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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

Apparently there have been a lot of other mass gatherings advertised in local groups and elsewhere on social media, planned for this weekend.
Some of these are being organised by the “UK Freedom Movement”.
They’re registered as a company and look who the sole officer is:
(Jayda Fransen of Britain First)
Apparently there have been a lot of other mass gatherings advertised in local groups and elsewhere on social media, planned for this weekend.
Some of these are being organised by the “UK Freedom Movement”.
They’re registered as a company and look who the sole officer is:
(Jayda Fransen of Britain First)
This sort of thing really needs someone in a grim reaper outfit at an appropriate social distance with a sign saying thanks for the overtime.
Anicdata time.
Bristol had these ads too. One venue is a park a couple of hundred yards behind where I live. I can normally hear events going on in there. It's quiet so far.

As pointed out, most if not all is probably just politically motivated FB mischief. No real world events actually planned.
Anicdata time.
Bristol had these ads too. One venue is a park a couple of hundred yards behind where I live. I can normally hear events going on in there. It's quiet so far.

As pointed out, most if not all is probably just politically motivated FB mischief. No real world events actually planned.

Where were the Bristol ads for?
Made the mistake of looking some of this stuff up on Twitter.

There are claims that getting you to wear a face mask is to condition you into wearing a hijab. There are unintelligible memes telling you to 'Think Logically.' Facemasks are part of a 'Mind Control Pandemic PSYOP.'

I'm not going to link to them here but the hashtag's ThrowTheMaskAway if you want a look. It's bewildering.
Teensy bit of a war crime though.
Proportionality Only spraying fuckwits.
Discriminatory fuckwits are the only one in the park. Plus the odd cop and journo so acceptable collateral
Military Necessity Have you listened to these morons?

Imho from many half remembered law of armed conflict lectures your in the clear:thumbs:
Made the mistake of looking some of this stuff up on Twitter.

There are claims that getting you to wear a face mask is to condition you into wearing a hijab. There are unintelligible memes telling you to 'Think Logically.' Facemasks are part of a 'Mind Control Pandemic PSYOP.'

I'm not going to link to them here but the hashtag's ThrowTheMaskAway if you want a look. It's bewildering.
saw one of them, bonkers but these charlatan loons will use anything! :facepalm:
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