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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

£67K fine (plus probably costs) for this guy.

I am not sure whether he is a loon though. All the article quotes him as saying is:

I mean the "there was legislation in place" part is the bit that gets you fined really.

£67,000 in fines, and court costs to come, what a fucking dickhead. :facepalm: :D
are those fines charged to the business, or is he personally liable?
cos £67k and counting sounds like he's decided to declare bankruptcy anyway so fuck it might as well go out with a bang.
"When you break the statistics down […] the average age of death from the virus is over life expectancy".

Illustrates the dangers of a STEM illiterate population.

STEM illiterate here...please can you explain why this argument is not valid? I want to put right an acquaintance but want to do it eloquently :D
A four-year-old boy has been left an orphan after his parents both died of coronavirus within 100 days.

Little Raiden Gonzalez from San Antonio, Texas, first lost his dad Adan, 33, in June before his 29-year-old mum Mariah passed away in October.
So sad. :(

Worth posting this link in reply to any covid deniers you spot elsewhere, fuck the covidiots. :mad:

Not sure either way about this, whilst of course totally get the motivation for it.

This is my reply to it, on the vaccine thread.

It's a difficult one, trouble is debunking doesn't seem to work with these crazies, because they know the TROOF, and anything else is FAKE NEWS, so they just carry on spreading lies and sucking more people into their rabbit holes.

Starving them of the oxygen that allows them to do it is perhaps the only answer.
for people who've already gone down the rabbit hole blocking them from reading more probably won't help. and might reinforce their beliefs if they see that "the man" is trying to censor it.
but if prevents new people being exposed to their lies and potentially recruited into the cult, that's got to be a good thing. prevent that harm.

it strikes me as a "shouting fire in a crowded theatre" situation.
STEM illiterate here...please can you explain why this argument is not valid? I want to put right an acquaintance but want to do it eloquently :D
It is an incorrect (and largely meaningless) statement however you slice and dice it.

Life expectancy is really a probability curve. You can see yours (based on ONS data up until last year) here. The absolute number that popular media quote for "life expectancy" is just the median of that curve. The figure they blithely publish, with little explanation, is usually the 'life expectancy' for someone born today (or this year), not for [current] adults.

So a UK male currently aged 80 has a 'life expectancy' of 89 years, but a 25% chance of reaching 93 and a 3-in-4 chance of reaching 85 (90, 94, also about 3-in-4 of reaching 85, for a female).

A UK male currently aged 70 has a 'life expectancy' of 86 years, but a 25% chance of reaching 92 and a 3-in-4 chance of reaching 80 (88, 94, 4-in-5, for a female).

Except those curves also vary for geographic location in the UK. They will also change once the statistics for this year have been collated.

Separately, the (ONS published up until 02Oct2020) mean and median age for COVID-related deaths acrossEngland and Wales are:

Involving COVID-19Due to COVID-19Involving COVID-19Due to COVID-19

Which contradicts the broad hand-waving claim that "the average age of death from the virus is over life expectancy". A statement which in itself is sloppy - not least because even less people die from the virus than they do from the disease it produces (ie COVID), given that a large proportion of the infected are asymptomatic (so the mean/median statistic for such a statement would be even lower).

PS who knows, maybe a real life actuary will be along later to explain more.
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for people who've already gone down the rabbit hole blocking them from reading more probably won't help. and might reinforce their beliefs if they see that "the man" is trying to censor it.
but if prevents new people being exposed to their lies and potentially recruited into the cult, that's got to be a good thing. prevent that harm.

it strikes me as a "shouting fire in a crowded theatre" situation.

Yeah, I'd think the reason is not to change the convinced anti-vaccine/conspiracy people, but to stop the ideas spreading to others. Not generally in favour of measures like this, but I can see why it's come to this.
It’s difficult because banning stuff plays into the idea that they have ‘hidden knowledge’, and that’s attractive / tempting for a lot of people. I think it might be better in the long term just to shoot them.
Exile them for a few years in a country where these diseases are a serious problem. They'd soon change their views I suspect.
Is this her ?

Harks from that thar Islington.

It's probably been posted somewhere already but this thread from a nurse on twitter is something you really need to read.
She is talking about what its like to care for people who are dying of covid and still do not believe that it is real.
Not one or two patients like this, many, who spend their last moments railing against reality instead of phoning their families. It is heartbreaking and also amazing, these are the true believers.

She's here being interviewed after that tweet got a lot of attention:

More 'Freeman of the Land' loons. :facepalm:

Owners of the Mustard Seed in Gedling, Nottinghamshire, cited Magna Carta and common law as reasons to stay open.

On Saturday police officers went to the cafe after reports of a gathering of "40 to 50 people" at the cafe.

Officers arrested the two men for refusing to give their details when officers attempted to fine each of them £200.

Signs in the window say the shop is "under the jurisdiction of common law", and under article 61 of Magna Carta: "We have a right to enter into lawful dissent if we feel we are being governed unjustly."

The owner, who would not give her full name, said: "I'm not doing this because I'm a rebel.

"I don't believe what I am doing is unlawful. I'm standing up for what is right and moral."

FFS, they get this shit from Facebook posts, but seem to ignore later posts about arrests when idiots rely on this bullshit, fucking twats. :D
From this Facebook group.

They seem like a mainly harmless bunch but this illustrates the selfish mind set, my right to park anywhere even a disabled space. Also, someone needs to let them know what genocide means.

