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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

And masks don't help with facial recognition, some of the companies involved in this have actually complained about it.

This us what I mean about internal inconsistencies.

Plenty of conspiracists are gobbling this up so indiscriminately that they don't stop to question the inconsistencies. Pointing them out without mocking sometimes allows for doubt to creep in. That's one of the reasons I'm paying attention to this stuff: so I can throw light on it when the chance arises.

But then the more dangerous ones are those who are more discerning, more "grounded", if you like: they'll dismiss the ones who hold conflicting opinions while doubling down on their own nonsense.
Maybe emphasizing this might improve compliance ? :D

(sorry ! I'm just after whatever means will further increase mask wearing, and help bring the pandemic under control ...)

Nothing works. I was managing the queue on the door of the shop the other day and a woman was very pissed off she had to wait. We have a strict policy of only one unmasked person in the shop at a time and she was refusing to wear a mask. So she had to wait for the unmasked person who was inside to finish his shopping. She stood there for about half an hour while I let in about 10 people ahead of her who were wearing a mask.

A woman who loudly declared she couldn't wear a mask (because she'd had Covid, shed been hospitalised with it, and a mask interferes with her breathing*) then borrowed her bf's when I said "That's okay but you'll have to wait, only one unmasked person etc." and as soon as she was in the shop, whipped off the mask. I asked her to step outside because now there were 2 unmasked adults in the shop, she started arguing, put the mask on, kept pulling it down round her chin whenever I wasn't looking directly at her.

*was she lying? Was it true but even though she knows how serious covid us she doesn't a shit? No idea.
Yeah, I know. Compliance among the seriously anti-mask deniers is never going to be good, but if their fear of facial recog cameras is higher, maybe a few of the less committed might just wear a mask enough that some prevention occurs.
A mate of mine posted a video the other day which was talking about how we were being forced to wear masks and all this was the start of the great reset and we would eventually pay for everything with facial recognition. He got angry when another mate asked how we are supposed to pay for stuff with our faces if we are wearing a mask?

The mask is to condition us into being controlled apparently.
Yes. We're all being "trained".

The stupid irony here is that the less voluntary compliance there is, the more likely it is that enforced control is introduced. Like that AI recognition stuff I posted earlier to check for proper social distancing. And if course if that happens it "proves" that was the plan all along. Confirmation bias.
A mate of mine posted a video the other day which was talking about how we were being forced to wear masks and all this was the start of the great reset and we would eventually pay for everything with facial recognition. He got angry when another mate asked how we are supposed to pay for stuff with our faces if we are wearing a mask?

The mask is to condition us into being controlled apparently.
as opposed to the years of socialisation we're given at school and work etc
Yeah, I know. Compliance among the seriously anti-mask deniers is never going to be good, but if their fear of facial recog cameras is higher, maybe a few of the less committed might just wear a mask enough that some prevention occurs.
We should be using facial recognition cameras to spot offenders, then. No civil liberties worries for the mask wearers, and the refuseniks can take their chances :)
I presume the shop managers would frown on people pointing to in-store cameras even if you haven't got them and saying "shhhhhh watch them they're all round the store and filming anyone without a mask on, passing it up to Control :( "
If they are lip reading, they can still wear a mask you div :D
yeh all the exempt people (barring those with no ears) can still wear masks.

but lots of people communicating by bsl also need to see faces:
unless you think deaf people always travel singly
yeh all the exempt people (barring those with no ears) can still wear masks.

tell you what, check your facts first next time
View attachment 239428
unless you think deaf people always travel singly
Sorry, I forgot you are the cleverest boy on the boards.
Sorry, I forgot you are the cleverest boy on the boards.
i'm most certainly not the cleverest boy on the boards. there's people who know rather more than i do about pretty much every subject here. which is why i don't go round calling people stupid or sarky clever
Pedantry. I reckon you know most about that.
wrong again. my reputation for pedantry is based on activity from many years ago, and although hard won that reputation is by no means any longer deserved, not when there are many other greater pedants than i posting here such as the recently arrived platinumsage whose pedantry extends to areas i would never consider going.
wrong again. my reputation for pedantry is based on activity from many years ago, and although hard won that reputation is by no means any longer deserved, not when there are many other greater pedants than i posting here such as the recently arrived platinumsage whose pedantry extends to areas i would never consider going.
Anyway, that linked article says about using transparent face masks. Problem solved.
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