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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots


The thing that pisses me off most, once I stopped laughing at the loons, is they actually left me feeling sorry for the cops. :mad:

A case of Pasolini syndrome.

"poliziotti figli di proletari meridionali picchiati da figli di papà" - "policemen, sons of proletarian southerners, beaten up by arrogant daddy's boys"
Absolutely. He lived round the corner from me in the Walworth area, and I've had a few (quality ;) ) pints with him in the distant past.
Friendly, strongly leftie then, had good nostalgia about old school squatting history in London etc.
Back then he was still in the Labour Party.
He was coming out with bizarre nonsense well before 9/11 had even happened.
I'm trying to remember what that nonsense was all about, but it was definitely loon-school!
I think Piers Corbyn was in the IMG (International Marxist Group) in the 60's. A London squatters' spokesperson, he was known as 'the woolly sweater' because he always wore one.
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So, 19 arrested, and a further ten £100 fines issued.

David Samson, 50, a finance worker, who attended the protests told the Press Association news agency: “I never thought I’d see in my generation the suppressing of civil rights [over a] fake virus. This is nothing compared to what’s coming.”

It blows my mind when I hear the term 'fake virus', how the fuck is it 'fake', I just can't get my head around it.
William of Walworth said:
Absolutely. He lived round the corner from me in the Walworth area, and I've had a few (quality ;) ) pints with him in the distant past.
Friendly, strongly leftie then, had good nostalgia about old school squatting history in London etc.
Back then he was still in the Labour Party.
He was coming out with bizarre nonsense well before 9/11 had even happened.
I'm trying to remember what that nonsense was all about, but it was definitely loon-school!

I think Piers Corbyn was in the IMG (International Marxist Group) in the 60's. A London squatters' spokesperson, he was known as 'the woolly sweater' because he always wore one.

Yes, I knew his political past was mainly outside the Labour Party.
For example he once stood as an anti-Labour/anti-Lib Dem independent in a Southwark Council by-election and nearly won. Early 2000s rings a bell? :confused:
This was the ward covering the much-neglected Aylesbury Estate and Piers Corbyn's housing platform was actually pretty sound.

Rare departure from bonkersland for him, mind you! :hmm:
I think Piers Corbyn was in the IMG (International Marxist Group) in the 60's. A London squatters' spokesperson, he was known as 'the woolly sweater' because he always wore one.
I came across him when I joined a squat in Hayes West London in the late 70s, There were about four or five terrace houses , two of them IMG , a Kurdish one and one that Malcolm Owen from the Ruts was in. Corbyn was a very helpful advisor . Only spoke to him twice briefly but he seemed normal at the time, and yes you are right he had a woolly jumper on.
It blows my mind when I hear the term 'fake virus', how the fuck is it 'fake', I just can't get my head around it.
I have sworn to myself that if I encounter one of these covidiots while on one of my rare out and about missions I shall quiz them about why they are not in hospitals or care homes volunteering as according to them they've got no chance of catching anything or dying from it. Why be out in the wider community when you could be helping the "unsick".

So, 19 arrested, and a further ten £100 fines issued.

It blows my mind when I hear the term 'fake virus', how the fuck is it 'fake', I just can't get my head around it.
There are loads of these cunts out there.

This one, unsurprisingly with links to Gwyneth Paltrow, reckons there's no such thing as germ based contagion, the virus is fake, and the deaths are caused by fear.

Have you seen the virus? Walking down the street? Popping in to the Spoons for a cheeky one?

No. So fake.

Wouldn’t wish it on anyone. But if Gwynneth Paltrow dies of it I will forgive it for cocking up with Johnson and Piers Morgan.
There are loads of these cunts out there.

This one, unsurprisingly with links to Gwyneth Paltrow, reckons there's no such thing as germ based contagion, the virus is fake, and the deaths are caused by fear.
And just what is it that the millennia old extra-terrestrial reptilian shape-shifting terror-dynasty (and Scooby Doo) need for their daily sustenance according to icke - fear.
There are loads of these cunts out there.

This one, unsurprisingly with links to Gwyneth Paltrow, reckons there's no such thing as germ based contagion, the virus is fake, and the deaths are caused by fear.
How dare you, as a man, criticise even by implication the fragrant farting Gwyneth.
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