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Doctor Who 2023

I found An Unearthly Child on Youtube.
Think I'd prefer to read the book again. Some of the earliest serials are difficult to sit through. Although quite enjoyed Tomb of the Cybermen when saw it last. Target novelisation is hard to beat, still.
anyone know if they will putting up the excellent "adventures in time and space" (dramatised account of the creation of doctor who) up on the iplayer?
I just assumed it was part of it. I'd quite like to see that anniversary thing they did with 5 6 and 7 . . A sort of comedy caper. I only saw it late at night drunk. I recall it being quite fun.
Spent quite a few hours flitting through the Whoniverse, really enjoyed tales of the tardis, was quite pleased that Vengence on Varos was one of them as I recently met colin baker at a convention and chose a still from Vengence to have autographed .
Whose Doctor Who was a fascinating watch as well . Its a nice time to be a Who fan.
Spent quite a few hours flitting through the Whoniverse, really enjoyed tales of the tardis,
I have only started on the first one. Am I right on saying they are all just bookends to one previous adventure all stuck in one long edit?
Is the adventure edited down at all? I am quite familiar with earthshock but don't see any difference is story speed . . . though I don't remember seeing Adric being a moody teen twat in his tardis bedroom, so maybe I don't remember it as well as I thought.
It’s the #DoctorDonnaThon tomorrow.

If you want to watch along on iPlayer the schedule is:

9:45AMThe Runaway Bride | Partners in Crime | The Fires of Pompeii
12:40PMPlanet of the Ood | The Sontaran Strategem | The Poison Sky
3:25PMThe Doctor's Daughter | The Unicorn and the Wasp
5:10PMSilence in the Library | Forest of the Dead | Midnight
7:40PMTurn Left | The Stolen Earth | Journey's End
It’s the #DoctorDonnaThon tomorrow.

If you want to watch along on iPlayer the schedule is:

9:45AMThe Runaway Bride | Partners in Crime | The Fires of Pompeii
12:25PMStrawberry Nesquilk, fishcakes
12:40PMPlanet of the Ood | The Sontaran Strategem | The Poison Sky
3:25PMThe Doctor's Daughter | The Unicorn and the Wasp
4:55PMTin of Director’s.
5:10PMSilence in the Library | Forest of the Dead | Midnight
7:25PMPut the roast on as soon as you see the moon buggy.
7:40PMTurn Left | The Stolen Earth | Journey's End
Fixed that for you.
I have only started on the first one. Am I right on saying they are all just bookends to one previous adventure all stuck in one long edit?
Is the adventure edited down at all? I am quite familiar with earthshock but don't see any difference is story speed . . . though I don't remember seeing Adric being a moody teen twat in his tardis bedroom, so maybe I don't remember it as well as I thought.
Just the reprises at the start of each episode I think, I'm not familiar enough with the originals to tell if there have been others.
Just the reprises at the start of each episode I think, I'm not familiar enough with the originals to tell if there have been others.
I see. They are just bookends. Obviously it's a bit silly, but it's roughly a decent idea. Tardis memory? Keeps something, some essence of the passengers around in it's brain for some reason. . . Weird though that they know what happened to themselves after leaving the tardis.

The sets and filming though are utterly abysmal. It's filmed like an opening to jackonory. Davison at least made some attempt to interact/make something of it, (forcing the camera to engage) rather than just standing in front of it in a flat pebble mill studio lit two shot.
I see. They are just bookends. Obviously it's a bit silly, but it's roughly a decent idea. Tardis memory? Keeps something, some essence of the passengers around in it's brain for some reason. . . Weird though that they know what happened to themselves after leaving the tardis.

