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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

Piers? You on first name terms with the prick? If so you should know he's been a fucking conspiracy loon for ages.
Yeh. Best mates. We share sun spot cycle predictions over the radishes. All started sharing a squat back in 1975. Genuinely shocked my old buddy Piers has suddenly started speaking about the NWO when we used to have such great and sane discussions about kronstat.
kenny g said:
Wasn't aware Piers was into this. His weather business site is now stuffed with shite:

True -- he's a climate change denialist essentially.
I saw him four years ago in a debate with an Exeter Met Office chap, sorry I forget this Professor's name :oops:, who when it was his turn, proceeded to rip the mad brother Corbyn's preceding nonsense apart with actual science :cool:

Piers? You on first name terms with the prick? If so you should know he's been a fucking conspiracy loon for ages.

Absolutely. He lived round the corner from me in the Walworth area, and I've had a few (quality ;) ) pints with him in the distant past.
Friendly, strongly leftie then, had good nostalgia about old school squatting history in London etc.
Back then he was still in the Labour Party.
He was coming out with bizarre nonsense well before 9/11 had even happened.
I'm trying to remember what that nonsense was all about, but it was definitely loon-school!
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