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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

Hahaha, "fighting age men". What a divot!

Someone should go down with an old cheque book and start handing out cheques to the counter demonstrators, his tiny mind would explode.

Funny enough I spotted an old RSB cheque book in a draw this morning, I switched from them years ago, so if I lived nearby, I would take up that suggestion. :thumbs:
Mad Mick told the cops this morning, at the first library, that he expected 100-150 to turn-up in support, later he mentioned there were 6 of them, and later again, 10 of them, so another total failure.

Meanwhile, at the third library today, he's still acting like a complete tit, not only are the counter protestors being paid a £100 a day, but some are undercover cops now, as if he's that fucking important. :facepalm: :D

Why the filth cant drag this arse off for a night in the cells baffles me, is it just coz they are lazy? when it all turns nasty and kicks off it will be their fault
BBC story:
Bristol Drag queen children's story hour disrupted by protests

It includes this :

Who's behind the protests?​

Alistair Coleman & Shayan Sardarizadeh, BBC Monitoring
These library protests have not come out of the blue.
They've been planned on social media by known groups who have switched from anti-lockdown and anti-vaccine protests to evidence-free claims that these events are being hosted by "paedophiles" and "child groomers".
The personalities behind the demonstrations in Bristol and Reading are well known figures on conspiracy theory-based social media groups.

Many of them are known for attending protests outside Covid vaccination centres, attempting to shut them down with baseless claims that vaccines are killing people.
Among them are Alpha Men Assemble, a group of so-called Sovereign Citizens who believe they have the right to opt out of laws to which they do not consent, and swear in members as "Common Law Constables."
Others represent a far-right group known as Independent Nationalist Network, which includes former members of the BNP and Patriotic Alternative.
Figures such as Tommy Robinson (real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon) and Jayda Fransen of Britain First, who recently polled 23 votes in the Wakefield by-election, have thrown their weight behind the protests.
Honestly no patience for these fucking mouth breathing dickheads. I don’t care if theyre, confused, vulnerable or whatever. Mock them, bin them off.
personally think they are not really any of those things, for a lot of them, a lot of the time. i think some people honestly just think they are special. it's a deranged narcissism. to think you ahve some how got the truth over global scientific consensus is fucking wild. W.I.L.D.
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