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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

It appears some anti-vaxxers have been pulling some bullshit where they show people shaking 'as a result of the vaccine'. However I can see relatively few of their messages on twitter because the phrase 'thanks Pfizer' has instead been hijacked by rather a lot of people taking the piss out of them.

Just one example:

And, to be fair, quite a lot of people with medical knowledge pointing out exactly why the symptoms being performed cannot be genuine. :)
"The atrocities committed by our government"


And this from last year. Wow. What a fucking cunt (From Mail, hence screengrab)

"Doctor" John Campbell strikes again ...
Well at least I've got one thing in common with him these days. The lack of focus on excess deaths has been an utter disgrace. And Whittys statins explanation was worthy of mocking if taken in isolation (though its not such a hideous point if its just taken as being one of numerous factors, all worthy of drawing attention to).

But that is where the similarities between us end. Because Campbell repeatedly talks absolute shit in his recent video on this subject, by claiming that covid cannot explain a significant chunk of these excess deaths in 2022.

Actually Covid can explain a big chunk of the deaths, and those who claim otherwise have an agenda to peddle. Recently flu can also explain a chunk too, but cannot explain the phenomenon seen earlier in the year, before the flu wave ramped up. Other factors include the state of our healthcare system, and there have certainly been headlines in recent months about how many deaths might be down to the emergency care & ambulance situation in this country. Likely we can include some other factors too, including some effect from delayed treatments during the most intense period of the pandemic.

If you take all of these factors together, along with a few other that I have failed to mention, then I dont think the excess deaths being seen are surprising or require additional explanations. But of course the likes of Campbell are not interested in building that sort of complicated picture, because they are interested in insinuating that vaccines are the real explanation.

As it happens I will keep an open mind on an ongoing basis as to whether any impact of vaccines could ever turn out to be part of this large, messy picture. But I can do that without buying into the disgusting bullshit that is being peddled. Beware of anyone who seeks to come up with a single explanation for excess deaths in this era.

I suppose I'm reasonably well positioned to refute the propaganda because I've been trying to draw attention to the excess death picture for a lot longer than the likes of Campbell, and unlike him I've got no reason to prevent that the number of Covid deaths has become insignificant from 2022 onwards.
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"The atrocities committed by our government"


And this from last year. Wow. What a fucking cunt (From Mail, hence screengrab)

View attachment 360698

What a fucking wreck.

"What am I doing now?" You're accelerating down the rabbit hole mate and are an embarrassment. Also the pride of it all "giving the voice to many" blah blah. For all the "I'm so reasonable" patter it's conspiratorial lunacy if you suss out the hidden implications. Just what are you trying to suggest, matt, you fucking lunatic?
This is how people are radicalised, and I use that word deliberately. People who feel lost, who know they have gaps in their knowledge but prefer easy answers to sitting down to learn, people who society haven't protected or guided. Le Tissier probably doesn't really understand what he's blathering about; he just feels lost because the gang of post-football names doing the TV studios and after dinner circuit doesn't include him so he's found a group of "friends" who seem to like having him around.

It's so dangerous. How many young lads did we lose to the BNP? The EDL? Same terms. Same easy solutions. Same "look over there" mentality.
This is how people are radicalised, and I use that word deliberately. People who feel lost, who know they have gaps in their knowledge but prefer easy answers to sitting down to learn, people who society haven't protected or guided. Le Tissier probably doesn't really understand what he's blathering about; he just feels lost because the gang of post-football names doing the TV studios and after dinner circuit doesn't include him so he's found a group of "friends" who seem to like having him around.

It's so dangerous. How many young lads did we lose to the BNP? The EDL? Same terms. Same easy solutions. Same "look over there" mentality.
but with an added twist - those radicalised by the far right had (wrong and horrific) arguments, somewhat based in reality. not right at all, but with actual tangible conceptional things such as skin colour, nationalism, identity, class, etc. i.e. they were extrapolating (wrongly) from their own perceptions, i.e. "i don't like teh way my town has gone, only white person on the bus" etc. so whilst this is a horrible, wrong, inhumane argument, reality can meet reality somewhat. "why don't you like these people? What is it that makes them different? Are they human beings to you? What does class and power have to do with you argument?" there is actual grounds for a discussion. I have over teh years actually had this with talk with racists, and it's a two way thing, and i have seen shifts and changes, some ditching the mentality all together. It's possible.

But THESE guys, such as Matt there, - their thinking is actually about things that are not actually there - they are drawing conclusions from the void, actually just projecting their own fears and miseries onto thin air. That's what makes it so frightening. It's like a position in which there are no entry points, because any movement you make toward an entry point is just seen as a result of brainwashing, a brainwashing by a thing that isn't actually there in the first place.
the public ones are absoloute masters at the "oh so reasonable" patter, the total affectation of reasonableness. when they are rolling it all out, pay attention to the hidden implications of what they are saying and suggesting. It'll send a shiver down your spine. of course they are going to be using every cell in their body to come across as reasonable, every man types. but truly give time to what they are implying.
Also an interesting thing is that once you're into the conspiritoral view, it's almost impossible to concede anything, because any concession, such as "the media, though powerful adn run by elites, are not in on it" then the entire world view falls down. Why wouldn't the lizards whip the media in line? any concession means the whole thing crumbles. So they are extremists in the truest sense.
Also an interesting thing is that once you're into the conspiritoral view, it's almost impossible to concede anything, because any concession, such as "the media, though powerful adn run by elites, are not in on it" then the entire world view falls down. Why wouldn't the lizards whip the media in line? any concession means the whole thing crumbles. So they are extremists in the truest sense.
I usually point out that if Icke and Jones et al are such a threat to the rulers of the world then why are they still alive where others have perished and leave it at that. Either a penny will drop or it won't.
This is how people are radicalised, and I use that word deliberately. People who feel lost, who know they have gaps in their knowledge but prefer easy answers to sitting down to learn, people who society haven't protected or guided. Le Tissier probably doesn't really understand what he's blathering about; he just feels lost because the gang of post-football names doing the TV studios and after dinner circuit doesn't include him so he's found a group of "friends" who seem to like having him around.

It's so dangerous. How many young lads did we lose to the BNP? The EDL? Same terms. Same easy solutions. Same "look over there" mentality.
I see merit in the "lost, lonely. traumatised, disimpowered" argument, especially disimpowerment - and that probably explains many of those who get radicalised by this horse shit. But I alway see merit in the "arrogant, narcissistic, vain, with an incredibly over-inflated sense of one's own intellectual and knowledge ability" argument too. i know it's all a bit simplistic, but i still think there's a certain almost incompherensive arrogance and hubris to many of them. Too special for lockdowns, to0 logical and all-seeing to believe in the nonesense churned out by scientists at Harvard, Imperial, the NHS, etc.
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arrogant, narcissistic, vain, with an incredibly over-inflated sense of one's own intellectual and knowledge ability . . . there's a certain almost incompherensive arrogance and hubris to many of them.
That very well describes a fair amount of people who post to these forums from my experience, and I'd just add generally unpleasant and that they chat a load of absolute shit half the time.
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