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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

Apparently the venue is some home schooling drop out of society thing run by an Ex BNP couple. Quelle surprise.
it's riddled in red flags, teh whole thing. i bet PC plod a lot of other organisations have a close eye on it. they virtue signal with all kinds of peace and love memes totally unaware that's how must cults start - why would they start as anything else? dodgy as fuck.

Seems Piers Corbyn sees the next evil state oppression to fight is Low Emission Zones (and car insurance), and has managed to get his car seized as a result, the twat.

Mr Corbyn, who was wearing a yellow shirt inscribed with “Resist! Defy! Do not comply!”, signed a ticket issued by the police for driving without insurance.

So, he didn't resist or defy, and just complied. :facepalm: :D
From the link just above :

Article said:
added: “It’s not a protest, it’s a meeting by the Just Stop all the Mentally Deficient Maniacs, so we’re going there to say where they’re talking b******s and ask for some sense.”

Do you mean your own lot, Mr Corbyn? :p :D
Will have to un friend him on Facebook now 🙄
I don't know if this has been brought up already but apparently Rampling used to be in the NF back in the day, I shit you not. He's apparently been seen with NF tats. Has now removed all sign of racist shite from his social media but was harping on about Muslims and refugees before. He was also known as a racist who used the N word from his days in the Surrey Casuals sccotter club. Not the only person connected to the old club scene with far right views either from what I hear.
Boris Johnson's ousting is apparently a plot to implement another lockdown in the autumn.

Johnson has really been a difficult one for them hasn't he. During lockdown they had to make out he was part of the evil conspiracy despite him bending over backwards to do as little as humanly possible. Now he's off of course getting rid of him is the conspiracy.
Johnson has really been a difficult one for them hasn't he. During lockdown they had to make out he was part of the evil conspiracy despite him bending over backwards to do as little as humanly possible. Now he's off of course getting rid of him is the conspiracy.

At least they’re not going down the route of child sacrificing blood drinking vampires being behind it I suppose.
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