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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

I saw a clip of Hatie Cockpins on Novara Media, talking about 15 minute cities, making out like that means that the local council is about to turn Oxford into a cross between a Chinese special economic zone and North Korea. That you'll need your ID card and go through a turnstile to see your nan who lives in one of the other zones and if you don't have that you'll be shot. Even worse, some idiots actually believe it! I'm done with the alt right, really done. Whether it's boomers being scared of new renewables technology (electric anything) on Facebook, or nutters throwing a shit fit about LTNs.
There's a great thread on Twitter about the 15 minute city urban myth. In my lifetime, let alone so many lifetimes on this forum, we had 15 minute cities: the local shops on the estate or near a park, where we'd sit and eat the fresh sandwiches and cakes we'd just bought.

The advent of out of town shopping centres and the like killed what we already had, convenient shopping, schools and parks within walking distance. It's being weaponised by idiots who have been defeated on everything else and don't have anything else to be angry about.
I think they're gonna have to rebrand it before they even start planning to improve our cities, now that the alt right have their teeth in it.

I honestly don't think the likes of Hatie Cockpins are looking for attention from us, it's the alt right in the States that they're trying to trigger/frighten to death for Youtube hits and £££ from that. As you say, many of us in UK already live in a 15 min city. I do, I don't need to leave my town for most things, everything is within a 5 min drive or a 15/20 min walk. No one has tried to shoot me for going to see my siblings in the next town. When I lived in Tottenham it was the same. Everything I needed was there. I fully expect the local tattoo parlour in my town to be all over this one, they have had FOTL statements in the window since the pandemic.
However, if you fancy a laugh, there's a thread about turning Southend into a 15 min city on their Facebook group, it's not going down well at all.
Double Down news seem to be skirting the edges of going anti-vax...
Well they let Aseem Malhotra do a video for them, thats about the extent of it so far. I'll have to wait and see whether any sort of pattern emerges in future that would actually let me characterise them in that way, or whether this was just an opportunistic one off.

Theres a bunch of opportunistic angles that sections of the left could pick up on, few of them are really totally immune in theory to every possible variant of the 'weaponisation' of vaccine issues, especially when there are longstanding concerns about big pharma to fall back on. And longstanding narratives about the mainstream political game being rigged via narrow mainstream media angles on every topic that has a political component. I suppose it requires some discipline on the part of any entity or individual claiming to represent a sane alternative not to be tempted to make use of various pandemic stuff to spin their usual angles, and as time goes on more are failing in this respect. As the enormity of the acute pandemic phase fades, people can revert to type, revert to standard angles, standard propaganda, standard overly simplistic rallying cries.

The 'weaponisation' is especially unfortunate because it makes it hard to discuss nuanced details and all manner of future possibilities without getting associated with heavily polarised and recklessly oversimplified positions. In theory aspects of our immune system and the way the virus evolves could one day lead to a somewhat suboptimal situation, where some downsides to the nature of the vaccination programme and some detail of how it influenced the course of the pandemic and long term public health might become more apparent. If we ever have that sort of situation, it will be important to talk about it sensibly. But if we do ever end up there then every binary shit that positioned themselves to be 'anti' vaccine will try to claim that the situation is 'proof that they were right all along'. A stance that will be incompatible with the complex realities, a stance that requires them to have consistently overlooked all of the upsides of these vaccines, a pathetic cherrypicking exercise that ignores what the last few years would have been like without those vaccines.
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I was dismayed to see there's an ARTE programme about vaccines that I don't feel like watching based on the YT comments ...
These were being left under every windscreen wiper on Teignmouth seafront on Saturday. I removed and binned all of them. My son was disappointed nobody challenged me as I had told him i would be rude to anyone who complained, sadly the only people who commented on the flyers or on me taking them, seemed to agree I was doing the right thing.

Posted here ftr

View attachment 363068
Almost certainly the leafleters were on a day trip from Totnes

The pink print on black background is a nice touch
Well they let Aseem Malhotra do a video for them, thats about the extent of it so far. I'll have to wait and see whether any sort of pattern emerges in future that would actually let me characterise them in that way, or whether this was just an opportunistic one off.

Theres a bunch of opportunistic angles that sections of the left could pick up on, few of them are really totally immune in theory to every possible variant of the 'weaponisation' of vaccine issues, especially when there are longstanding concerns about big pharma to fall back on. And longstanding narratives about the mainstream political game being rigged via narrow mainstream media angles on every topic that has a political component. I suppose it requires some discipline on the part of any entity or individual claiming to represent a sane alternative not to be tempted to make use of various pandemic stuff to spin their usual angles, and as time goes on more are failing in this respect. As the enormity of the acute pandemic phase fades, people can revert to type, revert to standard angles, standard propaganda, standard overly simplistic rallying cries.

The 'weaponisation' is especially unfortunate because it makes it hard to discuss nuanced details and all manner of future possibilities without getting associated with heavily polarised and recklessly oversimplified positions. In theory aspects of our immune system and the way the virus evolves could one day lead to a somewhat suboptimal situation, where some downsides to the nature of the vaccination programme and some detail of how it influenced the course of the pandemic and long term public health might become more apparent. If we ever have that sort of situation, it will be important to talk about it sensibly. But if we do ever end up there then every binary shit that positioned themselves to be 'anti' vaccine will try to claim that the situation is 'proof that they were right all along'. A stance that will be incompatible with the complex realities, a stance that requires them to have consistently overlooked all of the upsides of these vaccines, a pathetic cherrypicking exercise that ignores what the last few years would have been like without those vaccines.

