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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

If there is a grand conspiracy, it's the people behind creating these conspiracy theories. They are nearly always rightwing and against making people's lives better.
Either that or the kind of people who are susceptible to conspiracy theories are also susceptible to being right-wing.

Again, a bit of both - Some of the conspiracy theories are old ones resurrected/reworked and some at least I first came across in a more left wing context back in the 1980s/early 1990s. Also the fear of phones/tech etc I can remember the days when that as much more common in a left wing context - Listening/tracking "devices" and all that. You may even still be able to find very old threads on the subject here!

It also may reflect the interests/involvement of a lot of weapons-grade Christian fundamentalism.
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I was chatting about this last night with a friend in the context of climate change. We agreed that due (in part) to this lot there's going to be a good amount of push back to any climate related mitigation brought in, and that could be really problematic and cause all sorts of complex divisions.
They won!! :D Of course Dr Aseem Malhotra believes his father was killed by an mRNA vaccine, and in his twitter bio says his posts don't constitute medical advice

Screenshot 2023-01-15 at 09.31.42.png
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FFS, what were the BBC doing having Dr Aseem Malhotra on for an interview?

The BBC has come under fire from scientists for interviewing a cardiologist who claimed certain Covid vaccines could be behind excess deaths from coronary artery disease. Experts have criticised Dr Aseem Malhotra’s appearance on the corporation’s news channel on Friday, accusing him of pushing “extreme fringe” views, which are “misguided”, “dangerous” and could mislead the public.

Scientists have described the doctor as “hijacking” an interview on statins to air his views, causing BBC staff to be “alarmed and embarrassed” by their booking. Malhotra recently retweeted a video by the MP Andrew Bridgen, who had the Tory whip removed on Wednesday after comparing the use of Covid vaccines to the Holocaust.

Guardian link.

BiB - that could have been avoided if they had checked wikipedia before booking him.

His views on diet and health have been criticized by the British Heart Foundation as "misleading and wrong", and his public questioning of the need ever to use statins has been condemned as a danger to public health. His "Pioppi diet" was named by the British Dietetic Association as one of the "top 5 worst celeb diets to avoid in 2018". During the COVID-19 pandemic, Malhotra published a book called The 21-Day Immunity Plan, which claims that following the diet can quickly help people reduce their risk from the virus; such claims are not backed by medical research evidence. Despite initially campaigning for the COVID vaccine, he later campaigned against the use of COVID mRNA vaccines contrary to the available evidence.

wiki link
I was chatting about this last night with a friend in the context of climate change. We agreed that due (in part) to this lot there's going to be a good amount of push back to any climate related mitigation brought in, and that could be really problematic and cause all sorts of complex divisions.
Yes this is very much part of the picture. There are all sorts of people out there who notice changes happening that they dont like, and they come up with their own distorted version of reality that can explain it.

Sometimes even the dots that they join in a dodgy way do have a link in actual reality, just not quite in the fashion they think. For example I believe that some of what happened with peoples habits, travel and working from home in the pandemic has ended up acting as a catalyst for change that was going to happen anyway due to climate change and an energy transition that will change much about our ways of life and what is normal in 20 years time.

covid & anti-vax conspiracy theorist sentenced to 6 ½ years for plotting firebomb attacks on communications & media infrastructure.
luckily he appears to have been quite incompetent and boasted in channels observed by the police before getting a far as any action.

note: headline is not "Oliver Letwin"; I did a double take at that.
Now this is depressing



It appears some anti-vaxxers have been pulling some bullshit where they show people shaking 'as a result of the vaccine'. However I can see relatively few of their messages on twitter because the phrase 'thanks Pfizer' has instead been hijacked by rather a lot of people taking the piss out of them.

Just one example:

Ah here is an article that explained how this sort of meme burst into life at the weekend.

Ah here is an article that explained how this sort of meme burst into life at the weekend.

It appears some anti-vaxxers have been pulling some bullshit where they show people shaking 'as a result of the vaccine'. However I can see relatively few of their messages on twitter because the phrase 'thanks Pfizer' has instead been hijacked by rather a lot of people taking the piss out of them.

Just one example:

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