"Remember I told you nothing to fear . I tested it . There is a funny little story which happened at 8pm friday night. I parked outside Papantoniou on a disabled spot just for a few min to get a tooth brush. When I got out i saw a police car and a few policemen gathering around my car. They saw me and asked: are you the driver? I said - No. I am not driving I am travelling. One of the policeman said -do you have your ID? Passport ? Driving licence? I said: is it a legal question ? He said yes. I said I don’t answer legal questions.
His face got red. Another policewoman stepped in and said I give you 1 min to answer yes or no. Do you understand? do you have your ID answer yes or no or you get arrested now. I said I DO NOT Consent. I am under the article 61 Magna Carta and since I took the oath all treasonous unlawful acts are null and void. I am a sovereign living woman in a living soil. Chief inspector of Paphos police station has been served a notice by me informing him of my lawful standing under article 61 Magna Carta and it was his duty to inform all his subordinates. Did he inform you ? They looked completely stunned. I have to obey my constitution I continued. You are committing High treason and genocide issuing us fines for not wearing mask or parking at the wrong spot. Its not a law but a treasonous act. Roads belong to people. It's unlawful and I do not consent.
Then I took out my constitutional caution card and started reading out load . People coming out of Papantonio were stopping and listening. It felt good. The policeman was boiling he said you are crazy and stepped on my feet. Ouch..Really painful. I couldn’t believe he did it. He kept pushing me. The policewoman was more patient and listened to every word and was nocking her head when i was reading from the caution card.
The policeman said but you are in Cyprus and we have different law here. I said "no you are part of commonwealth as other 70 countries Cyprus is one of them. We are under common law the only law in effect and you are committing high treason. They said so does it mean you can do what ever you like. I said I am a sovereign and I obey common law which is very simple . As long as I don’t harm anyone and myself and keep peace as per common law constitution Magna Carta which is the only law in effect since it’s invocation in 2001 in the U.K. constitution I am fine. The policeman started getting more aggressive .
I said ok now I am don’t feel safe and I have to record this on my phone. As i started recording and continued reading caution card he lost it and pushed me and snapped the phone from my hands and put in his pocket and said ok now I am arresting you. I said where is your warrant ? Who did I harm ? There must be a victim. it’s a principle of our common law which is the only law in effect since 2001.
The woman said ok we are calling other police officers to come help us to take you to police now. I said "very good. Do it. You will have to drag me there as you have no warrant. And I need the name of the officer on duty who attacked me so I can make a report as he kidnapped my private property - my phone and now you are trying to kidnap me unlawfully. Too bad. You guys took the oath to protect people from all the enemies domestic and foreign and now we need you to protect us from UN, WHO and corrupt government and child trafficers. "I was just doing my job" is No Defence as evidenced in Nuremberg trial.. Consider Nuremberg ". Policeman and policewoman were listening and so are people outside Papantoniou as I continued reading the caution card .
Meanwhile 2 more police cars arrived and 4 more policemen with guns approached me. It was a show. I said "why are you not social distancing guys and not wearing masks ? I hear you fine people 500€ for not wearing mask at work. You are on duty. I need to report this. Btw do you know that it’s us the people who is paying your salary. It’s tax payer money and we do not consent to fines and unlawful rules and acts with masks . People do not consent. You must know that. "
By that time they were confused and looked at each other. I finished reading Magna Carta caution card and said "look I am a living woman in a living soil and I am sovereign. I am under the protection of Magna Carta article 61. I do not consent. I am not going to go till I get my phone back. They said you have to go with us and we give your phone at the police. I said No. I am not going . I didn’t commit any crime and no victim here and you have no warrant. The guy who had my phone said if you give me your ID. I’ll give you phone back. I said "no give me my phone which you kidnapped. I don’t have to give you anything in return. I know my rights I am sovereign . Write me a fine and go. I am not paying it but I need your name to issue you my fine for causing me stress and kidnapping my phone and attacking me.
Other policemen who watched turned around and left. They had funny look on their faces . As if they tried to bully me but it didn’t work. So there was more to loose for them then to gain.
I continued talking out loud on purpose so people can hear me and stop fearing police. I saw the face of Papantoniou manager who got out now and was standing outside watching ( he knew me and he told me he got fined 500€ the other day. when i told him you don't have to pay you should know your rights he said give me your lawyer who can help me pls).
I said "there is a ship out in the sea it’s going to take 35,000 criminals from CYPRUS to Cuba to Guantanamo detention centre where they belong. Including the government . Policewoman said yes I know. I couldn't believe it. I said "so if you know why are you doing this job ? She said listen my dear I have no choice . I said you do. You are risking being prosecuted for committing genocide and high reason with life sentence and stripping off the assets for what ? 20€ an hour job ? Why don’t you resign? She said I can’t.
She told the other policeman - give her her phone. And he did. He wasn't happy. She said: "Look I give you 85€ fine (they didn’t have my name so it was just fine ) and pls pay it in 15 days to avoid problems. I said thanks I will send your friend my fine too.
I need his name pls but you seem like a nice woman.
The guy who kidnapped my phone and pushed me said : fuck you, you are crazy and stood on my feet again. She looked at him and rolled her eyes disapproving. I said to him i will report this.
The energy completely changed. As if they took their masks off and stopped acting. I felt as if the veil was pulled away and suddenly they were just living man and living woman on a living soil. On the same plane as me.
The policeman was still pissed off so when he jumped on his bike he almost went into me and then made a swing. He was angry as hell and pushed me one last time and said fuck you and left. It was almost childish.
I jumped into the car. It got dark now after 10 pm . I didn't eat all day so i was exhausted but I went straight to the sea. I took a long long swim and I felt free and happy.
The universe has our back you guys . Angels , God m, Ascended masters what ever you call them have our back. We are safe, we are well and we are sovereign. Nothing to fear. Believe it and so it will be. And so it is. I am not an expert but i tell you. The veil is pulled. Nothing to fear. Boom!"
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