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Doctor Who 2023

I wish I could get my enthusiasm for Who back.
It just sorta slowly trickled away through the newer series. Gave up mid Capaldi. The nothing against his performance just wasn't getting much from the stories anymore.

Looking forward to doing a bit of a dive through the old stuff again though. The anniversary is a good excuse.
That's a shame. His third series was the best of his run.
It was more a me thing I think.

Just dug in my storage and immediately found this


Now looking at those I can picture myself watching them again in a way I just don't imagine myself watching new who.

Perhaps because I find mediocre or bad old who to be mediocre or bad in a way I find charming whereas the bits of new who I disliked irksome....

Actually shit yeah I'm just old....

I should give it a go again though. Lower Decks and Strange New Worlds got me quietly hyped for trek again so maybe some of this new stuff can get me going on Who again.

I may have to ask what episodes to speed run on who to get me caught up. That or do a ridiculous marathon over Xmas.
I liked the TV movie at the time. Although I didn’t like the Doctor being half human. Although of course the Doctor does just talk pish from time to time.

Last time I saw it it felt dated and unnecessarily Americanised (not blaming Americans, I’m blaming the way studios underestimate the American public). But McGann does a good job, and the Tardis was cool.
I sorta liked it. Didn't like McGann at the time but that's partly to do with really liking McCoy and not liking seeing him go. His death also felt very anticlimactic. Especially if you had been reading the new adventure books (boy did those go places).
The half human stuff is wince inducing.
The guy doing the master is..... that.
The romance stuff was never a good idea. I still fucking hate Doctor romance stuff.

But.... the sets were great. McGann did his best with the script.
It could have been a lot worse.

Reading the books helped me adjust to the 8th Doctor. I hear his big finish stuff is good too.

I did laugh that the first book basically starts with him collapsing in the Tardis and blaming all the wired out if charactor stuff in the movie on regeneration sickness. Half hunan? Cocaine's a hell of a drug.
That's not fair to it. The last season of classic who is fantastic.
That's not just the booze talking.

McCoys first season on the other hand can't be saved even with hard drugs.
Agreed that the last season was an improvement on previous years but after Caves of Androzani it (for me) felt weaker.
That is the first story I remember watching.

I remember the bit where he escapes because the robots don't recognise him as human.

Yeah the Colin years and the early McCoy stuff is rough.

Still some stuff you can love but a lot of trash too.
That is the first story I remember watching.

I remember the bit where he escapes because the robots don't recognise him as human.

Yeah the Colin years and the early McCoy stuff is rough.

Still some stuff you can love but a lot of trash too.
Saw a Cushing film first and next was either Ark in Space or Genesis... whichever Tom Baker came first. Behind the sofa stuff, even in black and white.
Genesis is a legitimate classic. That sequence talking with davros is worth it alone. The rest of the show is great too.

One of my early nicknames on the internet was 'Tom Baker being strangled by a kaled mutant' in reference to one of the cliff hangers from that story.

Not sure about ark. Can't remember it properly.
children in need stuff isn't canon really is it, otherwise the eastenders crossover was canon
Well that one is available as a stand alone on the iPlayer in the Whoniverse section, where I viewed it. So it’s as much canon as Genesis of the Daleks, which is also there.
Well that one is available as a stand alone on the iPlayer in the Whoniverse section, where I viewed it. So it’s as much canon as Genesis of the Daleks, which is also there.
It only contradicts audio stories as far as I know. There's one where Davros thinks the Kaleds showed weakness letting him live after his accident which was a major step en route to the Daleks. In Davros' last tv story part of the plot was davros abusing regeneration energy. Perhaps that could be used to an excuse to restore Davros to his preaccident self.
This is going to sound weird but for a period in my youth, Doctor Who made perfect sense to me. It was comforting when I going through a fucked up time.

I later realised it was OCD but at. the time I just had to have everything in order and oddly, Who was a help in that. I had 20 years of it to ingest and despite changes, it was such a focus.

Getting the Target books, the Marvel Comics, catching rare repeats like The Five Faces of Doctor Who (or whatever those repeats were called during the wait between the Baker and Davison era)

And here's the thing... the show was always about change. Constant.

Which given my sense of order... shouldn't have agreed with me.

But it did... and continues to do so.

Just cannot understand why change seems to irk certain fans... who get not just irked but angry...
Goneril and I have just finished Image of the Fendahl, which I believe marks the point where ambitions to deliver teatime Hammer Horror were finally scotched by the BBC, and we have a lot of rather more anodyne Baker to wade through. Anyway, although I didn’t have a telly as a tot, I have always had a vague memory of switching something off in abject terror at a relative’s house, and I’m fairly sure now it was that.
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