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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

an intersting change is salaried vs grifting.

so take your average say Times or Guardian journo - they will often be salaried, pay check each month, pension, etc. the pressure for him to provoke constantly is off. he can be that little bit more explorative, he will know that as long as he pretty much toes the line, he will still be in a job next week.


the grifter - his income is based entirely on his view count. the more views he gets, teh bigger the ad revenue and the bigger teh sponsers. he wants you to keep coming back, to share the link, to feel angry because angry feels good because it's self righteous anger, so he ignores the explorative and goes straight for the thing that will make you angry or, even better, make the other "side" angry.

there was some bloke talking about his youtube channel. he said that after a year of monetising, he was making 10s of thousands a month. after that year, it was 100s of thousands of a month. some bloke with a youtube channel probably far out earning any local newspaper channel. and they are everywhere, mainly right wing. this is what the immediate future looks like, hope it changes.
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Feel free to be angry about them as often as you like.
i saw my best mate since 5 (we are both now 40) ruin his life over this. loose all his friends. went from a bloke whose main interests were golf and football, to going on marches and texting us that we were peadophile enablers. true story.

i was a bit obsessed for months on how he got there. took a deep dive and reported heavily on this thread, but luckily the obessesion is waning. he's gone. i don't think he's got in him to actually look inside a bit. that's another feature of conspiracy types in my view - they cannot for some reason look within and see where they might be wrong. all very interesting (and worrying) on many levels.
What's so frustrating is that the UK has a grand tradition of Drag, cross-dressing, and pantomime dames, and they've always been accepted without any bother at all.

What's happened, suggested above, is years of "always online" has hypnotised the nutters into adoption of far-right, far-fringe loony bin theories from America. There's never been any "Drag queens are paedophiles" scare stories in the UK, there would be no pantomimes for one thing.

Adopting QAnon bullshit into the UK has poisoned people's minds. It won't stop here. It'll only get worse.

Clearly this poison is everywhere to some extent, but something only dawned on me earlier in a FB post largely aimed at the Tories in my family - thankfully so far as I know only in the generation above mine. :-

Perhaps for context these people should take a look at the USA where Joe fecking Biden apparently has an "extreme left agenda".

I think this may be one of the appeals for me in spending the rest of my life in a country up to its FIFTH republic - speaking what is in some ways a "minority" language - hopefully clearing my head of the "noise" that dominates the lingua franca...
If you want me, I will be in Monet's garden at Giverny, listening to Debussy's piano music...
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I really miss the days when idiots and narcissists were sidelined, rather than being weaponised and monetised.
This is the “nutshell” explanation I’ve been looking for to describe the Sophie Corcoran’s, Darren Grimes and Rachel Riley’s of Twitter

Who starts them off. Who takes them aside and explains they can get paid but hated for pimping right wing shite
This is the “nutshell” explanation I’ve been looking for to describe the Sophie Corcoran’s, Darren Grimes and Rachel Riley’s of Twitter

Who starts them off. Who takes them aside and explains they can get paid but hated for pimping right wing shite

There's a very beautiful line that they all follow - "we can't say anything these days because of...[some left wing thing]. Then they say that very thing (but often carefully avoiding each (rightly) taboo term like the n word, the f word etc) for years and years, over and over, and make absoloute fortunes. Real, heavy duty money.

We are being oppressed! Look at my 10 bedroom LA mansion!

We need left wingers to start grifting as hard - there are signs of this. I really don't know how to balance out the books any other way. I would not shed a tear if youtube banned all political content. I really don't think the world would be a worse off place. Let it return to boring blog posts were the pennies trickle in. And that trickle might mean that people's values and principles lead instead of being lead by teh huge, huge money to be made on places like youtube and twitch.
editor - i think this forum now has a USP. discussion without grift. there's no "chief provocotuer (sp)" that we all are fighting underneath. We fight for sure, but it's has semblence of debate. This is a healthy online space. Protect it x
Clearly this poison is everywhere to some extent, but something only dawned on me earlier in a FB post largely aimed at the Tories in my family - thankfully so far as I know only in the generation above mine. :-

Perhaps for context these people should take a look at the USA where Joe fecking Biden apparently has an "extreme left agenda".

I think this may be one of the appeals for me in spending the rest of my life in a country up to its FIFTH republic - speaking what is in some ways a "minority" language - hopefully clearing my head of the "noise" that dominates the lingua franca...
If you want me, I will be in Monet's garden at Giverny, listening to Debussy's piano music...

Just a thought I've been having lately.

