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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

It's quite a nasty virus and if you have a respiritory problem it could be very bad for you indeed. I have a mate who is a parmedic in East London and up to Easter last year it was rife, then it tailed off. Came back in the Winter.

I know one person hospitalised with a clot on his lungs, nasty but he recovered. He's very overweight and admits to himself he eats unhealthily. A few other people diagnosed and had a few shitty days.
Last year when it was novel precautions were rightly taken, but now much more is known and the risks are far better known i.e. the risks are far less.

I don't know anybody who have died, but have heard of three seperate occasions of Covid-19 being put on the death certificate rather than the heart attacks and stroke of the elderly three. Add that to the BBC figures flashed before our eyes every day of deaths within 28 days of any reason with a positive test and that concerns me.

Vaccinate the elderly and vulnerable, of course. Let the rest of us get on with life properly.

Hancock and Johnson are a pair of cunts and Blair wants every man, woman and child to be jabbed as he's so concerned for our well-being.

My views on Covid, so ship me off to the conspiraloon camp. :) As somebody tagged me on the anti-vaxx, 5G, chemtrail nutter thread. :D

Griff, instead of shouting at you like you're a moron, I'd ask you to bear in mind how death certificates are filled out. The doctors will not be writing "covid 19" and that's that, most of the time, because a virus doesn't kill in and of itself, it causes the body to respond in ways that lead to death.

The death certificate will say stroke or heart attack for the "Disease or condition leading directly to death," and then, if there's a positive covid test, that will be included in the section "other disease or condition, if any, leading to [the disease or condition leading directly to death." There can be several conditions listed there, not just one.

That's how it works. It's not covid being written down as cause of "instead of" other conditions.

For example:

covid cause of death.png

From here: https://assets.publishing.service.g...l-certificates-of-cause-of-death-covid-19.pdf
Griff, instead of shouting at you like you're a moron, I'd ask you to bear in mind how death certificates are filled out. The doctors will not be writing "covid 19" and that's that, most of the time, because a virus doesn't kill in and of itself, it causes the body to respond in ways that lead to death.

The death certificate will say stroke or heart attack for the "Disease or condition leading directly to death," and then, if there's a positive covid test, that will be included in the section "other disease or condition, if any, leading to [the disease or condition leading directly to death." There can be several conditions listed there, not just one.

That's how it works. It's not covid being written down as cause of "instead of" other conditions.

For example:

View attachment 264832

From here: https://assets.publishing.service.g...l-certificates-of-cause-of-death-covid-19.pdf
Cheers for posting that - it's strangely fascinating to see how exacting the procedures are for certifying death.
What saddens me about Griff's unhappy appearance here yesterday is that he knows what urban is. We don't blindly accept what the government says and certainly not a tory one. If the whole pandemic and lockdown was a government ploy, this is the place it would be called out.

We don't like lockdown but understand that a public health emergency rewrites the rules.

So Griff, if you're lurking, think about who is likely to be right, the cynical, sceptical bastards of urban, or Gillian McKeith and Lawrence Fox
So Griff, if you're lurking, think about who is likely to be right, the cynical, sceptical bastards of urban, or Gillian McKeith and Lawrence Fox

That idiot Gillian McKeith has claimed the India’s Covid crisis “is not what it seems”, fuck knows what she thinks it is. 🤷‍♂️

I didn't know much about her, but this from her wikipedia page gave me enough of an insight into her, to know she's barking mad.

Numerous dieting and lifestyle plans supported by McKeith, such as the concept of the detox diet and the value of colonic irrigation, are not supported by scientific research, nor are her claims that through examining people's tongues and stool samples she can identify their ailments and dietary needs. McKeith possesses no qualifications in nutrition or medicine from accredited institutions, and in 2007 agreed with the Advertising Standards Authority to stop using the title "Doctor".
Still, it is entirely possible to be working in the NHS as a nurse and have some totally batshit views about covid and the pandemic, I've met a few of them.
I'm not making a statement just that's what's on her twitter.
I know plenty of nurses not having the vaccine. Up to them I'm not getting into one about it today though.
Not met any loons just nopes
A nurse I chatted to last year was convinced the pandemic was all exaggerated, and was going to refuse to have any vaccine, and said she would also rather die than have to take any daily medication for an illness she might get.

