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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

Reading the tweets about the proceedings (Corbyn rolling in late, discharging his representation, attempting some clever-arsed cross-examination of the witnesses), the sense of entitlement these cunts possess is just breathtaking. They really do consider themselves above the law.
of coruse the law though is "in on it". they are above it because they've sucked it into their own paraniod projection.
Bit of good local election news is that round here the covid-loon-freedom party candidates were trounced even worse than last time. Main candidate down to 57 votes from 90 last time and bottom of poll by long way. And this valley sometimes feels full of such 'critical thinkers' so it's always nice to see how tiny in numbers they actually are.
Bit of good local election news is that round here the covid-loon-freedom party candidates were trounced even worse than last time. Main candidate down to 57 votes from 90 last time and bottom of poll by long way. And this valley sometimes feels full of such 'critical thinkers' so it's always nice to see how tiny in numbers they actually are.
Laurie Lee land? :hmm:
Bit of good local election news is that round here the covid-loon-freedom party candidates were trounced even worse than last time. Main candidate down to 57 votes from 90 last time and bottom of poll by long way. And this valley sometimes feels full of such 'critical thinkers' so it's always nice to see how tiny in numbers they actually are.

Meanwhile, here in Worthing...


:D :D :D :D
Bit of good local election news is that round here the covid-loon-freedom party candidates were trounced even worse than last time. Main candidate down to 57 votes from 90 last time and bottom of poll by long way. And this valley sometimes feels full of such 'critical thinkers' so it's always nice to see how tiny in numbers they actually are.
Yep, though as BigMoaner put it in regard to Piles Corbyn, they'll no doubt see it as evidence that the majority they should have got was stolen from them by Big Election.
I'm not going looking for the dodgy claims but here is an article which suggests some have been using outdated documents to talk shit.

I can sadly confirm that a quick search reveals it's all over Facebook :p
i was talking to the security guards at work today (won't say where, but we are very much a uk scientific institution) and he says that Piers corbyn appears, horribly, now adn then, with his microphone, just rolls up and starts shouting. they say he just plays the weary and battered victim when they move him on, but they said there is this guy wtih tatts all over his FACE who they say is horrible, that he circles menacingly, never stops filming them, shoves the camera right in the face of anyone who he talks too, and generally acts like a seethign cauldron of Personality Disorder. it's all pure grift though, isn't it. i doubt morgan has even the coherence of thought to care about anyone, let alone give a shit or believe what he's preaching. it's just a platform. "i've landed, this is my calling, lets see if i can make a living out of it". the fact that the man has been caught red handed taking a bung but still has a sorry sad ass online prescence shows the level of it all. it's one of the worst examples of the culture wars i have ever, ever seen.
Would it be this cheery little chap?
This is the video that sums those people up.
(Horrible Jill Everett doesn't seem to be there for the full horrible house.)

Woman whose dad 'died of COVID' punches man in Piers Corbyn anti-vax protest at London Coliseum

I wonder what happened to that poor woman and absolutely don't blame her for lobbing that punch. Hope someone pays her fine tbh.
The fact that the loon mob aren't everlastingly bleating about it makes me think that the police, uncharacteristically decided to take no further action. I do hope so.
You'd think she'd have a fucking good defence of provocation, lost her dad to coronavirus and the cunt was singing an anti-vax song :mad:
+ "No he didn't."
"Death happens."
"My dad died as well, death happens. I'm very sorry for your dad but death does happen."

The reaction of them all after she whacks him really shows their true colours. Not a shred of empathy or self-awareness. No way are they doing this because they care about people in their own misguided way. It's totally about their over-inflated but fragile egos.
+ "No he didn't."
"Death happens."
"My dad died as well, death happens. I'm very sorry for your dad but death does happen."

The reaction of them all after she whacks him really shows their true colours. Not a shred of empathy or self-awareness. No way are they doing this because they care about people in their own misguided way. It's totally about their over-inflated but fragile egos.
"No he wasn't punched"
"Punches happen"
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