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Doctor Who 2023


Paul McGann set to make comeback as the Eighth Doctor in new Doctor Who spin-off series​


Disney are on board as they want more original content and want to fully exploit the franchise as they know how big it could become.”
It’s worth seeing. A lot of people didn’t like it, but I don’t know why. He’s too pretty maybe?
For quite a few people myself included its not paul mcgan thats the problem, he's quite good and fairly popular though I know there was a lot of pearl clutching about that kiss.
My problems with it starts with the daleks, and to be honest there are a few others but those bloody awful daleks are awful ,I have to skip that bit when I watch it or i just keep thinking about how bad they are.
For quite a few people myself included its not paul mcgan thats the problem, he's quite good and fairly popular though I know there was a lot of pearl clutching about that kiss.
My problems with it starts with the daleks, and to be honest there are a few others but those bloody awful daleks are awful ,I have to skip that bit when I watch it or i just keep thinking about how bad they are.
Iirc, it starts with the Daleks but you don't actually see them.
But you hear them, , its a rollercoaster of like and dislike for me when i rewatch the tvm, but I wouldn't dream of leaving it out of my planned epic rewatch.
At this stage of Dalek saturation, hearing them is enough ;)

As said upthread, I dream of a series unhindered by constant nostalgia and yet more returns of old baddies. As a kid, there was a 4 year gap between Genesis and Destiny... so when the Daleks returned it was huge, especially as I'd missed the opening titles and therefore it was a surprise to see them.

Destiny was a bit meh, in hindsight, though.
At this stage of Dalek saturation, hearing them is enough ;)

As said upthread, I dream of a series unhindered by constant nostalgia and yet more returns of old baddies. As a kid, there was a 4 year gap between Genesis and Destiny... so when the Daleks returned it was huge, especially as I'd missed the opening titles and therefore it was a surprise to see them.

Destiny was a bit meh, in hindsight, though.
I like to imagine that they just struggled to come up with anything as good as Genesis, but it's probably just more mundane like they didn't want to pay Terry Nation any more or something like that.
I liked the TV movie at the time. Although I didn’t like the Doctor being half human. Although of course the Doctor does just talk pish from time to time.

Last time I saw it it felt dated and unnecessarily Americanised (not blaming Americans, I’m blaming the way studios underestimate the American public). But McGann does a good job, and the Tardis was cool.
I like to imagine that they just struggled to come up with anything as good as Genesis, but it's probably just more mundane like they didn't want to pay Terry Nation any more or something like that.
Reckon the next Dalek story, Eric Saward's Resurrection of the Daleks was a better one. Grey and grim with one of the Likely Lads for good measure
Russell T Davies:

“I do think we've had a lot of Daleks lately. I think they've been done a lot - people are expecting them every year now. So I think they need a good pause. Hopefully, there's some enemies that will become new classics, but it's always good to move on.”

Russell T Davies:

“I do think we've had a lot of Daleks lately. I think they've been done a lot - people are expecting them every year now. So I think they need a good pause. Hopefully, there's some enemies that will become new classics, but it's always good to move on.”

Thank Christ for that
Lovely thought, thank you, but I’m not that big a fan.

The level I’m at is posters from First Doctor story, Dalek Invasion Earth, on my bathroom wall.

Knitting books by former Time Lord sidekicks and ex-wives of former Doctor actors is a whole other level.
I wish I could get my enthusiasm for Who back.
It just sorta slowly trickled away through the newer series. Gave up mid Capaldi. The nothing against his performance just wasn't getting much from the stories anymore.

Looking forward to doing a bit of a dive through the old stuff again though. The anniversary is a good excuse.
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