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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

A shame they can't devote their energies to the real shite that's going on.
Darn, I'm now going to have to investigate antivaxers in France ...
My prejudices suggest there will be a large Gilets Jaunes dimension ... though they're massively into "organic" over there - while ignoring multiple elephants in the room as is so often the case with this sort of thing ...
A shame they can't devote their energies to the real shite that's going on.
Darn, I'm now going to have to investigate antivaxers in France ...
My prejudices suggest there will be a large Gilets Jaunes dimension ... though they're massively into "organic" over there - while ignoring multiple elephants in the room as is so often the case with this sort of thing ...
France is generally quite vaccine-sceptic, but not as militantly as here.
France is generally quite vaccine-sceptic, but not as militantly as here.
A slightly worrying thing is when I'm exploring Brittany in Google Earth, they are quite short of GPs, but "magnétiseur" pops up liberally ... :hmm:
And one of the Bio-coops in the area requested people switch off their mobiles to show respect for "électro-sensibles" ...

I was glad yesterday to spot at least one lovely big cellphone tower :)
A slightly worrying thing is when I'm exploring Brittany in Google Earth, they are quite short of GPs, but "magnétiseur" pops up liberally ... :hmm:
And one of the Bio-coops in the area requested people switch off their mobiles to show respect for "électro-sensibles" ...

I was glad yesterday to spot at least one lovely big cellphone tower :)
Oh, they love their alternative practitioners there. Things like sophrologie, homeopathy and naturopathy are a big deal. Oddly, counselling less so (so far as I can tell).

They just don't seem to weaponise it in quite the way we do. And they're all basically just fancy names for "placebo effect", anyway :)
I mean, we’re past the point of the pandemic, in the news at least, and the govt don’t care if you get vaccinated or not at this point. Which begs the question what are they even protesting about?
Any ideas who organised this event?

No, I was just there briefly as the other half has a low tolerance for spectating lunacy. I assume they were heading for the BBC up the road.

The overall theme I saw was concern for the future health of people who have been vaccinated lol. And the govt conspiracy to get people jabbed.

I too was under the impression that the action was now all shifting to 15 minute cities being a way of heralding the hunger games or something. But clearly there is life in the old antivaxx dog yet.
I mean, we’re past the point of the pandemic, in the news at least, and the govt don’t care if you get vaccinated or not at this point. Which begs the question what are they even protesting about?
Any ideas who organised this event?
would love to ask them: what freedoms exactly have you lost?

The only one I can see that's tangible is that you have to book now to go to the science museum, instead of rocking up.
As I have repeatedly commented.
NONE of the antivaxers ever acknowledge that the AZ vaccine was DNA-based and as such is far more open to the "changes your DNA" accusation - it at least gets into the cell nucleus ... they of course don't actually give a shit about how the tech works...

In other news my new neighbour is a Cambridge-educated advanced composite materials scientist so I will at some point be able to ask him about all-things graphene :thumbs:
Very "white rose" looking this one!
Same font and template and sticker size!
This is in Cardiff
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