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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

i was talking to the security guards at work today (won't say where, but we are very much a uk scientific institution) and he says that Piers corbyn appears, horribly, now adn then, with his microphone, just rolls up and starts shouting. they say he just plays the weary and battered victim when they move him on, but they said there is this guy wtih tatts all over his FACE who they say is horrible, that he circles menacingly, never stops filming them, shoves the camera right in the face of anyone who he talks too, and generally acts like a seethign cauldron of Personality Disorder. it's all pure grift though, isn't it. i doubt morgan has even the coherence of thought to care about anyone, let alone give a shit or believe what he's preaching. it's just a platform. "i've landed, this is my calling, lets see if i can make a living out of it". the fact that the man has been caught red handed taking a bung but still has a sorry sad ass online prescence shows the level of it all. it's one of the worst examples of the culture wars i have ever, ever seen.
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