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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

Mate if mine had just the two and won't have any more because he reckons that's all he needs. He's not a conspiracy theorists but does believe in ghosts/spirits.
it's totally unsurprising that hippy wellness woo types are prone to antivacs and other conspiracies and smuggly dismissing the normies

And no, I'm not saying all vegans are like that at all. But you know the type I mean.
Mate if mine had just the two and won't have any more because he reckons that's all he needs. He's not a conspiracy theorists but does believe in ghosts/spirits.

I got family members who won't have the vaccine. For no good reason IMO but not for conspiracy reasons either. A mate also refused the booster as he felt quite rough on the vaccine, had covid too. Can't really fault his thinking on that seeing as seems you can just keep getting it.

This is a very retro post feels like. Very early 2022.
My neighbour won't get vaccinated because he thinks the government is experimenting on Black people - I think his reasoning is flawed, when it comes to the vaccine at least, but I doubt anything I could say would change his mind.
My neighbour won't get vaccinated because he thinks the government is experimenting on Black people - I think his reasoning is flawed, when it comes to the vaccine at least, but I doubt anything I could say would change his mind.
The problem is that governments do have a documented track record of doing exactly that. That’s the thing with treating populations like things, they tend to get wary of your motives.
My friends fallen in love with some dude, I haven’t met him yet, he sounded fine until she said he’s not vaccinated (by choice not for medical reasons).
This whole thing has become a big deal for me, to such an extent that I think he must therefore be a conspiracist and or a selfish arse. I think I’m being extreme but can’t help it, which makes me sad. It’s not even about the vaccine at all really I just think, what other explanation is there, and my brain jumps to 50 50 he’s an antisemite etc. . Idk if this will be how it goes forever now, that I judge people massively on this one choice they made. I wouldn’t judge him for having a face tattoo but this I do. It’s shit.
you don't have to judge his entire personality on this one view. It's how it sits in wider things, as you say - how his overall outlook is. take for example my mate who i have wanged on about on here enough - we would be talking in our group whatsapp about how we were scared for our older parents and he would butt in with sheep emojis. his last words to teh group chat "if any of you get that poison in your arms, i will never speak to you or your families again." we all blocked him then, after 6 months of the most rabid feed from him where he was so clearly teh special one, able to call his closest mates sheep. he was on a spiral that was actually horrifying to watch.

that's one end of teh spectrum and requires swift action for anyone who has an ounce of integrity - i.e. to fuck him off as quickly as possible.

but this dude, his anti vax outlook might be quieter, non-judging of those who took the vaccinne. it might be based on all sorts of subtle ideas he has. it might just be a small fleck in an otherwise great personality.

you're right, it's hasty to judge. humans are complex and human connection can happen despite the small amount of political thoughts taht might run through our heads. arseholes are often clearly arseholes. my mate had turned into one. this guy might not have. you will know when to truly judge and to act.
These were being left under every windscreen wiper on Teignmouth seafront on Saturday. I removed and binned all of them. My son was disappointed nobody challenged me as I had told him i would be rude to anyone who complained, sadly the only people who commented on the flyers or on me taking them, seemed to agree I was doing the right thing.

Posted here ftr

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we all predicted they would start projecting onto environmental issues.
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Its a weird thing. I was completely happy and excited for her until she mentioned his antivax thing yesterday, and now have this giant conviction that i'm not going to like him. There's not many single bits of info that would have that impact on my assessment of a complete stranger.
Like even "he drives a baby blue porsche" or "he's a reiki healer" they'd be bad but not this bad.
probably because we have just come out of a global pandemic where millions died and protecting others was paramount. don't judge your judgement, it's an entirely appropriate response. but as old JC said hate teh sin not the sinner. there's more to people than a few views they have. my attitude now if i meet one in real life, which i do occasionally, is "let history be the judge" - because it will. and we will have seen to be on the right side of it. in a sense freeing me from the need to correct/educate, etc. they've chosen their side, i've chosen mine - lets forget about it and move on.
If you're some hippy-dippy weirdo then I am definitely judging you for it. I reject Christianity and its slave's and enslaver's morality, so I feel no need to hold back on that account.

This idea that we shouldn't listen to our gut instincts about other people is to ignore one of the few areas in our modern lives in which our gut instincts have evolved to help us survive.

Besides, you can always change your mind later on when new evidence comes to light. Perhaps when you get to know a person better, your view of them may change from that initial impression.
If you're some hippy-dippy weirdo then I am definitely judging you for it. I reject Christianity and its slave's and enslaver's morality, so I feel no need to hold back on that account.

This idea that we shouldn't listen to our gut instincts about other people is to ignore one of the few areas in our lives in which our gut instincts have evolved to help us survive.