Yeah, I did say skirting on the edges. Might be a one-off, but it is a very odd choice.
Almost certainly the leafleters were on a day trip from Totnes

The pink print on black background is a nice touch

That was my first thought but there are plenty of messed-up conspiracy freaks in Paignton too so couldn't decide :D I think I ID'd their van at one point but without any people in it I couldn't be sure. Paths may cross at some point in the future, if they're flyering I suppose they're committed enough to do it again.

proof vaccines are dangerous :thumbs:
I saw another video by "Dr" John Campbell pop up in my feed, claiming that mRNA has been found in the blood after 28 days post-vaccination. I've reported it to YouTube as misleading, but I doubt they'll do anything. Took a look at the comments in a private window (in the hope that will prevent my recommends from getting completely fucked up), and it was really infuriating to see all the people swearing off vaccines because of the absolute fucking bullshit being pushed by this fucking charlatan.

Campbell is an absolute piece of shit, chasing views by spreading misinformation.
claiming that mRNA has been found in the blood after 28 days post-vaccination
Rather missing a lot of pertinent information.

This was observed in <10% of their cohort of recently vaccinated, immunosuppressed persons. One whole sequence was found in one person 5 days after vaccination. Otherwise all other results were fragments of mRNA. Yes - you'll find a vast zoo of fragments of mRNA in your blood, not least from your own body cells. You are encountering/producing them all the time - your immune system and exosomes are dealing with them, chopping them up and then they are disposed of.

The paper is largely concerned with the implications this has for better fine-tuning mRNA vaccines and the parallels with Hep-C serology in their chronic patients. They end by clearly stating:
it should be emphasized that our data does not in any way change the conclusion that both mRNA vaccines are safe and effective.
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Rather missing a lot of pertinent information.

This was observed in <10% of their cohort of recently vaccinated, immunosuppressed persons. One whole sequence was found in one person 5 days after vaccination. Otherwise all other results were fragments of mRNA. Yes - you'll find a vast zoo of fragments of mRNA in your blood, not least from your own body cells. You are encountering/producing them all the time and your immune system is dealing with them, chopping them up and then disposing of them.

The paper is largely concerned with the implications this has for better fine-tuning mRNA vaccines and the parallels with Hep-C serology in their chronic patients. They end by clearly stating:


That's exactly what I was thinking; I remember reading that mRNA itself is very fragile/unstable which is why the mRNA vaccines need to be kept at low temperatures. So after a month I'm thinking that any mRNA detected would pretty much have to be entirely endogenous in origin.
I saw another video by "Dr" John Campbell pop up in my feed, claiming that mRNA has been found in the blood after 28 days post-vaccination. I've reported it to YouTube as misleading, but I doubt they'll do anything. Took a look at the comments in a private window (in the hope that will prevent my recommends from getting completely fucked up), and it was really infuriating to see all the people swearing off vaccines because of the absolute fucking bullshit being pushed by this fucking charlatan.

Campbell is an absolute piece of shit, chasing views by spreading misinformation.
Grifters like this are a self selected group. They haven't got the moral fibre to reverse it once the dollars start piling in. Totally invested without a shred of humility. That's why whenever I read about them them the only real word that comes to mind is degenerate. They become gross. Gross humans. I know it's a problematic term but it still comes to mind when I see these cunts pushing endless videos of utter horseshit. You have greed, ignorance, narcissism, wrecklessness all in one tidy package. Degenerates no?
Thing is I don't loose respect for any serious argument that's carefully and thoroughly done, whether it's from the left or the right. But when it's just this monitised churn we see now...urgh
Thing is I don't loose respect for any serious argument that's carefully and thoroughly done, whether it's from the left or the right. But when it's just this monitised churn we see now...urgh

For me, it just seems so goddamn easy to poke holes in the typical tinfoilers' hobby horses. A common thread throughout is the fundamentally untenable nature of the conspiracy required, which would by necessity involve hundreds of thousands to millions of conspirators and wouldn't remain a secret past lunchtime.
For me, it just seems so goddamn easy to poke holes in the typical tinfoilers' hobby horses. A common thread throughout is the fundamentally untenable nature of the conspiracy required, which would by necessity involve hundreds of thousands to millions of conspirators and wouldn't remain a secret past lunchtime.
they're ALL in on it though, in the pay of Big Farma :mad:
Wasn't claims about the vaccinated "shedding the virus" one of the very first manifestations of anti-vaxxterism, right back at the beginning of all this?

Yes, anti-vaxxers half-read about "viral shedding" which happened with oldschool "live" polio(?) vaccinations, and have applied them to modern mRNA vaccines, even though the technology involved is decades apart and vastly different.

They also claim that mRNA vaccinations can change your DNA and make you transhuman (I fucking wish!), which displays a fundamental ignorance about mRNA and what it actually does.
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