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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

They just can't help themselves ...
He looks like "Little Britain" ...
The photos and videos are going to be comedy gold every time he opens his mouth ...
Maybe this is his grand finale ...

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Bylines has done a good piece, well worth reading, on 'Why Do Anti-Vaxxers Hate Drag Queens? The Far-Right Infiltration of Conspiracy Movements1'

The first indication of a far-right presence in the anti-vaxx movement came via links to the Workers of England Union (WEU) which appeared in February 2021.

Run by Robin Tillbrook, a lawyer and leader of the English Democrats Party, the WEU offered legal representation for those whose refusal to vaccinate had cost them their jobs.

Tillbrook himself has a long-standing professional association with the neo-Nazi group Patriotic Alternative (PA), whose leader Mark Collett also jumped on the anti-vaxx bandwagon, with PA posting supportive messages for the movement in almost every group within the anti-vaxx network.

A 2020 Hope Not Hate report on PA acknowledged the movement as “[providing] leadership… to the young, politically homeless”. The report also noted that “PA attempts to present a more ‘respectable’ public face that belies the extremeness of its actual politics” and that Collett’s aim was to “start packaging what we do in a way that will make it saleable”.

Appearing sympathetic to the anti-vaxx movement is the most recent incarnation of this saleability. Having successfully got a jackboot in the door, they are now free to promote their transphobic agenda to an active army of ‘useful idiots’, genuinely convinced their children are at risk and oblivious to the lies, manipulation and propaganda.

As the pandemic has become less of an issue, trans people have become the far-right’s newest target.

While it’s unlikely the majority of those in conspiracy groups have any personal grievance with the trans community, having become captured by far-right ideology over the vaccines, they are being radicalised into action against the LGBTIQ community.

Brent Lee is a former conspiracist who spoke to us about his 13-year journey into and out of such groups and highlighted the role of political ignorance in their acceptance of the far-right.

Meanwhile Mark Steele's crew is still on the 5G causes covid, and other illnesses, mission.

Cunts to the left of me, twats to the right. Here I am stuck in the middle with you.
Somehow I’ve had this posted through my door. I certainly didn’t ask for it. Loonspud News basically

View attachment 335961

Having just moved house could this be something to do with the former occupants. I would like to get my address if their mailing list if I can but don’t want to do anything that gives them my contact details
Don't you want to know The Uncensored Truth? :rolleyes:
Somehow I’ve had this posted through my door. I certainly didn’t ask for it. Loonspud News basically

View attachment 335961

Having just moved house could this be something to do with the former occupants. I would like to get my address if their mailing list if I can but don’t want to do anything that gives them my contact details
pass it on to a neighbour with a cat, they'll be very grateful
They have piles of The Light at the Exeter Distillery bar, along with similar libertarian conspiraloonary slogans dotted about the place. 'I'd rather live in dangerous freedom than peaceful slavery' was the most risible one considering the many people around the world experiencing genuine slavery rather than being encouraged to have a vaccine or whatever is they've got their knickers in a twist about.
Fucking hell, Piers 'the prick' Corbyn has turned-up. :facepalm:

Plenty of people chanting, 'nazi scum off our streets'. :thumbs:

sad thing is I know people who went down the hole who are now mates with PC and think he talks a lot of sense / is very brave. Oh, and they see themselves and PC as radical left wing.
If this doesn't show them what sort of mess they got themselves into, they are truly gone.....
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