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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

My bar is getting set higher and higher for people I will speculate brain activity on.
I suppose I can let people like that off for simply not being very bright and struggling with the basic science most of us learnt when we were 11 years old.
But I have known people of above average intelligence by any reasonable metric who choose to believe in an alternate reality.
the "it's always been there" angle doesn't quite work for me. It ties up for me with their total mindless and relentless slaughtering of the "main stream meeejjaaaa" - there's a sort of primitave thickness to it where a say New York Times reporter who actually has some degree of respect for the truth is laughed at adn rubbished and deplatformed by huge legions of these twats online. Disturbing. The sharp end of our increasing (at least it feels that way) alienation, atomisation.

Resist. Ridicule. Educate our kids.
Am I the only one who actually finds it physically uncomfortable to watch/listen to these kind of twats? I always end up wishing for a transcript. Reading it is less painful than listening or watching.
didn't read this, but yes see my last post re knot in stomach. it's almost worse than pathology. i breathe a sigh of relief these days when people get political at work etc and they don't start drifting into this shit. even if its the tories at work, at least there's not this.
Also, the mere fact that he presented multiple possible reasons is the giveaway that he doesn't know the fuck what he's talking about.
they are completly unaware of contradictions - in their own thougth and when they share their thoughts in tehir own online safe spaces. if they paid attention beyond their own quasi religious emotions, they would realise that they are all pretty much debunking each other. absoloute madness.
yes indeed but there is a strange fascination about them, and although what they're saying is bollocks it's interesting to watch their utter conviction that what they're saying is the troof :(
they are completly unaware of contradictions - in their own thougth and when they share their thoughts in tehir own online safe spaces. if they paid attention beyond their own quasi religious emotions, they would realise that they are all pretty much debunking each other. absoloute madness.

Yeah I think the power that this stuff has over the people who are into it is it somehow enables you to chuck out any need to wrestle with any actual arguments and revel in your own rightness. Doesn't matter if you're saying two mutually contradictory things, you're still correct. I don't quite understand how you end up down that path but I can imagine it's quite intoxicating tbh.

It's not the only place you can see it though. Certain people on the Bitcoin thread for example are absolutely in that space.
I don't understand why someone would want to wrap themselves up in these fantasies like they're reality. I don't understand why these fantasies are so often frightening nightmares in which the entire world has been under the thumb of an elite cabal for thousands of years; I don't understand how anyone could get any comfort or closure from "knowing" that the vast majority of people are helpless against the machinations of such conspirators. At least the guys who believe that we're being guided from a distance by a benevolent race of aliens have a fantasy that makes sense to me. I too would like it if there was an advanced species out there ready to pull our chestnuts out of the fire, should things get too hairy. I'd be absolutely stoked if medbed technology was real. It would be a modern miracle, a product of the very best that human science and medicine can produce.

But wanting something doesn't make it true. Reality just plain sucks a lot of the time, so I get the urge to try and ignore it. But reality is where all the ultimate "off" switches are located. If you become too cavalier about your relationship with the real world as opposed to the fantasy, then sooner or later said reality will bite your arse, and it might be hard enough to draw blood or even take a chunk out of you.

As happened to many of the folks featured in r/HermanCainAward. Fuck around and find out, indeed.
Last year I met up with my GF from 20 yrs ago. Very intellingent - retired maths teacher - massively motivated, creative and practical person - can put her mind to almost anything. Fully-vaccinated - stood as Labour councillor once - no really crazy shit, but she's lost it somewhat in middle age.
She has "rediscovered her Jehova's Witness roots", but combined it with "Ancient Aliens", spiritualism and Reiki .... :(

So my gut feeling was right about the relationship
I don't understand why someone would want to wrap themselves up in these fantasies like they're reality. I don't understand why these fantasies are so often frightening nightmares in which the entire world has been under the thumb of an elite cabal for thousands of years; I don't understand how anyone could get any comfort or closure from "knowing" that the vast majority of people are helpless against the machinations of such conspirators. At least the guys who believe that we're being guided from a distance by a benevolent race of aliens have a fantasy that makes sense to me. I too would like it if there was an advanced species out there ready to pull our chestnuts out of the fire, should things get too hairy. I'd be absolutely stoked if medbed technology was real. It would be a modern miracle, a product of the very best that human science and medicine can produce.

