christmas & It would turn DW into proper 'event tv' like the Moff always wanted.
This is the opposite of a good idea.
This is the opposite of a good idea.

Look, like most people on here I'd prefer it if we could have a full series airing at the same time every year for more than two fucking calendar years. But the current production team, for whatever reason *cough*sherlock*cough* were unable to pull it off.

I'm simply looking at anything that might make getting DW out every year a more doable prospect.
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It doesn't bother me as much as when I heard this "actor" was going to be in Doctor Who

Bit annoying that the first thing they have the one and only woman Doctor do is fail to drive the Tardis properly. Could they really not come up with a better way to tee up the cliffhanger?
Thoroughly enjoyed it! Yes, it tugged at the heartstrings in a predictable enough way but the performances were all terrific, and it was lovely to see old faces a final time. Only blubbed three times, lol
capaldis testimonial match. Good show, the wedding ring sliding of and clinking to the ground nice touch. Of course the ww1 truce. Complete with 5 aside. Clara was in it for two seconds man. I lolled quite a bit at the 'they've cut out all the jokes' bit.Gatiss had some good lines. mawk was not too ott. I say yes :cool:

edit to get the right war. The one with trenches. Which reminds me 'what do you mean first world war?'

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