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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

They moved-on to multi-functional grift:

Hard to tell if this is their wish list or what they’re protesting against?
They moved-on to multi-functional grift:


Artificial wombs sound like a great idea to me. Do these tinfoil twats not realise how fucking harsh pregnancy can be on the body? Plus it would be great for people who are infertile or otherwise unable to physically bear children. But I guess reproductive freedom isn't something these kind of whackadoodles are interested in.

I'm all for synthetic meat. Getting it to work on a mass scale means we won't have to choose between eating bacon and further fucking up the atmosphere. This is only a bad thing if you're a shill for the meat industry.

We also need to end fossil fuels. We've had nuclear power for decades and renewables have become very competitive, especially solar. There's no fucking excuse.
I quite like this re The Spectacle:

We live in a spectacular society, that is, our whole life is surrounded by an immense accumulation of spectacles. Things that were once directly lived are now lived by proxy. Once an experience is taken out of the real world it becomes a commodity. As a commodity the spectacular is developed to the detriment of the real. It becomes a substitute for experience.

— Lawrence Law, Images and Everyday Life

These absoloute free thinkers and Top Researchers are quite unaware that their very psyches are just mirrors of what has been fed them online. The commoditiy in the above is the interaction online, and the profit is made through dvertising and the data - all under the banner of absoloute freedom and autonomy, of course. They have become the algorithym, heads pumped with utter horseshit funneled by multi billion pound social media companies. The worst of them are quite the literal opposite of free thinkers. And in the above quote, there is very little that is "real" in their thinking - they are away from the real in one sense, though the real is everywhere, even in warped thinking. I think I would prefer my real, though, on balance. My head is not filled with this stuff.
A slightly worrying thing is when I'm exploring Brittany in Google Earth, they are quite short of GPs, but "magnétiseur" pops up liberally ... :hmm:
And one of the Bio-coops in the area requested people switch off their mobiles to show respect for "électro-sensibles" ...:)
électro-sensibles would be a great name for a 80s French new wave band.
holy moly about 2 weeks ago I started to see 'use cash" stickers over here too. not that design but same message.
Patriotic Alternative seem to be properly going for the use cash thing as well - mentioned in this article, or to get it straight from the horse's mouth, here is an archived version of a page that I wouldn't want to link to.
After watching the BLM protesters encouraging non-Whites to boycott White owned businesses, I decided to share what I believe all nationalists should do to take the fight back to the people who are really behind this genocidal agenda. What I propose we all do will hurt those behind this, benefit all of society, and crucially, will be at no cost or risk to anybody participating.
The people who hate us and seek our replacement are the same people who own the banks, control our money, and have bought our politicians and government. Now they plan to take our cash and once it's gone it'll never come back. If we lose access to cash, we have lost our inalienable right to private property and freedom. Money is 50% of all transactions in a modern economy.
Electronic money can be turned off, just like YouTube, PayPal or Patreon. Think that can't happen? It happened in Sweden. Banks hate cash and have done everything they can to stop us using it for the last 40 years. Banks have to buy notes and coins. They also have to pay people to manage it, guard it and fund the infrastructure to enable its distribution; high street banks and ATMs, etc.
Electronic money is much cheaper and easier for them. It's also under their control all of the time.
Electronic money also gives them a malign influence over the political opinions of their customers. Think of all the right wing social media broadcasters who have been doxed and defunded recently! If we lose cash, we don't just lose the ability to broadcast, we lose the ability to live. With one click of a button you will be reduced to a non-person. No food, no shelter and no life in a modern society.
Governments hate cash because it allows privacy and freedom from their control. We can use cash for things they cannot tax, track or seize.
For now, everyone has in their power the means to do something about it, but the window of opportunity is closing fast. We have to act in sufficient numbers to keep cash.
Almost makes me want to never touch cash again, just to spite the Nazi ratfuckers. Although my local shop prefers it when I use cash to top up my leccy meter, so I guess I'll stick with it for the time being.

For various reasons, cash isn't going to disappear any time soon. But I'm sure these fucking goons and their fellow travellers will claim credit for the persistence of cash.
Has anyone pointed out it’s to stop drunk drivers and boyracers from careering off the road when they drive recklessly through sharp bends in the road?

And there has been a national upgrade programme going for literally YEARS now because the steel rope-style barriers are proven to be safer/more effective and less resource-demanding than the old Armco-type barrier, for enclosed vehicles at least.

For those who subscribe to Qanon anonymous premium podcast there's a good episode this week looking at the trajectory of Bridgen's slide down the rabit hole. A mixture of misguided, misdirected arguing against mainstream medical opinion. Seeming inability to judge sources and motivations. Possibly fuelled by anger over various personal life stuff.
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