I think learning other languages is really important in this context. The US, as the largest English-speaking country in the world, tends to dominate the Anglosphere, and the way youtube etc's algorithms work make it far too easy to go from questioning the status quo to looking into the rabbit hole. Of course English is the most widely spoken, and nowadays loads of people across the world at least have it as a second language. BUT if learning foreign languages was encouraged and facilitated and normalised from a young age, then just maybe it would encourage people to access media in other languages, and see the US as less of the norm. Maybe even lots of foreign language programmes with good subtitles. Loads of kids in other countries speak at least some English, even where it's not officially spoken. I think it should be the same for the UK/England. (I know that Welsh and Gaelic are taught from an early age in some schools in Wales and Scotland, and that lots of families are Welsh-speaking in Wales anyway.) It wouldn't just be the language itself, it'd encourage people to look beyond the Anglosphere and learn about other cultures.

It might in itself sound like a wild conspiracy, but I reckon it would help to lessen the perception of the US as some kind of standard. Like I said, just a thought.

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One of the attendees yesterday was spotted wearing a Hope Sussex t-shirt


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Hope Sussex have been mentioned before on this thread. The details of the three day Freedom Music Festival they are holding this weekend are here. Disappointingly Right Said Fred don't seem to be performing although Baby D is, amongst many other delights. There is also to be a 'Spirit Fest' in August.

Richard Bartholomew wrote a blog post about HOPE and some of those involved with it back in June. Their educational project has a somewhat competently designed website full of aspirational quotes, some lifted from other alternative education projects, together with photographs of some of the lucky children they school. I thought schools were a bit more careful about posting photos of their pupils these days but I guess this is all part of the "new way of facilitating learning". Or something.
Richard Bartholomew wrote a blog post about HOPE and some of those involved with it back in June. Their educational project has a somewhat competently designed website full of aspirational quotes, some lifted from other alternative education projects, together with photographs of some of the lucky children they school. I thought schools were a bit more careful about posting photos of their pupils these days but I guess this is all part of the "new way of facilitating learning". Or something.
Squarespace - and they randomly left this placeholder unedited ...


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One of the attendees yesterday was spotted wearing a Hope Sussex t-shirt


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Hope Sussex have been mentioned before on this thread. The details of the three day Freedom Music Festival they are holding this weekend are here. Disappointingly Right Said Fred don't seem to be performing although Baby D is, amongst many other delights. There is also to be a 'Spirit Fest' in August.

Richard Bartholomew wrote a blog post about HOPE and some of those involved with it back in June. Their educational project has a somewhat competently designed website full of aspirational quotes, some lifted from other alternative education projects, together with photographs of some of the lucky children they school. I thought schools were a bit more careful about posting photos of their pupils these days but I guess this is all part of the "new way of facilitating learning". Or something.

One of their 'tutors' looks very like/is Sadie Graham, ex-National Front Sadie — Hope Sussex

Ah, yeah, just seen mentioned in the posts earlier.

From that Twitter thread

View attachment 334697

Such lovely people. 🙁

Patriotic Alternative - Wikipedia

Patriotic Alternative (PA) is a British far-right white nationalist group which states that it has active branches nationwide.[1][3][5] Its stance has been variously described as antisemitic, Islamophobic, fascist and racist.

Patriotic Alternative was founded in July 2019 by the British neo-Nazi[8] and antisemitic conspiracy theorist[9][3] Mark Collett, the former director of publicity of the British National Party.[1] In September 2019, PA held its first conference, with Edward Dutton and Colin Robertson giving speeches, among others.[3]

In October 2020, counterterrorism experts reported that extremist far-right groups including Patriotic Alternative were using YouTube to try and recruit people, including children "as young as 12".

This article from last year shows how far to the right they are. Content warning for extreme racism:

Exposed: Inside far right group Patriotic Alternative
wish there was more shaming of these people. nah instead they will go online and get their crack (validation) online.
I just drove past some shouty megaphone ranting anti vax nutters on the way home at some traffic lights. One of them knocked on my window trying to get me to take a leaflet. I ignored them :D

Banners said something like "resist and don't comply". I'm not sure why they bother. Most people have either had the vaccine already or decided they are not going to. I doubt there are any "undecided" left.
I just drove past some shouty megaphone ranting anti vax nutters on the way home at some traffic lights. One of them knocked on my window trying to get me to take a leaflet. I ignored them :D

Banners said something like "resist and don't comply". I'm not sure why they bother. Most people have either had the vaccine already or decided they are not going to. I doubt there are any "undecided" left.

Piers Corbyn was wearing a "resist and don't comply" T-shirt when police impounded his car, and he signed a ticket issued by the police for driving without insurance.

He didn't resist or defy, and just complied. :facepalm: :D

I just drove past some shouty megaphone ranting anti vax nutters on the way home at some traffic lights. One of them knocked on my window trying to get me to take a leaflet. I ignored them :D

Banners said something like "resist and don't comply". I'm not sure why they bother. Most people have either had the vaccine already or decided they are not going to. I doubt there are any "undecided" left.
It might be an idea to honk to drown the scum out. :)
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