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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

My friends fallen in love with some dude, I haven’t met him yet, he sounded fine until she said he’s not vaccinated (by choice not for medical reasons).
This whole thing has become a big deal for me, to such an extent that I think he must therefore be a conspiracist and or a selfish arse. I think I’m being extreme but can’t help it, which makes me sad. It’s not even about the vaccine at all really I just think, what other explanation is there, and my brain jumps to 50 50 he’s an antisemite etc. . Idk if this will be how it goes forever now, that I judge people massively on this one choice they made. I wouldn’t judge him for having a face tattoo but this I do. It’s shit.
I’ve got a couple of mates and a colleague who aren’t vaccinated. I don’t judge them on it. They aren’t conspiracy theorists or at least not with me so 🤷‍♀️
What business is it of mine?
Yeah fair enough like I said I know I’m being extreme. I’m completely zero tolerance of conspiracism and I think anti vaccine people are basically conspiracists all of them, if you don’t mind a bit of that in friends then it’s fine.

Feel shitty about it though. I really want to like the guy because she’s a very close friend.
Yeah fair enough like I said I know I’m being extreme. I’m completely zero tolerance of conspiracism and I think anti vaccine people are basically conspiracists all of them.
I know one of them was in the process of becoming a Spanish resident during Covid and Brexit and wasn’t registered with a doctor so wasn’t able to I don’t think. The other two are a bit on the religious bent I think. But neither were wailing loons.
I've got 2 friends who aren't vaccinated. Neither are conspiracy theorists, but both are a bit bonkers about health stuff; organic food, fad diets alternating between vegan/gluten free/somthing else, alternative health advocates, etc.
And you're friends with them!! Might have ro reconsider my opinion of you. :D
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I've got 2 friends who aren't vaccinated. Neither are conspiracy theorists, but both are a bit bonkers about health stuff; organic food, fad diets alternating between vegan/gluten free/somthing else, alternative health advocates, etc.
Yeah but their reason for refusing the vaccine was basically, all the doctors & scientists are lying or all the doctors & scientists are wrong and we know more wasn't it. So for me that crosses the (very common) line from alternative health to conspiracism.

I know a bunch of not-vaxed hippie-ish people, old friends etc (its not that i refuse to speak to them or anything ) but significantly lost respect for them all through this one choice they made. And they are, all of them, conspiracists, of varying degrees of extremity.
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These were being left under every windscreen wiper on Teignmouth seafront on Saturday. I removed and binned all of them. My son was disappointed nobody challenged me as I had told him i would be rude to anyone who complained, sadly the only people who commented on the flyers or on me taking them, seemed to agree I was doing the right thing.

Posted here ftr

This guy who my friend's fallen madly in love with, his anti-vax reasons will quite likely (hopefully) just be the 'health' type reasons, cos he's a vegan.
But even if its 'just' that, and he doesn't also think that all vaccinated sheeple fell victim to an evil plot, even if its just that it will come along with the idea that he knows better than the entire medical establishment apart from some select people he saw on on youtube.
My suspicion trigger is very sensitive these days ...
Quite frankly it's one whiff of "Keto" or "evil seed oils" and I know there's likely to be Peterson and Rogan and worse down the line ... ditto "organic", "GMO" ""Monsanto" ...
And then there are Vegans who downplay the Shoa in the context of animal welfare - the notable case I encountered was also fully antivax - from Wakefield days and had all their fillings replaced ...
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This guy who my friend's fallen madly in love with, his anti-vax reasons will quite likely (hopefully) just be the 'health' type reasons, cos he's a vegan.
But even if its 'just' that, and he doesn't also think that all vaccinated sheeple fell victim to an evil plot, even if its just that it will come along with the idea that he knows better than the entire medical establishment apart from some select people he saw on on youtube.


Someone I know was just a bit hippie with all the health and food stuff and then they went out with a proper anti-vax loon, and they adopted it wholesale and lost lots of friends in the process and haven't come back from that world even though they split with the bloke.

My friend jokes she should make up t-shirts with the slogan, "Beware of old hippie men!" on them. I think she might be right tbh.
Its a weird thing. I was completely happy and excited for her until she mentioned his antivax thing yesterday, and now have this giant conviction that i'm not going to like him. There's not many single bits of info that would have that impact on my assessment of a complete stranger.
Like even "he drives a baby blue porsche" or "he's a reiki healer" they'd be bad but not this bad.
Dr Igor Cetojevic and his 'slice of bread against the belly test' springs to mind
I suppose if governments can blow millions on explosive dowsing kits, it's understandable that civilians can fall for this nonsense - millions after all believe in miracles and the power of prayer - and that is regarded as normal...
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Someone I know was just a bit hippie with all the health and food stuff and then they went out with a proper anti-vax loon, and they adopted it wholesale and lost lots of friends in the process and haven't come back from that world even though they split with the bloke.

My friend jokes she should make up t-shirts with the slogan, "Beware of old hippie men!" on them. I think she might be right tbh.
I know someone who was a bit of a crusty Green type (into big jumpers and folk music and real ale) who's gone full conspiraloon.

Apart from all the antivax stuff, he started posting pro-Assad content/videos (great guy apparently, it's all Western lies). When I asked him wtf he was on, he told me I'd fallen for the lies and propaganda. Fuck knows what he's onto now. :mad: :(
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