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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

And they always do that "I'm going to talk bollocks without a pause or chance for you to get a word in" and then protest that you won't debate with them. :mad:

Needs someone to put phone right up in their face and say loudly "you attacked me you're being violent leave me alone don't touch me" when they move it away.
I think what it needs is a phalanx of people who simply and silently surround them, don't engage, and just block them off from other attendees. Completely non-confrontationally - let them push and shove.
any more updates on teh school they (have taken six months) to build? where Steve From Whatsapp is going to head up Sciences etc?
Last I heard, they were launching a petition against Big Brick for insisting that construction materials should be rectangular, thus denying them their right to construct buildings out of marble-shaped pieces of unobtanium...
And they always do that "I'm going to talk bollocks without a pause or chance for you to get a word in" and then protest that you won't debate with them. :mad:

Needs someone to put phone right up in their face and say loudly "you attacked me you're being violent leave me alone don't touch me" when they move it away.
or the literally getting in someones face, shouting bollocks, accusing them of "genocide" and when the other person reacts quite naturally with annoyance and mild aggression it's the "fascism" "oppression" scream back.

they really are the bottom of the barrel. i wish i could think my way into greater understanding of this new and vocal far right sub culture, but i just cant...the word i have found taht most fits them is "degenerate" - moral, intellectual degeneracy. willing to not protect vulnerable people because of your own self assurance - what is that but degeneracy?

anyway, the world moves on.
as you all know i have been spying on this lot since it began and really thinking it through and being fair and trying to be compassionate and seeing the wider picture i still can't help come to the conclusion that they just a bunch of fucking thick dickheads.
this might be discriminatory to fucking other dickheads, so I wanted to set the record straight that they are not aimed at here
I was at a community event for a kids charity in Elephant & Castle yesterday. Guess which uninvited twat tried to gain access to leaflet everyone: Piers fucking Corbyn.
He turned up at a friend's squat eviction, she was rather upset, didn't realise that was where the misteriously appearing climate change fraud flyers must have come from as well.
not one whistleblower. i'd love to hit them with that. all them planes and not one, not ONE pilot, cabin crew etc has cried otu.

these guys 😅😅
And it's totally indiscriminate - it falls on the "elite" as well as the people involved in the cover-up - unless they all get an antidote.
I wonder if anyone has traced it back to its origins ..



Apparently this guy :-

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They're all to scared :( they all know that they'd be disappeared if they told people what was REALLY going on.

All several million of them ...
People who believe in chemtrails tend to think that an aeroplane is only a little bit more complicated than a family car and that it would be easy to stick your hand out the window and spray a cylinder of mystery gas without anyone being any the wiser
Very few loons turned out yesterday for the latest 'Freedom Rally'. :thumbs:

The live music was shit, and there's still a loon banging on about the Magna Carta. :D

not one whistleblower. i'd love to hit them with that. all them planes and not one, not ONE pilot, cabin crew etc has cried otu.

these guys 😅😅
Nor from the designers & builders of the planes, nor the guys n gals that do the maintenance ...

Not for getting the people that make and transport the "chems"

As an aside, there are some "mystery" chemicals on planes, they are made not far from where I am now.
By a firm called K1lfrost - in other words, the de-icer carried by all high-flying jets !
Very few loons turned out yesterday for the latest 'Freedom Rally'. :thumbs:

The live music was shit, and there's still a loon banging on about the Magna Carta. :D

there's a few types isn't there - the well spoken and seeminly educated tory type, "always read the telegraph" but now always reads telegram. the ripped steroid tattoed thick neck, the white person with dreads and baggy clothes, the yoga type with vest on and strictly vegan, the guy with all the banners and teh posters (probably at teh very reaches of the loonesphere). it really is a cross section. a very bad one.
Nor from the designers & builders of the planes, nor the guys n gals that do the maintenance ...

Not for getting the people that make and transport the "chems"

As an aside, there are some "mystery" chemicals on planes, they are made not far from where I am now.
By a firm called K1lfrost - in other words, the de-icer carried by all high-flying jets !
If you wanted to spray chems I would have thought a crop sprayer would be a better bet. Designed to spray chems, fly's closer to the ground so less chance of chems dispersing.
Some wise person on urban a good few years ago pointed out that spraying chemicals from planes is a fucking stupid idea. The chemicals would be hugely dispersed and diluted. Why do "they" not just put them in the drinking water reservoirs?

Also much easier to do without being discovered and far fewer people involved.
Some wise person on urban a good few years ago pointed out that spraying chemicals from planes is a fucking stupid idea. The chemicals would be hugely dispersed and diluted. Why do "they" not just put them in the drinking water reservoirs?

Also much easier to do without being discovered and far fewer people involved.
They've already got the water supply covered with the mind-control fluoride.
I hope my hydroponic porch salad works as hoped so I can lure them in with cascades of watercress and spark conversation locally about "chemicals !!". (lots of raw vegan yoga types around here and doubtless also anti-5G nuts)

I'm tempted to somehow claim I CRISPR-ed my mutant salad or am a secret beta tester for Monsanto ...

I hope they don't come for me with pitchforks and torches.
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Some wise person on urban a good few years ago pointed out that spraying chemicals from planes is a fucking stupid idea. The chemicals would be hugely dispersed and diluted. Why do "they" not just put them in the drinking water reservoirs?

Also much easier to do without being discovered and far fewer people involved.

In the minds of conspiracy theorists, the bad guys always engage in needlessly convoluted and recondite plans, yet at the same time they are compelled to keep leaving "clues" around that can be decoded by Kyle on Facebook or Brett on YouTube. I've heard the tinfoilers argue that the cabal leaves clues as a way of rubbing it in the noses of the woke, or at least that's the excuse I've seen given for the conspiracy leaving all these hints around in the first place.

It's narcissistic shit on multiple levels. The Qtwats think that they're significant enough for the so-called "Deep State" to care about them, while also thinking that they're so much better than the sheep.
I wonder if anyone has traced it back to its origins ..
The idea that aircraft could be a suitable delivery system for spraying general brainwashing chemicals is entirely batshit. But the origins of such ideas are fairly obvious. Actual attempts at cloud seeding led to fantasies about weather modification. The not at all secret images of 20 million gallons of various toxic herbicides being sprayed on parts of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos by US military planes, and the long lasting human consequences of that, not to mention the unintended consequences of the domestic spraying of vast quantities of pesticides like DDT, developed into paranoid nonsense that spraying could be used for distributing mind control chemicals. Chemtrails are fantasy. Dangerous shit being sprayed by aircraft is not.
The Qtwats think that they're significant enough for the so-called "Deep State" to care about them, while also thinking that they're so much better than the sheep.
guy I know is totally convinced he is on some sort of a list and that the state thinks he's some sort of dangerous enemy. because he did a few facebook posts about chem trails and hillary and watches russia today.
thing is, he really is convinced he's woke and doing something for the greater good, and is more than happy to go down for it. martyr complex.
thing is, he really is convinced he's woke and doing something for the greater good, and is more than happy to go down for it. martyr complex.

This is why they they can be so vociferous. They know a great truth that the rest of us have closed our minds to. Going out with leaflets, megaphones and stickers is essential so the rest of can be saved from destruction.
People who believe in chemtrails tend to think that an aeroplane is only a little bit more complicated than a family car and that it would be easy to stick your hand out the window and spray a cylinder of mystery gas without anyone being any the wiser
TBF, a chemical weapon attack can be done via plane. Although they tend to be military rather than civilian jets.
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