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Do we now need a General Election now


Well-Known Member
With the turmoil in Government and on the financial markets is time for a General Election?

I believe if the Tories get rid of Liz Truss or keep her I still yes we need one on now
On a technical, pedantic point: no, we don't. PM's serve at the will of parliament - we literally elect MP's to decide to form/support/sack governments - who the PM is purely a matter for parliament, it's a system specifically designed to have governments come and go while parliament reigns supreme over them.

There's a follow on question when the largest bloc in parliament cannot, or will not, form or support a government, but we're not there yet.
Well apparently when the awful deputy PM was fielding questions earlier it was "like a wake" and you could "see the loss inher eyes". That might i suppose just be the product of an over;active imagination but it did have a sort of decline of Empire vibe about it.They have been in power for a bloody long time-it feels like forever.
On a technical, pedantic point: no, we don't. PM's serve at the will of parliament - we literally elect MP's to decide to form/support/sack governments - who the PM is purely a matter for parliament, it's a system specifically designed to have governments come and go while parliament reigns supreme over them.

There's a follow on question when the largest bloc in parliament cannot, or will not, form or support a government, but we're not there yet.

Yes but there's a basic injustice that we elect a party on a manifesto and a new PM usually means a shift on those commitments.
Well Yes it would be nice but it's up to a very small group or maybe even one person, doesn't matter what the other 40+ million think. Even Truss and her advisors are not so dumb as to imagine they would win one if they called it now.
And even anti-Truss Tories won't see the need to call one even if they could force it. They still have more than 2 years left. That is PLENTY of time for the Tories to turn things round and romp home especially if they get rid of Loopy Liz sooner rather than later.
On a technical, pedantic point: no, we don't. PM's serve at the will of parliament - we literally elect MP's to decide to form/support/sack governments - who the PM is purely a matter for parliament, it's a system specifically designed to have governments come and go while parliament reigns supreme over them.

There's a follow on question when the largest bloc in parliament cannot, or will not, form or support a government, but we're not there yet.
Yep. I think we could be hurtling towards there, mind you. An 80 majority is huge to turn over, but it feels like we've entered uncharted territory.
Yes but there's a basic injustice that we elect a party on a manifesto and a new PM usually means a shift on those commitments.

True, absolutely true - but (imv) the blend of duplicitous/incompetence pols, and 'events, dear boy, events' means you shouldn't take promises overly seriously, more take them as indications of a prefered direction of travel.

One could certainly argue that the step change between Johnson's economic policies and the 2019 manifesto falls into the 'no mandate for this' bin...
Tory MPs will get rid of Truss one way or another and get Johnson back.

Then they'll want an election
No. Economy is going to tank in the next year whatever happens, Truss Shenanigans would just make it worse, so let the Tories own it in full. Otherwise the Mail and Express will be trying ti sell to the terminally hard of thinking that the crash was 'all Labour's fault'... And some fuckwitts will believe them...
No. Economy is going to tank in the next year whatever happens, Truss Shenanigans would just make it worse, so let the Tories own it in full. Otherwise the Mail and Express will be trying ti sell to the terminally hard of thinking that the crash was 'all Labour's fault'... And some fuckwitts will believe them...
Nah. Now is always the right time to get rid of the tories. Labour will always inherit a mess. Let it be this mess. Just a shame it has to be this Labour.
Tory MPs will get rid of Truss one way or another and get Johnson back.

Then they'll want an election

Not if they've seen any polling.

Johnson is still despised by the electorate, and the 'king over the water' bunch are a) few, and b) not listened to by the rest.

The 'bring back boris' crew are literally half a dozen MP's. No one else would touch him - his relationship with the Tory party in parliament is both semi-detached and transactional: neither like the other, but MP's recognise his talents. Those talents are now a busted flush, he wouldn't win them an election, he might not even make it much better, so the Tory MP's won't bring him back.
It is interesting territory though as far as hated leaders go. Maybe it'll be a bit like when Belgium didn't have a government for years. Except in the middle of a massive economic crisis.
Absolutely no way will that happen. (Apart from the Truss going bit, that almost certainly will.)

If it's up to the party members, they'd choose Johnson if they could. They don't care that's he's an amoral waster with no policies, they think he's the only one who could win them the next election

He hasn't been caught out in any blatant lies for months and people have short memories
Yes but there's a basic injustice that we elect a party on a manifesto and a new PM usually means a shift on those commitments.

But prime ministers are never held to the manifesto commitments. Nobody ever stood on a 'privatise everything' manifesto but oh look, everything is privatised anyway.
Well apparently when the awful deputy PM was fielding questions earlier it was "like a wake" and you could "see the loss inher eyes". That might i suppose just be the product of an over;active imagination but it did have a sort of decline of Empire vibe about it.They have been in power for a bloody long time-it feels like forever.
How can you tell when Coffeey has anything resembling human emotion. She's just a callous lump
If it's up to the party members, they'd choose Johnson if they could. They don't care that's he's an amoral waster with no policies, they think he's the only one who could win them the next election

He hasn't been caught out in any blatant lies for months and people have short memories

I doubt the new leader will be elected by the membership, if it did go to the membership, there's no way Johnson will be one of the two options.
If it's up to the party members, they'd choose Johnson if they could. They don't care that's he's an amoral waster with no policies, they think he's the only one who could win them the next election

He hasn't been caught out in any blatant lies for months and people have short memories
but it's the tory members that were responsible for truss being elected. Will MPs make that mistake again or agree to parachute someone in to avoid having to go the members.
I don't know if the MPs are able to appoint a new leader without going through the members. Don't think they can
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