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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

No real library would ever contain so much rubbish.
There is evidence that we absorb less information when we read it on a screen rather than on a physical page.
Use of the Web promotes inattention. Many people skim. Many people cannot sit still and read without pressing keys.
Children can now be bullied in their own bedroom, thanks to modern technology.
I think that the Web, as it now is, acts to exacerbate narcissism
No real library would ever contain so much rubbish.
There is evidence that we absorb less information when we read it on a screen rather than on a physical page.
Use of the Web promotes inattention. Many people skim. Many people cannot sit still and read without pressing keys.
Children can now be bullied in their own bedroom, thanks to modern technology.
I think that the Web, as it now is, acts to exacerbate narcissism
Are you my late father ?
Decided there was "nothing for him" on the Internet - got all he needed from The Torygraph ...
I got my first PC at home around the time he turned 70 ...
(though as a techie in a university I was using it from Unix mainframe and USENET days ...)

Nothing wrong with skimming if you do it right.
I learned to read very early, but when I move to my new home I doubt I will take any books. (I haven't read the few I own in decades - but then I also don't watch broadcast TV)
In Baccalaureate land I will be regarded as functionally illiterate :D
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That article is not really supported by the details of the studies themselves (which is kind of fair enough, because the claims made in the abstracts of the studies are also not really supported by the studies). The studies are here (the article itself has a broken link):

Basically, they use a self-report survey to test for “need for uniqueness”, which I would place as a dubious construct in its own right. But whatever, because even based on this construct, they then find the faintest of possible correlations between their construct and belief in conspiracies (under the artificial conditions of the test). It’s a correlation that could easily be explained by other known aspects of conspiratorialism, frankly. And then they extrapolate from that tiny correlation to all kinds of interpretations.
Bumped into some hippy I knew years back, in Newton Abbot town centre yesterday. He gave me flyers for his new radio station...

http://radio dartmoor.com

It's so obviously an anti-vax bullshit thing I didn't even stop to talk, just went 'well thanks then, good luck' and went on my way.

Anyway I broke the link but if you want pain and anger, hit them up and have a listen. Devon knows how they make em so stupid...

(eta, just checked again and it was a pair of hippy women pontificating about 'standing in your truth' and living your dreams. Trying to be grateful, positive about having five fingers etc and not get drawn into negativity about war and poverty etc. Unbearable smug, apolitical crap, I lasted a minute or so)
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hang around hippies enough and you do get a sense that, yes, they have outthought western science. there#s that hyper special shit going on with many of them. no wonder so many have been sucked into the same camps as trumpists, qanon and the far right. too precious and spiritual for anything doctors/medical institutions say.
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