But wanting something doesn't make it true. Reality just plain sucks a lot of the time, so I get the urge to try and ignore it. But reality is where all the ultimate "off" switches are located. If you become too cavalier about your relationship with the real world as opposed to the fantasy, then sooner or later said reality will bite your arse, and it might be hard enough to draw blood or even take a chunk out of you.

As happened to many of the folks featured in r/HermanCainAward. Fuck around and find out, indeed.

It’s because they haven’t been exposed to other theories like Marxism or whatever. They know something is wrong but don’t have the tools to explain it so kind of easy to fall into far right bullshit. There’s a green version for those who would ordinarily be on the left. Let’s not ever think that the far right are in any way stupid in their techniques.
I thought this was interesting:

About a woman who had binged watched episodes of The Walking Dead, "a post-apocalyptic zombie horror show" and started living it, totally believing people round her were zombies. It turned out her body created a protein that had the same halucinatory effect as PCP.

PCP intoxicates by causing the limbic system, which processes emotions, to function independently from perceptions of the outside world. It causes people to dissociate. Feelings that would normally be kept in check by reality instead become a part of it. Aggression bursts forth, unmitigated, from deep inside the brain. Fragmented memories, often scary and strange, feel convincingly real. At the same time, information about the outside world is muted. Neurons are meant to warn the brain when a body part is in pain instead fall quiet, sometimes permitting violent acts of self-mutilation.

A combination of steroids/drugs cured her.

Not saying this is what's happening with the anti-vaxx zombies but seems to have similar effect.
I thought this was interesting:

About a woman who had binged watched episodes of The Walking Dead, "a post-apocalyptic zombie horror show" and started living it, totally believing people round her were zombies. It turned out her body created a protein that had the same halucinatory effect as PCP.

A combination of steroids/drugs cured her.

Not saying this is what's happening with the anti-vaxx zombies but seems to have similar effect.

It's often speculated on Reddit that the lingering effects of widespread lead pollution are now manifesting themselves in the brains of the generations that lived through the worst decades of it.
I've always seen an overlap between psychosis - both organic and induced, religion and the like.
There was this token racist alt-right Trumptard at work - into bitcoin ... and microdosing ... I'm glad I retired in 2020 so I didn't have to discuss vaccination with him.
He's far too paranoid for Facebook - doubtless spends his time in dodgy right wing places ...

And then there was the online conversation exchange I did with the Bretonne bus driver who was planning to move to the least Welsh town in Wales because of the druids at the end of her garden ...
I don't understand why someone would want to wrap themselves up in these fantasies like they're reality. I don't understand why these fantasies are so often frightening nightmares in which the entire world has been under the thumb of an elite cabal for thousands of years; I don't understand how anyone could get any comfort or closure from "knowing" that the vast majority of people are helpless against the machinations of such conspirators. At least the guys who believe that we're being guided from a distance by a benevolent race of aliens have a fantasy that makes sense to me. I too would like it if there was an advanced species out there ready to pull our chestnuts out of the fire, should things get too hairy. I'd be absolutely stoked if medbed technology was real. It would be a modern miracle, a product of the very best that human science and medicine can produce.

But wanting something doesn't make it true. Reality just plain sucks a lot of the time, so I get the urge to try and ignore it. But reality is where all the ultimate "off" switches are located. If you become too cavalier about your relationship with the real world as opposed to the fantasy, then sooner or later said reality will bite your arse, and it might be hard enough to draw blood or even take a chunk out of you.

As happened to many of the folks featured in r/HermanCainAward. Fuck around and find out, indeed.

I think they're perfectly well aware the oppressive system presents no real threat to them though. After two years of constantly being a twat during a pandemic they've just about managed to give Piers Corbyn a small fine, they're really not knocking on doors in the night.

