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Doctor Who 2023

All of it? Shit. I just bought the key to time and beginnings. I do love the dvd production subtitles though, they really pep up the 'slow form' classic pacing.

OK this is great news.
The only missing story is An Unearthly Child. Apparently the rights are owned by the writer’s son, who has thrown a tantrum. He’s apparently a rabid Covid denier, anti vax conspiracist who has a grudge with the BBC and won’t play ball.
What, is it all on iPlayer now for free? I’ve been paying Britbox and then ITVX as my daughter and I work out our way through from Pertwee onwards. Just watched Talons of Weng Chiang, which was an absolute corker apart from the obvious glaring racism problem.
Yup, all there (except see above), including animated missing episodes.
Plus Tales of the Tardis, which I’ll be tackling soon:

Also David Tennant is on Beeb Four this evening with a documentary about Classic Who! I’ll be out but I’ll watch on catch up.
The only missing story is An Unearthly Child. Apparently the rights are owned by the writer’s son, who has thrown a tantrum. He’s apparently a rabid Covid denier, anti vax conspiracist who has a grudge with the BBC and won’t play ball.
apparently spends a lot of time now on Twitter trolling upset Doctor Who fans.

There seems to be a few other odds and ends missing:
Dimensions in Time (the Children in Need Eastenders crossover)
A Fix With Sontarans (the Saville mini episode, that's understandable)
The web animations Death Comes to Time / Real Time / Shada (8th Doctor version) / Scream of the Shalka

I'm sure some proper Who nerd has already got a full list online somewhere
The only missing story is An Unearthly Child. Apparently the rights are owned by the writer’s son, who has thrown a tantrum. He’s apparently a rabid Covid denier, anti vax conspiracist who has a grudge with the BBC and won’t play ball.
OK great. I do have that DVD so fuck him.
Actually, the thing I really enjoyed on the dvds was all the extras. Production notes, docs, interviews, TV spots etc.
I had brit box for free a few years ago and watched a load of Davison eps and the E space stuff, but I felt I was missing out.
Good to see all the fully animated stuff. The style fits the show perfectly.
OK great. I do have that DVD so fuck him.
Actually, the thing I really enjoyed on the dvds was all the extras. Production notes, docs, interviews, TV spots etc.
I had brit box for free a few years ago and watched a load of Davison eps and the E space stuff, but I felt I was missing out.
Good to see all the fully animated stuff. The style fits the show perfectly.
I mean I’m going to want some of it in physical format anyway, but for the casual fan the iPlayer collection is great news.
All of it? Shit. I just bought the key to time and beginnings. I do love the dvd production subtitles though, they really pep up the 'slow form' classic pacing.

OK this is great news.
The very first serial is missing because the son of the writer (now deceased) isj holding the BBC to ransom over monies.
Very exciting but I'm really unsure of where to start. I was going to try to rewatch all the Donna episodes prior to the 25th but now feel tempted to do a pic'n'mix of all doctors...
I think I'll watch the Five Doctors tonight, then I'll see for Mawdryn Undead eps. We grew up hard and in a shoe cue sad music and in those terrible days of the interregnum all that was available were expensive VHS tapes or the Virgin New Adventures or the Target books novelisations of the classics from the library. Mawdryn undead got re-read so many times. Also Pyramids of Mars. Think I'll line that up for later in the week.
I think I'll watch the Five Doctors tonight, then I'll see for Mawdryn Undead eps. We grew up hard and in a shoe cue sad music and in those terrible days of the interregnum all that was available were expensive VHS tapes or the Virgin New Adventures or the Target books novelisations of the classics from the library. Mawdryn undead got re-read so many times. Also Pyramids of Mars. Think I'll line that up for later in the week.

I have a special affection for the Turlough and Guardian arc for all the obvious reasons: Vislor being one of the five best companions and the best ginger companion by far, Nyssa’s fan service lazar colony costume, the canonical importance of the regeneration limit, and so on. But also because Turlough’s school and the obelisk (but not the surrounding orbs) are actually in Trent Park in Cockfosters, a stone’s throw from where I live and where I used to walk the dog daily.
I think I'll watch the Five Doctors tonight, then I'll see for Mawdryn Undead eps. We grew up hard and in a shoe cue sad music and in those terrible days of the interregnum all that was available were expensive VHS tapes or the Virgin New Adventures or the Target books novelisations of the classics from the library. Mawdryn undead got re-read so many times. Also Pyramids of Mars. Think I'll line that up for later in the week.
I had some of the expensive tapes but also watched a lot my brother in laws cousin taped from UK Gold.
The only missing story is An Unearthly Child. Apparently the rights are owned by the writer’s son, who has thrown a tantrum. He’s apparently a rabid Covid denier, anti vax conspiracist who has a grudge with the BBC and won’t play ball.
Skeptics with a K podcast covered this here starting at about 46:50. Has some interesting details about the early days of the show as well as stuff about the nut who's disputing the rights to it.
We’ve had this before. I don’t like Doctors 5, 6 or 7. (To be precise, I went off Doctor Who during 5’s tenure and haven’t watched 6 or 7).
Oh no.
I quite like a lot of Davisons stuff. It was the assistants the screwed up his time in my book. . . though he was the doctor during a period of time that the show really chimed with me, so I think I forgave a lot, and was most certainly on board for all of his run. Like many others, Doctor 6 was where I tapped out, though I think I must have been a casual viewer as I still remember some bits and bobs.
Oh no.
I quite like a lot of Davisons stuff. It was the assistants the screwed up his time in my book. . . though he was the doctor during a period of time that the show really chimed with me, so I think I forgave a lot, and was most certainly on board for all of his run. Like many others, Doctor 6 was where I tapped out, though I think I must have been a casual viewer as I still remember some bits and bobs.
I think it’s an age thing. I started going to pubs, and simultaneously to be less forgiving of amateur acting and polystyrene rocks. I blame that on Doctor 5, perhaps unreasonably. And these are things I’m ready to forgive the tenures I remember fondly, as well as Doctor 1, whom I only remembered from the Three Doctors, but whose tenure I retrospectively excuse.

The fun version is that I believe Doctor Who to be a documentary, except 5-7, which are docu-dramas based on the poor memories of people who weren’t there for most of it and are therefore unreliable. There were Doctors 5-7, but we don’t have the documentaries.
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The only missing story is An Unearthly Child. Apparently the rights are owned by the writer’s son, who has thrown a tantrum. He’s apparently a rabid Covid denier, anti vax conspiracist who has a grudge with the BBC and won’t play ball.
That's a shame.

Recall seeing it in the early 80s, when BBC2 screened a story from each of the four Doctors while we were waiting for the advent of the magnificent Davison era.

Regrettably, for Baker's era, Logopolis was chosen for a screening. Not that it's a bad story, just that it was so recent. Should have chosen an earlier story. Image of the Fendahl, maybe.

No BBC player over here but hopefully Disney will eventually bring some of the back catalogue over.

Would like to catch up with Jodie Whittaker era. Despite various controversies, it's the only time have missed a chunk of the show since several stories in seasons 15 & 16.

The only Doctor don't see as canonical would be the Cushing films. Because he's a professor and not a Timelord. Loved the films immensely, though. Maybe could retro fit to being set in an alternative universe...
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Ok, on closer inspection, have made a rudimentary predictive text error, which is now corrected.

I stand by the rest of the post.
The only missing story is An Unearthly Child. Apparently the rights are owned by the writer’s son, who has thrown a tantrum. He’s apparently a rabid Covid denier, anti vax conspiracist who has a grudge with the BBC and won’t play ball.
I found An Unearthly Child on Youtube.
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