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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

I’m not sure they’re spreading it any more than their other cohorts have spread the use of colloidal silver. Don’t most normal people just treat them as entertainment in a similar vein to Victorian freak shows?
I'm hoping that this is a turning point for conspiracy theory. I used to think CT-ers were batshit but generally fairly harmless. The vilification of the Sandy Hook victims changed my mind on that. I hope that people are now seeing that these views are actually dangerous and have real world consequences.

So, 19 arrested, and a further ten £100 fines issued.

It blows my mind when I hear the term 'fake virus', how the fuck is it 'fake', I just can't get my head around it.
That's because you're coming at it from the wrong direction. You're trying to establish the existence of the virus as a fact in itself: our anti-faxx 'freedom' morons are starting from the premise that everything's an Evil Government/Big Pharma/Big Money conspiracy, so the best way to fit the virus into that is for it to be a fake. Which, I guess, is why they wear masks while decrying the "fake" virus - because, at some level they know it isn't...they just have to believe it is.
Icke and similar parasites have nothing to say on the fact that the Jewish community has been disproportionately hard hit by the virus with over 1000 dying in the hasidic community over the last few weeks according to a psychotherapist I listened to giving a talk yesterday who works in the community
Icke and similar parasites have nothing to say on the fact that the Jewish community has been disproportionately hard hit by the virus with over 1000 dying in the hasidic community over the last few weeks according to a psychotherapist I listened to giving a talk yesterday who works in the community

One reason might be reckless activity like this...

One reason might be reckless activity like this...

That's really bad although the vast majority have been complying with the restrictions. And the police themselves have been pretty reckless at times as footage on London Bridge demonstrates.
cupid_stunt said:
Yeah, I know there are loads of the fruitcakes, and it's spreading like a bloody pandemic.
I’m not sure they’re spreading it any more than their other cohorts have spread the use of colloidal silver. Don’t most normal people just treat them as entertainment in a similar vein to Victorian freak shows?

The old-style freak shows were a lot more popular, judging by yesterday's lamentable park-freak turnouts! :D
I came across him when I joined a squat in Hayes West London in the late 70s, There were about four or five terrace houses , two of them IMG , a Kurdish one and one that Malcolm Owen from the Ruts was in. Corbyn was a very helpful advisor . Only spoke to him twice briefly but he seemed normal at the time, and yes you are right he had a woolly jumper on.
He was quite the activist and popped up at our south London squatter meetings occasionally, but was also there on the barricades as well, so TBH I had quite a good opinion of him, but that's rather evaporated now.

His website is just so odd, who on earth is going to be convinced to spend money on a weather forecast from someone who presents like that?
O God, I briefly shared a squat with Piers Corbyn in 1974. He played a lot of Yes albums. No wonder I turned to drugs.

I shared neither a squat, a Yes album, or a spliff with Piers .... he was more into real ale when I hung out with him, thankfully .... :cool: :beer:

But saying that ......

With all his old London squat stories, I could have done with him building and passing a phat one ... ;)

In the pub, that was never at all likely though! ;) ;) :hmm: :(
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The tall bald guy in the middle biting his lip is definitely a paid carer of one of the others. So only four really...

The bloke on the end is a Ryan Gosling impersonator in his regular life.

There are loads of these cunts out there.

This one, unsurprisingly with links to Gwyneth Paltrow, reckons there's no such thing as germ based contagion, the virus is fake, and the deaths are caused by fear.

Gwyneth Paltrow hasn't actually said anything about this virus, as far as I can tell. Possibly because she was in that movie Contagion which also includes a woo-practitioner who causes deaths by peddling a fake cure. :D

O God, I briefly shared a squat with Piers Corbyn in 1974. He played a lot of Yes albums. No wonder I turned to drugs.

Sounds like he did too, lots and lots of them.
When I worked for tv installation company in ooooo 1970 we wen't round an old lady's house and she plugged in the electrical sockets every night so the electricity wouldn't leak out all over the floor. Clearly sensible action in light of the above.
She was completely wrong - you have to ensure empty sockets are switched off to prevent electricity dribbling onto the floor. I still have to do this. :D
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