It's hard not to be a bit like wtf you proper fucking thick weirdo about that.
Should have invited the IDF over to police the riot ( well would be a RIOT when the IDF spotted the star of Davids 😈 ).
its win-win Palestinians get a break and stupid evil people get hurt a lot :D
In other news let's call them a real nurse is fighting a £10'000 fine for protesting for better pay and conditions. Pleasingly people easily crowdfunded her out of trouble

Maybe she's more a threat to the state than the idiots
Some people here will remember my yoga teaching neighbours, from such shows as The ones who abandoned their dying dog last Summer.
I just bumped into them and said I'd had the vaccine (in context of i'm fine thanks but wasn't yesterday) and their reaction was a perfect mix of disapproval and shock, looked like genuine shock that I'd chosen to be vaccinated. "you've had the vacccine!" she said, like i thought you were not that type or something.
The shock is a really bad sign, i think in their circle it must be pretty standard to not have it.

I've been thinking about the whole thing and reckon that a unifying factor in the refusers (not the hesitant) is a kind of extreme individualism, which goes for right wing nutjobs and for full on yoga/ hippies as well, no such thing as society we're all just masters of our own destiny and fuck the rest of them losers, etc.
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Some people here will remember my yoga teaching neighbours, from such shows as The ones who abandoned their dying dog last Summer.
I just bumped into them and said I'd had the vaccine (in context of i'm fine thanks but wasn't yesterday) and their reaction was a perfect mix of disapproval and shock, looked like genuine shock that I'd chosen to be vaccinated. "you've had the vacccine!" she said, like i thought you were not that type or something.
The shock is a really bad sign, i think in their circle it must be pretty standard to not have it.

I've been thinking about the whole thing and reckon that a unifying factor in the refusers (not the hesitant) is a kind of extreme individualism, which goes for right wing nutjobs and for full on yoga/ hippies as well, no such thing as society we're all just masters of our own destiny and fuck the rest of them losers, etc.
I agree, but from my experience the hippy individualists think they're the most community minded people going, but it usually turns out to be a very specific community eg them and their mates, or a belief that the rest of the community would benefit from following their example. The ones I know genuinely seem to believe that their actions during the pandemic (not wearing masks, complaining about the deep state and the paedos) are about defending the whole community from the elites.
Some people here will remember my yoga teaching neighbours, from such shows as The ones who abandoned their dying dog last Summer.
I just bumped into them and said I'd had the vaccine (in context of i'm fine thanks but wasn't yesterday) and their reaction was a perfect mix of disapproval and shock, looked like genuine shock that I'd chosen to be vaccinated. "you've had the vacccine!" she said, like i thought you were not that type or something.
The shock is a really bad sign, i think in their circle it must be pretty standard to not have it.

I've been thinking about the whole thing and reckon that a unifying factor in the refusers (not the hesitant) is a kind of extreme individualism, which goes for right wing nutjobs and for full on yoga/ hippies as well, no such thing as society we're all just masters of our own destiny and fuck the rest of them losers, etc.
"Mariella, I don't think Downward Dog is going to help this time. Gather Cyan, Cheyenne and Joshua-Ezekiel and I'll get the Mandalas"
"The Really big ones that confuse me?"
"Yes, Shiva protect us"
Its so many kinds of selfish at this point, like they must know, even in the abstract, that the more people get jabbed the more likely they are to be able to run their yoga retreat holiday for paying guests in Spain later this year.
So me getting jabbed is part of that, helps the chances of them getting to do what they want.
But they won't do it themselves, It's parasitic.
Its so many kinds of selfish at this point, like they must know, even in the abstract, that the more people get jabbed the more likely they are to be able to run their yoga retreat holiday for paying guests in Spain later this year.
So me getting jabbed is part of that, helps the chances of them getting to do what they want.
But they won't do it themselves, It's parasitic.
Nothing spiritual about these folks. Dewy eyed selfish facists. I have no time left for these folks.
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