I don't know, maybe it's a bit like a video game? It's kind of scary in a fun way when a monster is charging at you trying to kill you but at the end of the day you don't feel genuinely frightened because it's not real.
Last year I met up with my GF from 20 yrs ago. Very intellingent - retired maths teacher - massively motivated, creative and practical person - can put her mind to almost anything. Fully-vaccinated - stood as Labour councillor once - no really crazy shit, but she's lost it somewhat in middle age.
She has "rediscovered her Jehova's Witness roots", but combined it with "Ancient Aliens", spiritualism and Reiki .... :(

So my gut feeling was right about the relationship
A lucky escape there, then...
I don't understand why someone would want to wrap themselves up in these fantasies like they're reality. I don't understand why these fantasies are so often frightening nightmares in which the entire world has been under the thumb of an elite cabal for thousands of years; I don't understand how anyone could get any comfort or closure from "knowing" that the vast majority of people are helpless against the machinations of such conspirators. At least the guys who believe that we're being guided from a distance by a benevolent race of aliens have a fantasy that makes sense to me. I too would like it if there was an advanced species out there ready to pull our chestnuts out of the fire, should things get too hairy. I'd be absolutely stoked if medbed technology was real. It would be a modern miracle, a product of the very best that human science and medicine can produce.

But wanting something doesn't make it true. Reality just plain sucks a lot of the time, so I get the urge to try and ignore it. But reality is where all the ultimate "off" switches are located. If you become too cavalier about your relationship with the real world as opposed to the fantasy, then sooner or later said reality will bite your arse, and it might be hard enough to draw blood or even take a chunk out of you.

As happened to many of the folks featured in r/HermanCainAward. Fuck around and find out, indeed.
yeh another good saying is "play with fire and you might get burnt", whcih is a warning to all extremists.

that can apply to all people all the time - life is playing with fire. but fuck if i am going to get burnt by emotionally fusing with Michael on Telegrams cosmic rants.
Last year I met up with my GF from 20 yrs ago. Very intellingent - retired maths teacher - massively motivated, creative and practical person - can put her mind to almost anything. Fully-vaccinated - stood as Labour councillor once - no really crazy shit, but she's lost it somewhat in middle age.
She has "rediscovered her Jehova's Witness roots", but combined it with "Ancient Aliens", spiritualism and Reiki .... :(

So my gut feeling was right about the relationship
People are complicated and can hold contradictory ideas in their head at the same time.

I'd be inclined to cut your ex quite a bit of slack. Although none of it would mean anything to me, I'd see all Jehova's Witness shizzle, Ancient Aliens, spiritualism and Reiki as sort of hobbies. They're not really harming anyone - as you say, she had the sense to get vaccinated, so the reiki wasn't her first line of defence. I'd love the alien chat. She must have a sense of humour.

At least she wasn't into anything properly off the scale like golf.
I don't understand why someone would want to wrap themselves up in these fantasies like they're reality. I don't understand why these fantasies are so often frightening nightmares in which the entire world has been under the thumb of an elite cabal for thousands of years; I don't understand how anyone could get any comfort or closure from "knowing" that the vast majority of people are helpless against the machinations of such conspirators. At least the guys who believe that we're being guided from a distance by a benevolent race of aliens have a fantasy that makes sense to me. I too would like it if there was an advanced species out there ready to pull our chestnuts out of the fire, should things get too hairy. I'd be absolutely stoked if medbed technology was real. It would be a modern miracle, a product of the very best that human science and medicine can produce.

But wanting something doesn't make it true. Reality just plain sucks a lot of the time, so I get the urge to try and ignore it. But reality is where all the ultimate "off" switches are located. If you become too cavalier about your relationship with the real world as opposed to the fantasy, then sooner or later said reality will bite your arse, and it might be hard enough to draw blood or even take a chunk out of you.

As happened to many of the folks featured in r/HermanCainAward. Fuck around and find out, indeed.
in a sad related way an acquaintance of mine who went for all the conspiracy stuff brought on by covid just removed themselves from the planet.
I feel bad that instead of trying to engage I was quite forthwith in telling them "this link is bullshit" and not explaining further (I was very angry angry at the time about all this).
I stopped engaging ages ago when they posted stuff but somehow I feel I failed them.
I too would like it if there was an advanced species out there ready to pull our chestnuts out of the fire
tbh, I'd find it very comforting if the Royals were finally proven to be lizards. Them being humans and acting the way they do is very unsettling for me...
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