Besides, you can always change your mind later on when new evidence comes to light. Perhaps when you get to know a person better, your initial impressions may change.
yeh, "listening to teh body", though it sounds a bit woo, is incredibly underrated in society in my view. It is providing as much info as our thoughts are - i get this at football sometiems when i am say trapped in a train carriage of hooligans. my body is telling me to get away, not my thoghts. my thoughts are mainly blank or trying to get rid of the feelings. but its because i am surrounded by violent people, or people with teh potential for violence flaring up. the nerouvs system is trying to tell us something. people ignore it even in situations like dating, sex, etc which to me is sad. why is my body so tense? must be somethign wrong wtih me, etc. eh, not necessarily. the body might be tense because it knows to get the hell away!
i have no times for hippies these days. that's all from covid i think. i can't be arsed to work throgh it. in my mind i project onto them russel fucking bongo brand, and i can't help it. and i don't care. life's too short.
BigMoaner said:
we all predicted they would start projecting onto environmental issues.
Oh it's been happening for years (HAARP, chemtrails), but this is the first time I've seen 'anti-capitalist' used as a criticism. Till now the conspiracy crap I've seen has broadly been sympathetic to an anti-capitalist stance but these flyers are explicit that 'anti-capitalism' is the unwanted aim, essentially disguised behind ecological concerns. This to me is a somewhat new development and I have to say kind of welcome. It's easier to argue with people who believe anti-capitalism to be a bad thing than with people using anti-capitalism as camouflage, IYSWIM
Oh it's been happening for years (HAARP, chemtrails), but this is the first time I've seen 'anti-capitalist' used as a criticism. Till now the conspiracy crap I've seen has broadly been sympathetic to an anti-capitalist stance but these flyers are explicit that 'anti-capitalism' is the unwanted aim, essentially disguised behind ecological concerns. This to me is a somewhat new development and I have to say kind of welcome. It's easier to argue with people who believe anti-capitalism to be a bad thing than with people using anti-capitalism as camouflage, IYSWIM
yeh i suppose it is a hook that has grounds in reality, rather than there an evil cabal behind it all. which that flyer does suggest, so it's back to square one in that instance.
judgement is built into human thought. that i like that pizza and don't like that one, that i prefer sun to rain, etc. it's gonna happen. i think we are told we have to reach this kind of divine non-judgy state but it's impossible cos it's actually built into teh structure of thought itself. coming out of a millions-killing pandemic we are gonna be judgy. i have no inclination time or energy to try and correct that. obvisouly we all need to move on from it though.
Billionaire anti-capitalists. How the fuck does that makes any sense? The only reason billionaires even exist in the first place is because of how capitalism allows wealth to concentrate in the hands of an individual. Of course there are a lot of companies who are pushing for the "service model" to replace the "product model" of doing business. So that more and more end-users are forced to pay a perpetual subscription for everything, instead of just paying once for a product. But that's not collectivism, that's rent-seeking.

"Zero emissions means no private vehicles" - no it fucking don't! How the fuck can anyone say such nonsense at a time when almost every major car manufacturer offers a vehicle with an electric drivetrain?
My friends fallen in love with some dude, I haven’t met him yet, he sounded fine until she said he’s not vaccinated (by choice not for medical reasons).
This whole thing has become a big deal for me, to such an extent that I think he must therefore be a conspiracist and or a selfish arse. I think I’m being extreme but can’t help it, which makes me sad. It’s not even about the vaccine at all really I just think, what other explanation is there, and my brain jumps to 50 50 he’s an antisemite etc. . Idk if this will be how it goes forever now, that I judge people massively on this one choice they made. I wouldn’t judge him for having a face tattoo but this I do. It’s shit.
Seriously? Wow!

Antisemite for not having any jabs?

Yes, you are being extreme, sort yourself out. Seriously.
I had very little choice of where to live 38 years ago when I ended up here.
I have a Tesco within 100 yards and an Aldi at 170 and I can get a week's bulky plant-based shopping home on foot in two Ikea totes.
Today I'm walking two miles - to a deli and back for things I can't get locally - something I only need to do every couple of months... I usually cycle...

Only recently I've come to realise how fortunate I am as even in this high density Victorian neighbourhood there are plenty for whom the week's shopping is considerably less convenient. I don't know how families or the infirm manage - I suppose that's why grocery delivery is so popular ...
Seriously? Wow!

Antisemite for not having any jabs?

Yes, you are being extreme, sort yourself out. Seriously.
I think you're overreacting. I got the clear sense from Bimble's post that she's very aware of her mind jumping to judgement, not that she's actually directly accusing them of being an antisemite.

Are you sure your reaction isn't more about your perception of an implicit criticism of vaccine-averse people in general?
I think you're overreacting. I got the clear sense from Bimble's post that she's very aware of her mind jumping to judgement, not that she's actually directly accusing them of being an antisemite.

Are you sure your reaction isn't more about your perception of an implicit criticism of vaccine-averse people in general?
Not an overreaction, no.

A sadness maybe that people really think that, possibly.

Either way, I'll just leave it at that.

Edited to say: Apologies to bimble, didn't mean to sound that harsh.
These were being left under every windscreen wiper on Teignmouth seafront on Saturday. I removed and binned all of them. My son was disappointed nobody challenged me as I had told him i would be rude to anyone who complained, sadly the only people who commented on the flyers or on me taking them, seemed to agree I was doing the right thing.

Posted here ftr
I saw a clip of Hatie Cockpins on Novara Media, talking about 15 minute cities, making out like that means that the local council is about to turn Oxford into a cross between a Chinese special economic zone and North Korea. That you'll need your ID card and go through a turnstile to see your nan who lives in one of the other zones and if you don't have that you'll be shot. Even worse, some idiots actually believe it! I'm done with the alt right, really done. Whether it's boomers being scared of new renewables technology (electric anything) on Facebook, or nutters throwing a shit fit about LTNs.
These were being left under every windscreen wiper on Teignmouth seafront on Saturday. I removed and binned all of them. My son was disappointed nobody challenged me as I had told him i would be rude to anyone who complained, sadly the only people who commented on the flyers or on me taking them, seemed to agree I was doing the right thing.

Posted here ftr

View attachment 363068
Why is Devon getting a 20 minute neighbourhood when everyone else is only getting 15? :hmm:
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