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Do refugees have to stay in the first safe country they reach? Fact check


If - like me - you're finding more loathsome bigots slithering around in your FB comments worked up into a racist lather about all those 'illegal immigrants' heading across the channel ready to stay in 5 star hotels for free, this is worth a read.

There is no obligation on refugees to claim asylum in the first safe country they reach
Ms Evans is wrong to claim that, under the Geneva Convention, refugees should seek refuge in the first safe country they come to.

It contains no obligation “either explicit or implicit” for refugees to claim asylum in the first safe country they reach, according to immigration lawyer Colin Yeo.

This means that an asylum seeker can arrive in France (or any other country) before travelling to the UK and still legitimately claim to be a refugee. It is then down to the UK to review that application.

It’s not an obligation on the person seeking safety. It’s an agreement between EU States that the first country where someone comes to notice has to manage their Asylum claim. Not to stitch up Greece or anything...
Point number 4 there is I think the most important one. The UK has a really fucking shit record of accepting refugees, and has done for many years. As a country, it ought to be taking active measures to ensure that it takes in more refugees, cos atm it isn't taking in enough.

Doing plenty in its foreign policies over the last couple of decades to create refugees, so the balance is not in the UK's favour. It creates far more refugees around the world than it accepts inside its borders.
Sigh. No idea why you're making that point and don't really care but I'm clearly now a 'swappie.'
if this is supposed to be a fact-checking thread then perhaps using a 2015 article from a trotskyist newspaper isn't the best way to offer current accurate information.

e2a since that article was published the allowance asylum seekers receive has gone up an astonishing 80p (in 2018) to £37.75 Asylum support. and the number of people applying for asylum here hasn't greatly changed even through a huge number of refugees that dwarf those in the piece you quote have been accepted elsewhere in europe, making the figures in the article of historical interest only
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if this is supposed to be a fact-checking thread then perhaps using a 2015 article from a trotskyist newspaper isn't the best way to offer current accurate information.

e2a since that article was published the allowance asylum seekers receive has gone up an astonishing 80p (in 2018) to £37.75 Asylum support. and the number of people applying for asylum here hasn't greatly changed even through a huge number of refugees that dwarf those in the piece you quote have been accepted elsewhere in europe, making the figures in the article of historical interest only
And you couldn't have pointed that tiny change without accusing me of being a 'swappie'? :facepalm:
Sorry Ed, you are now obviously the "enemy within" Urban and need to be rooted out.:D
I've had loads of approaches by the SWP over the decades. They tried to get involved with this site and they tried quite hard to get their hands on my football campaign. And my response has remained consistent throughout: fuckrightoff.

And now that this ridiculous and baseless accusation has been thoroughly debunked, it would be good to get back to discussing the rather more important topic in the thread title.
if this is supposed to be a fact-checking thread then perhaps using a 2015 article from a trotskyist newspaper isn't the best way to offer current accurate information.

e2a since that article was published the allowance asylum seekers receive has gone up an astonishing 80p (in 2018) to £37.75 Asylum support. and the number of people applying for asylum here hasn't greatly changed even through a huge number of refugees that dwarf those in the piece you quote have been accepted elsewhere in europe, making the figures in the article of historical interest only
What happened during lockdown? I mean universal credit went up a fair bit (thankfully) but aren't they limited in where and how they can get supplies? Given that just everybody, regardless of wealth pretty much, had concerns at some stage about where and how to get supplies. What's going on for them with regards face coverings and the like. Genuine questions no agenda
What happened during lockdown? I mean universal credit went up a fair bit (thankfully) but aren't they limited in where and how they can get supplies? Given that just everybody, regardless of wealth pretty much, had concerns at some stage about where and how to get supplies. What's going on for them with regards face coverings and the like. Genuine questions no agenda
I have no idea but I doubt they've received the support they deserve
I've had loads of approaches by the SWP over the decades. They tried to get involved with this site and they tried quite hard to get their hands on my football campaign. And my response has remained consistent throughout: fuckrightoff.

And now that this ridiculous and baseless accusation has been thoroughly debunked, it would be good to get back to discussing the rather more important topic in the thread title.
tbh I think it's already answered. Despite the blathering of racists, Britain's record of taking in refugees is dismal. If you're the kind of person who talks about their country as 'we', as such people invariably are, then the UK's record on refugees should be a source of deep shame. That's the first thing I'd say to anyone moaning about 'asylum seekers'. (Fucking hate that term.)
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