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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

The Venn Diagram would look like it had been drawn by a Spirograph. Men who are suddenly into meat only diets and go on rants about there truly being 50 brand names of sugar; men who are sceptical or down right conspiratorial about vaccines; men who aren't as pro-LGBT as they once appeared (always listen out for 'I don't mind gay men on TV usually but.....'); men who venture into men's rights talk when given the opportunity.
The Venn Diagram would look like it had been drawn by a Spirograph. Men who are suddenly into meat only diets and go on rants about there truly being 50 brand names of sugar; men who are sceptical or down right conspiratorial about vaccines; men who aren't as pro-LGBT as they once appeared (always listen out for 'I don't mind gay men on TV usually but.....'); men who venture into men's rights talk when given the opportunity.

Rather than a Venn Diagram, I'd see it more as the spread of a parasitic plant from host to new hosts.
Exactly who is supposed to represent "masculinity" ?
Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson ?

This might give a hint:


This seems to be the thread for all things loonery so here's this

I think we have established threads for flat-earthers and moon landing conspiracists but if he's an anti-vaxxer too, then fair enough. They are all melding together.
There is a thread i started somewhere about insane conspiracy theories such as “birds aren’t real” and “Finland isn’t a real place, it’s all sea - Russia made it up so they could keep all the fish there - the clue's in the name”
Lemme see if I can find it
The "mud flood" / Tartaria thing is particularly dismaying - probably most popular with people who have never experienced the change from one century to another - where 1890 might as well be ancient Egypt ...
My pet UK YT chemtrailer and covidiot posted from the airport the other day on their way to the USA and I jokingly complained that they would be dumping on my house from 30,000 feet - but it seems they now claim it's only military aircraft doing it ...
The "mud flood" / Tartaria thing is particularly dismaying - probably most popular with people who have never experienced the change from one century to another - where 1890 might as well be ancient Egypt ...
My pet UK YT chemtrailer and covidiot posted from the airport the other day on their way to the USA and I jokingly complained that they would be dumping on my house from 30,000 feet - but it seems they now claim it's only military aircraft doing it ...

Not heard of that one before. Yup, it’s pretty bonkers, and reads as if riddled with ignorance. Which it probably is.

E2a and the comments… I’m amazed people that ignorant can even use a computer.
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They’ve been replaced by CIA surveillance drones disguised as birds or something. It was started as a joke experiment to see if people would take it seriously. And guess what?

So it's taken off among the true believers, has it? I really wish people would stop with these painfully unfunny "joke" conspiracies. I would have thought the lesson was learned all the way back when the joke Flat Earth groups on Facebook got taken over by the genuine nutters, but apparently some people want to repeat that nonsense?
So it's taken off among the true believers, has it? I really wish people would stop with these painfully unfunny "joke" conspiracies. I would have thought the lesson was learned all the way back when the joke Flat Earth groups on Facebook got taken over by the genuine nutters, but apparently some people want to repeat that nonsense?
I don't think it really has. It's still a joke from Reddit as far as I can see. Redditors often turn up at conspiracy demos with their Birds aren't real placards.

E2a and the comments… I’m amazed people that ignorant can even use a computer.

Barbara Sandlin says:

March 11, 2022 at 4:51 pm

Tartaria was a different ‘Timeline’’ There are many other Timelines in this Matrix Game and some of us are playing in ALL of them. They leaked the Tartaria pictures as a clue to what we are actually experiencing. If you know how to use Kinesiology you can get SOURCE TRUTH KNOWLEDGE. Not just Matrix lies.

I would love Barbara to come for tea one evening. It would be so much fun.
So it's taken off among the true believers, has it? I really wish people would stop with these painfully unfunny "joke" conspiracies. I would have thought the lesson was learned all the way back when the joke Flat Earth groups on Facebook got taken over by the genuine nutters, but apparently some people want to repeat that nonsense?
I think they’re very funny
So it's taken off among the true believers, has it? I really wish people would stop with these painfully unfunny "joke" conspiracies. I would have thought the lesson was learned all the way back when the joke Flat Earth groups on Facebook got taken over by the genuine nutters, but apparently some people want to repeat that nonsense?
I always found interesting how Jones slated Icke's Lizard theories. Like it's fine to bullshit and grift but don't push it too far, there's money to think about.
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