The sets and filming though are utterly abysmal. It's filmed like an opening to jackonory. Davison at least made some attempt to interact/make something of it, (forcing the camera to engage) rather than just standing in front of it in a flat pebble mill studio lit two shot.
I watched the Earthshock one, that being very much my era, and enjoyed it - I'd forgotten all about the doddery hammed up Beryl Reid - but couldn't bring myself to do any more. Jamie and Zoe are vague memories from Target novelisations for me so doesn't really appeal. I did watch the opening sequence for Vengeance on Varos but that was by far enough Six and Peri to last me the rest of time. I might manage Curse of Fenric as though I didn't much enjoy Sylv and Ace at the time they've grown on me over the years.
Tbf to Adric, didn't pick up on the hate until many years later. It was Mel who really annoyed as a character a few years later.
Yeah me too - I was too young to properly appreciate what an absolute grade A tool Adric was. Mel was dreadful - but I struggled to like Peri much either. For me the degeneration of the series had as much to do with the companions as anything else. Ace was actually pretty good in retrospect, but I found her embarrassing as a teen - the name alone put me off.
Yeah me too - I was too young to properly appreciate what an absolute grade A tool Adric was. Mel was dreadful - but I struggled to like Peri much either. For me the degeneration of the series had as much to do with the companions as anything else. Ace was actually pretty good in retrospect, but I found her embarrassing as a teen - the name alone put me off.
Ace would be heralded as "woke" if she debuted on the show nowadays. I think Peri made such a splash with her introduction, was willing to forgive the occasional duff episode. Plus her sparring chemistry with Colin Baker was a plus.
Ace was actually pretty good in retrospect, but I found her embarrassing as a teen - the name alone put me off.
really? Exactly the other way around for me. Ace seemed the only decent thing about 7's time when I was a kid. I rewatched a couple of stories a couple of years ago and, bloody hell, she was awful. A decent idea, but she just couldn't act. McCoy, on the other hand, was way better than I remembered and he had some pretty decent stories.
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Tbf to Adric, didn't pick up on the hate until many years later. It was Mel who really annoyed as a character a few years later.
I was OK with adric at the time, I think I even liked him. I can see now how that whole crew is tottaly weird now though.
Mel I hated straight away. Kids already knew Langford was dreadful. It was a perplexing decision to cast her.
I also remember thinking Beril Reid was a bad idea at the time, but in retrospect she was actually OK.

I really hated Ace as well. I could see what they were going for, but she wasn't Marmalade Atkins enough.
She is not half as bad as I remember though. Ace and 'the professor ' suffered from some terrible stories at the start, and lost viewers (like me), but I've since watched later shows and it did seem to be picking up.
. Ace was actually pretty good in retrospect, but I found her embarrassing as a teen - the name alone put me off.
This. The name, the set up, all of it just made me cringe. These she doesn't seem any worse than any other companion. Maybe it's an age thing. I was beginning to get a bit old for it all anyway.
I see Sophie Aldred also starred in a programme called 'Lust in Space' - I didn't think she would ever have been that desperate.

As it turns out, it isn't a porn parody, it features fictionalised versions of Katy Manning, Sophie Aldred and Nicholas Briggs and asks the question "Is Doctor Who sexist?". It also features Nicholas Courtney and Mark Strickson as Time Judges
I watched the Earthshock one, that being very much my era, and enjoyed it - I'd forgotten all about the doddery hammed up Beryl Reid - but couldn't bring myself to do any more. Jamie and Zoe are vague memories from Target novelisations for me so doesn't really appeal. I did watch the opening sequence for Vengeance on Varos but that was by far enough Six and Peri to last me the rest of time. I might manage Curse of Fenric as though I didn't much enjoy Sylv and Ace at the time they've grown on me over the years.
Curse of Fenric is good, because it leads into the episodes where Syl and Sophie really start to do something with the characters. Setting the Doctor up as a machiavellian bastard. He's still good, he still cares, but he's a total bastard when it comes to getting his way and doesn't care a whit about the damage along the way. Syl's last series was one of the best in years because of it, but they'd already made up their minds about cancellation at that point.
I see Sophie Aldred also starred in a programme called 'Lust in Space' - I didn't think she would ever have been that desperate.

As it turns out, it isn't a porn parody, it features fictionalised versions of Katy Manning, Sophie Aldred and Nicholas Briggs and asks the question "Is Doctor Who sexist?". It also features Nicholas Courtney and Mark Strickson as Time Judges
Not heard of that! Do recall in the immediate years after the show finished, there was a series of videos (maybe fan funded?) about a mysterious time traveler called "The Stranger" starring several ex Doctor Who actors.
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