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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

Fucking hell, BBC 2 unvaccinated is a horror show of conspiraloon ignorance

The scientists being incredibly composed in the face of batshit loonery and British street level lack of education. Emotion and conspiracy over logic science and statistics
Fucking hell, BBC 2 unvaccinated is a horror show of conspiraloon ignorance

The scientists being incredibly composed in the face of batshit loonery and British street level lack of education. Emotion and conspiracy over logic science and statistics

Mrs Shoes thought it might be amusing to watch like that netflix flat earther show. She was wrong
Fucking hell, BBC 2 unvaccinated is a horror show of conspiraloon ignorance

The scientists being incredibly composed in the face of batshit loonery and British street level lack of education. Emotion and conspiracy over logic science and statistics
Having to put up with such desperate, pathetic, irrational nonsense - like having an exchange with belboid, or any other cheerleader of the labour left for that matter.
I read about this but don't think I can be naffed watching it. If some of them are able to change track with whatever persuasion, on the telly, then it might be worth a punt. The alternative is just depressing tbh.
10 minutes of handbags at Charing Cross nick. Wouldn't be my first choice of police station to storm. Gonna need a few more nobheads for that.

Absolute rabble, they all love the sound of their own voices so much no one can hear anyone else.

From 1.56 - I think it's that bloody guy again, that hangs out with Piers Corbyn and was in this video. 😡
Imagine having to sit with an utter cunt like that and listen to his fucking deluded garbage.
It's just the sort of thing that latterly made me realise I didn't miss my vocation as a copper - it's all a bit "clean up on aisle three" ...

EDIT:- just realise HE was a copper - doubtless they found something to do that he couldn't fuck up ?
I am a writer who studies human behaviours and crafts my characters accordingly.

I was born and bred in Birmingham, where Elimination my upcoming novel is set. I spent fifteen years serving as a police officer before retiring with PTSD, aged 45, because of the horrendous events I witnessed while in the job. Prior to joining the police force, I was a county court certificated bailiff for eight years. Now at 52 years, and the father of two daughters, I spend part of each year in Thailand, where my girlfriend lives.

tick tick tick all the boxes ...
A bunch of anti-vaxers inc. Michael Chaves, together with some Alpha Men, and other assorted loons, attempted to 'arrest' a drag queen who was booked to read to children at Reading Library today.

tweet about loons attempting to arrest a drag queen

twitter thread about them with lots of videos

there's always been a lot of sexual shadow stuff going on since these groups started and all the linked pipelines. weird projections onto the state, individuals etc about child molesting, etc.
they are the perfect fit for the word degenerates. intellectual, moral, degenerates. not had a civic-minded or humble bone in their body since teh start. extraordinary.
A fully clothed person reading books to children is apparently sexual to these depraved shitheads?
What's so frustrating is that the UK has a grand tradition of Drag, cross-dressing, and pantomime dames, and they've always been accepted without any bother at all.

What's happened, suggested above, is years of "always online" has hypnotised the nutters into adoption of far-right, far-fringe loony bin theories from America. There's never been any "Drag queens are paedophiles" scare stories in the UK, there would be no pantomimes for one thing.

Adopting QAnon bullshit into the UK has poisoned people's minds. It won't stop here. It'll only get worse.
What's so frustrating is that the UK has a grand tradition of Drag, cross-dressing, and pantomime dames, and they've always been accepted without any bother at all.

What's happened, suggested above, is years of "always online" has hypnotised the nutters into adoption of far-right, far-fringe loony bin theories from America. There's never been any "Drag queens are paedophiles" scare stories in the UK, there would be no pantomimes for one thing.

Adopting QAnon bullshit into the UK has poisoned people's minds. It won't stop here. It'll only get worse.

the old guard is over. I've got into the habit of reading the Sunday Times every week. yes, i know murdoch is a cunt. but the times will out live him.

the opinion pieces are right wing, but teh paper itself covers all sorts of issues, poverty, LGTBQ issues, race, etc. IT has depth and variety. I hate to say it, but it's a bloody good newspaper. Teh idea that they would start slinging around homophic or racists slurs, or write articles on how the poor deserve it or something, is just not there. Maybe that's left for the mail and telegraph.

the point i am making is that news like that and news consumed in that way is pretty much over as the steerers of discourse and culture. Finished. and what are we handing it all over too? The screaming, lunatic paranoid masses on youtube, tic tok, and elsewhere. I listen to mainly left wing stuff on youtube, and even my youtube shorts are filled with grifting right wingers.

i suppose you just have to have faith in humanity to sort it all out. but the change is dramatic. i personally don't think people have ever felt so isolated, despite the constant connection. it's like the internet has given us insight into "what lurks beneath" everyone, the stranger on the street etc. maybe this is healthy, i don't know. but as for the discourse? what discourse? have you been online recently? it's wild out there. but people are smart, most of my friends are hyper aware of internet toxicity. just have to choose wisely where attention is being directed. and teach kids too as well.
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