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Do angry vegans turn you against going vegan?

The number of people saying they know no militant vegans leaves me wondering if our social circle is, perhaps, an artefact of the trendy hipster fringes of academia, baby yoga, NCT, Steiner toddler mornings, organic bakeries, and the militant fringe of assorted breastfeeding tubthumper collectives in which we commingle.

I can say with certainty I do not personally know any vegans, militant or otherwise. Which makes deciding where to eat a hell of a lot simpler.
Some time ago I asked, on this forum, about people's personal experiences of becoming vegan/vegetarian. I was met with a lot of rudeness and open aggression, by one poster in particular, that in the end I decided that I wasn't interested in continuing the conversation. As a result I've continued to eat meat and have decided that, if this is the way vegans interact, I don't want to associate with them. I have, as a result of the conversation, actively opposed veganism when asked about it.
Some time ago I asked, on this forum, about people's personal experiences of becoming vegan/vegetarian. I was met with a lot of rudeness and open aggression, by one poster in particular, that in the end I decided that I wasn't interested in continuing the conversation. As a result I've continued to eat meat and have decided that, if this is the way vegans interact, I don't want to associate with them. I have, as a result of the conversation, actively opposed veganism when asked about it.
How does that work, then?

Do you not believe in anything that has >0 bellends attached, or is there a more specific mechanism?

Following this principle through, shouldn't you really be eating economy factory farmed meat for every meal?
How does that work, then?

Do you not believe in anything that has >0 bellends attached, or is there a more specific mechanism?

Following this principle through, shouldn't you really be eating economy factory farmed meat for every meal?
I don't have a problem with factory farmed meat. If I want to eat it, and it tastes OK, why not?
People talking about what they do and don't eat is just incredibly boring, whether its vegans or paleolithic meat gobblers, its just really weird and dull i think, and kind of disturbing.
I reckon that if you get to the point where your dietary rules become such a massive part of your identity that you feel the need to tell everyone about it all day long you might have a problem, like I know they are not called eating disorders but I wonder if they should be, when it takes up that much of your time and your ideas about yourself that you feel compelled to talk about it all the time. My ex is one such person now, goes on and on about not eating carbs and fermenting things.
"Paleos" are a weird lot. I bet most of them don't gobble up those tasty, vitamin-rich organ meats like they're supposed to - they just dodge the carbs and call it a day. As if people in paleolithic times could afford to eat only the muscles of the animal while throwing the rest away.
"Paleos" are a weird lot. I bet most of them don't gobble up those tasty, vitamin-rich organ meats like they're supposed to - they just dodge the carbs and call it a day. As if people in paleolithic times could afford to eat only the muscles of the animal while throwing the rest away.
The amount of meat he gets though (my paleo ex) he'd have had to be king of a massive paleo empire. He never has to do days on just roots and berries and the odd songbird. It's actually really shit, ecologically / socially, that stuff. Totally unsustainable wankery imo, though he does look well on it must admit.
"Paleos" are a weird lot. I bet most of them don't gobble up those tasty, vitamin-rich organ meats like they're supposed to - they just dodge the carbs and call it a day. As if people in paleolithic times could afford to eat only the muscles of the animal while throwing the rest away.

The idea of low carb makes me confused? Why would you starve yourself of energy? I know a few people who have lost a load of weight on low carb but are always ill, grumpy and have no energy.
The amount of meat he gets though (my paleo ex) he'd have had to be king of a massive paleo empire. He never has to do days on just roots and berries and the odd songbird. It's actually really shit, ecologically / socially, that stuff. Totally unsustainable wankery imo.
I bet he used to stink the bog out something rotten
The amount of meat he gets though (my paleo ex) he'd have had to be king of a massive paleo empire. He never has to do days on just roots and berries and the odd songbird. It's actually really shit, ecologically / socially, that stuff. Totally unsustainable wankery imo, though he does look well on it must admit.

The meat and dairy industry is a massive fucking problem for climate change, but I bet these paleo twats think they're totally right on.
The idea of low carb makes me confused? Why would you starve yourself of energy? I know a few people who have lost a load of weight on low carb but are always ill, grumpy and have no energy.

I wonder if those people are getting enough fats in their diet. Fat has been the much-maligned Devil of popular nutrition since about the 60s, and even today many foods are marketed as being "low in fat" or "fat-free", where fat was either never a significant ingredient in the food item in question, or all the fat has been replaced with refined sugar which is cheaper and much, much worse than fat. Let me put it this way; humans have been consuming fat since the year dot, while refined sugar has only been around in any significant quantity for the past two, three, maybe four centuries. It seems obvious to me which one the human body metabolises more healthfully.

Those people are probably peaking and crashing because of all the sugar in their diet, while not having a decent source of energy from fat, nor having any carbs to smooth out those peaks and troughs.
I read recently that they have revised their view on fats, and that dairy fat in particular isn't nearly as harmful as has been pushed for the past few decades.

I immediately switched from skimmed to 1% milk :D
The meat and dairy industry is a massive fucking problem for climate change, but I bet these paleo twats think they're totally right on.
I don't think there is any moral justification for a very high meat diet at all, its entirely selfish. Yes, the agricultural revolution was a mixed bag but its happened now - and most of the world depends on wheat rice vegetables etc: The land given over to producing one cow for your meat munchers could feed hundreds more people if it were used differently. It's a luxury lifestyle choice the paleo thing and only for the very self absorbed.
I was vegetarian for 10 years, and vegan for only a few months. I'm neither now. But I'd say perhaps 90% or more of my meals are still vegetarian simply because I don't care to cook with meat and I've never considered it a part of a meal, so I only have it if it's in a ready meal or if I go out, the latter of which is very rare. Some of my meals are likely vegan as well and are perfectly tasty, but since I have a small range of foods I eat regularly (again, issues), I'd be eating the same thing over and over and that wouldn't be good for my physical or mental health. And I am, I'm afraid, incredibly attached to milk, which I know is a bad thing considering its role on the environment. I do have Alpro in my coffee - but there again I'm having coffee which isn't that great either so...
Similar Vintage Paw, years of being veggie means i don't really know how to cook meat, just never got into the habit of it, but am learning - did a really good spaghetti meatballs the other day. But a life without the amazing array of things that come from milk is really hard for me to imagine.
The whole not eating food I like and having to eat food which was unappetizing. I'm sure someone can make tofu taste good I failed. Can't think of one vegan meal I would choose to eat over a conventional meal.
Yes, the tofu issue I understand. I like it gently fried with fruit syrup on top. Tofu can be bland otherwise. The one meal I missed was fish and chips but a good vegan chef can make an arguably better tasting "phish" and chips using seaweed and tofu.
The amount of meat he gets though (my paleo ex) he'd have had to be king of a massive paleo empire. He never has to do days on just roots and berries and the odd songbird. It's actually really shit, ecologically / socially, that stuff. Totally unsustainable wankery imo, though he does look well on it must admit.
There was an article in the daily mail recently about a slightly stoned family in Alaska. 100 miles from habitation. Shoot one moose / year. Lasts.

(They did also have 2yrs worth of tinned food. But it's apparently moose every night.)
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